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Event Announcement Archive (2005)

The Bay Area Orienteering Club has been holding orienteering events for many years, and this archive of pre-event announcements comes in handy for planning future events. The announcements for recent years are stored on our wiki, and can be viewed below by selecting the year and pressing the reload button (or by following these links: 2025 (, 2024 (, 2023 (, 2022 (, 2021 (, 2020 (, 2019 (, 2018 (, 2017 (, 2016 (, 2015 (, 2014 (, 2013 (, 2012 (, 2011 (, 2010 (, 2009 (, 2008 (, 2007 (, 2006 (, 2005 (

Even older event announcements for the following years are stored in their original format: 2004 (, 2003 (, 2002 (, 2001 (, 2000 (, 1999 (, 1998 (

Please be aware that links to external web sites or email addresses may be out of date. The formatting of the pages varies, due to the fact that this web site has undergone a number of cosmetic changes over the years. If you know the name of the park where the event was held, but not the date, it may be easier to find by using the search box in the upper right-hand corner of this page.


Date Event Name,
Type, and Notes
Event Director
or Contact
Course Setter(s)
Jan. 16
Las Trampas Regional Wilderness
San Ramon, CA
- 925.516.7622 François Léonard
B; All seven courses, plus Long Orange (an Adventure Race training course)
Jan. 23
Burton Creek Ski-O
Burton Creek State Park, Tahoe City, CA
- 408.293.1718,
- 650.793.8764
Thorsten Graeve
Ski-O; White, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Blue courses
Jan. 30
Indian Valley Open Space Preserve
Novato, CA
- 415.895.6039 Ian Tidswell
B; White, Yellow, Orange, & Brown courses; longer advanced course by reservation only
Feb. 6
Royal Gorge Ski-O
Royal Gorge Cross Country, Soda Springs, CA
- 650.793.8764 Matthias Kohler
Ski-O; White, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Red courses
Feb. 12
Emerald Hills
Redwood City, CA
- 206.913.3790 Terry Farrah
C; AFTERNOON White and Score-O courses; night Vampire-O; potluck social
Feb. 26 - 27 Bear Valley Ski-O
Bear Valley, near Arnold, CA
- 650.793.8764 Peter Graube,
Trinka Gillis
Ski-O; Score-O courses on Saturday, point-to-point courses on Sunday
Mar. 6
Point Pinole - BAOC Sprint Championship
Point Pinole Regional Shoreline, Richmond, CA
- 510.779.8808 Steve Gregg
C; BAOC Sprint Championship, plus White, Yellow, and Orange courses
Mar. 8
Board Meeting
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
- 415.681.7075
Club Board Meeting, all members are welcome
Mar. 12
Huddart Park
Woodside, CA
- 650.851.5688,
- 857.361.8984
Mike Fleishman,
Jitka Hiscox,
Brian Kirshner
C; "Come and Try It" event -- White, Yellow, & Score-O courses
Mar. 13
Sacramento Bar, Fair Oaks, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
C; White, Yellow, & Orange courses
Mar. 20
Sunol Regional Wilderness
Sunol, CA
- 925.462.2254 Gary Carpenter
B; All seven courses, plus a Long Orange (Adventure Race training) course
Apr. 1 - 3 Flying Pig IX "A" Meet, Amelia, OH Orienteering Club of Cincinnati (OCIN)
A; 2005 U.S. Short Course Champs; 2005 U.S. Team Trials; 3-day individual USOF meet: Day 1 = Sprint, Day 2 = Short Course, Day 3 = Classic Distance
Apr. 10
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
- 650.248.9595,
Misha Lipatov
Tony Pinkham
C; White, Yellow, Window-O (orange, green, red), and Score-O courses; BAOC Annual Meeting & Election, Course-setting workshop
Apr. 16
Goethe Park, Rancho Cordova, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
C; White, Yellow, & Orange courses
Apr. 17
Joseph D. Grant County Park
San Jose, CA
- 408.878.5073,
- 510.886.7360
Derek Maclean,
Dean French
B; All seven standard courses, plus Long Orange
Apr. 24
Spring Lake Regional Park
Santa Rosa, CA
- 415.456.8118 Scott Aster
C; White, Yellow, Fog, and Sprint Courses
Apr. 29 - May. 3 Surrey Five-O at the World Cup, Guildford, England
A; Public races at the GB round of the 2005 World Cup
Apr. 30 - May. 1 26th Annual West Point "A" Meet, West Point, NY U.S. Military Academy Orienteering Club (USMAOC)
May. 7
Mississippi Bar, Fair Oaks, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
C; White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, and Red courses
May. 14
Briones Regional Park
Lafayette, CA
- 510.658.4327 Penny DeMoss
C; Advanced courses only; No beginner or intermediate courses
Jun. 5
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley, CA
- 510.526.9071 Martin Kunz
C; White & Yellow courses; Prologue + Chase sprint event
Jun. 11 - 12 San Francisco Night & Day Challenge
San Francisco, CA
- 206.913.3790,
- 206.291.8250
Mark Prior (SDO),
Vladimir Gusiatnikov,
Mikkel Conradi
Urban Rogaine; bike or foot; 3, 7, or 16 hours. All start at 4:00 PM Sat. Presented in conjunction with Meridian Geographics.
Jun. 14
Board Meeting
San Francisco, CA
- 415.681.7075
Club Board Meeting, all members are welcome
Jun. 18 - 19 Jukola & Venla Relays, Sippola, Anjalankoski, Finland
Registration deadline May 15
Jun. 18 - 19 Mt Pinos 2-day "B" Meet, Frazier Park, CA Los Angeles Orienteering Club (LAOC)
B; Sprint on Saturday, Classic on Sunday; both might be Pacific Region ranking events
Jun. 25
Burton Creek State Park
Tahoe City, CA
- 916.632.8856 Dwight Freund (GCO)
B; This is a joint BAOC-GCO event
Jul. 10
China Camp State Park
San Rafael, CA
- 415.479.4262 Rex Winterbottom
B; Standard White through Blue courses
Jul. 14 - 17 Gold Rush Trail 3-Day, Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada
A; 2005 Canadian Orienteering Championships
Jul. 16 - 17 Third Annual Seattle Night & Day Challenge Cascade Orienteering Club (COC)
3-, 7-, or 16-hour urban rogaine (street orienteering) on foot or bike
Jul. 17
Joaquin Miller Park
Oakland, CA
- 510.525.1574 George Minarik
B; Standard White through Blue courses
Jul. 19 - 21 Barebones 2005, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Jul. 22 - 31 World Masters Orienteering Championships, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
A; Entry deadline is Friday, May 20, 2005
Jul. 24
Twin Peaks
San Francisco, CA
- 415.681.7075 Mark Prior (SDO)
C; Urban Street-O on BAOC's newest map; 50- or 100-minute Score-O format
Jul. 27
Anthony Chabot Sprint
Anthony Chabot Regional Park, Oakland, CA
- 510.681.6181 Rex Winterbottom
C; Evening Sprint; starts from 6:00-7:00 pm
Jul. 31 - Aug. 6 Scottish 6-Day, near Aberdeen, Scotland
Jul. 31
Dimond Park, Oakland, CA
Dimond Park, Oakland, CA
- 510.681.6181 Rex Winterbottom
Short and Long courses, and "Urban Goat" combination
Aug. 2 - 3 North American Rogaine Championship, Cache Creek, British Columbia, Canada (150 km W of Kamloops)
Aug. 3 - 7 Colorado 5-Day, Lake George, CO Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club (RMOC)
A; 2005 U.S. Night-O and Relay Championships; Prologue & chase sprint; 3-day combined-time classic-distance courses; Night-O; Relay
Aug. 7 - 14 WOC2005 Public Competition, Japan
A; 4-day combined-time long/middle/sprint event; Two 1-day events on WOC courses; Relay
Aug. 10
Bayfront Park Sprint
Bedwell Bayfront Park, Menlo Park, CA
- 408.568.6740 Matthias Kohler
C; Special Wednesday evening sprint event
Aug. 14
Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Boulder Creek, CA
- 831.439.9822 Nick Corsano,
Anneliese Steuben
B; Standard 7 courses, plus Adventure Race (Long Orange) course
Aug. 20
Bayfront Park
Bedwell Bayfront Park, Menlo Park, CA
- 650.321.6216 Kent Ohlund
C; White, Yellow, and two sprint courses (part of the National Sprint Series)
Aug. 20
2005 Western States Championships, Cle Elum, WA Cascade Orienteering Club (COC)
A; 2-Day Individual USOF "A" Meet
Aug. 24 - 25 U.S. Orienteering Team Fundraiser, Bend, OR
Long Sprint (Prolog+Chase - possible 2 "A" events) and Relay
Aug. 26 - 28 Flying Dutchman "A" Meet, Bend, OR Oregon Cascades Orienteering Klubb (ORCA)
A; 2005 U.S. Individual Championships; USOF AGM
Sep. 10
North American 2005 Sprint Series finals, Pawtuckaway, NH
Sep. 11
Coyote Hills Regional Park
Fremont, CA
- 408.313.3753,
- 857.361.8984
Bill Wright,
Jim Fish
C; White, Yellow, and Orange courses
Sep. 17
Shell Ridge Open Space
Walnut Creek, CA
- 925.926.0853 Rob Clima
B; National Orienteering Day "Come and Try It" event with standard White through Blue courses
Sep. 17
Orangevale Park, Orangevale, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
B; National Orienteering Day "Come and Try It" event; by GCO and Casa Roble High School Air Force ROTC
Sep. 18
Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
- 415.453.3679 Vic Revenko
C; National Orienteering Day "Come and Try It" event with White, Yellow, and 2 Orange courses
Sep. 18
Spring Lake County Park
Spring Lake Regional Park, Santa Rosa, CA
- 415.456.8118 Scott Aster
C; National Orienteering Day "Come and Try It" event with White, Yellow, and "Phantom" courses
Sep. 20
BAOC Board Meeting - 415.681.7075
Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- all club members welcome
Oct. 2
Calero County Park
San Jose, CA
- 408.732.4818,
- 408.688.4482
Dan Greene,
Tapio Karras
B; Regular 7-course BAOC event
Oct. 9
Briones Regional Park
Lafayette, CA
- 925.934.6567 Gavin Wyatt-Mair
B; Regular 7-course BAOC event in conjunction with the Scout-O Championships
Oct. 9
Scout-O Championships
Briones Regional Park, Lafayette, CA
- 925.934.6567 Gavin Wyatt-Mair
B; 13th annual Scout-O Championships for all scout levels (also see regular BAOC event)
Oct. 15 - 16 "The Relay"
Greater Bay Area, San Francisco Bay Area
- 408.599.9709
Team representing BAOC competed; BAOC publicity table was at the Start.
Oct. 16
Mississippi Bar, Fair Oaks, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
B; White, Yellow, Orange, & advanced courses
Oct. 22 - 23 O in the Oaks III "A" Meet
Joseph D. Grant County Park, San Jose, CA
- 408.984.8124 Mattias Eriksson,
Dean French
A; 2-day combined-time "classic-distance" event
Oct. 30
Monte Bello and Skyline Ridge
Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve, Palo Alto, CA
- 206.913.3790 Mikkel Conradi
B; White, Yellow, Orange, and advanced courses
Oct. 31
Halloween Trick-O-Treat
Oakland Hills, Oakland, CA
- 510.681.6181 Rex Winterbottom
C; Special O-Event and Potluck
Nov. 5
Habitat Restoration
Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve, Palo Alto, CA
- 206.913.3790
Plant acorns above Horseshoe Lake
Nov. 5
Rossmoor Bar, Rancho Cordova, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
C; Scout-O
Nov. 6
Morgan Territory Regional Preserve
Livermore, CA
- 510.407.1876 Hannu Haarma
B; BAOC Club Championships; White through Blue courses open to everyone
Nov. 12
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA
- 415.681.7075 Deron van Hoff
C; Urban Orienteering: White, Yellow, Orange, and Long Orange
Nov. 12 - 13 Fair Hill "A" Meet, Cecil County, MD Delaware Valley Orienteering Association (DVOA)
A; 2005 U.S. Long Course Championships
Nov. 20
Golden Goat (and Kid)
Almaden Quicksilver County Park, San Jose, CA
- 650.248.9595,
- 408.348.1282
Vladimir Gusiatnikov
Extra long and strenuous courses; NO BEGINNER COURSES
Dec. 4
Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, Granite Bay, CA (GCO) Gold Country Orienteers (GCO) Marsha Jacobs
B; White, Yellow, Orange, & advanced courses
Dec. 5
Board Meeting
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
- 415.681.7075
Club Board Meeting, all members are welcome
Dec. 11
Christmas-O in Willow Glen
Willow Glen Neighborhood, San Jose, CA
- 408.293.1718 Thorsten Graeve
C; 60- and 90-minute Score-O; potluck social
Dec. 17 - 18 Bon Tempe Reservoir
Fairfax, CA
- 510.658.4327 Penny DeMoss
C; Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event, limited to BAOC members who volunteered during 2005. Participation is free, but limited to 20 per day.