BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Jun. 5, 2018
Location: Conference Call
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; this quarter's meeting will be held as a conference call

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held June 5, 2018

Attending by phone: Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Jeff Lanam, Sharon Evans (Treasurer), Dennis Wildfogel, Nick Corsano, Dan Greene, Scott Aster, Steve Haas (President), Gary Kraght, Jay Hann

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM online.

Secretary’s Report – Vicki Woolworth

There were no email votes this quarter.

The minutes from the previous meeting (March 6) were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Evans

The club is running per budget, COW was not as profitable as hoped, GCO had more participants than BAOC in part due to new venue, Juniors. Still awaiting payment from Visit Tri Valley.

Dennis asked Sharon if we have been refunded from OUSA for last year’s “free NRE”, as the fees were still being determined when we held our event.

Dan asked about $4,000 budgeted for E-punch. It was explained that upcoming expenses are expected.

Tax returns have been filed.

The suggestion to make park donations is under consideration, still collecting input.

Event Coordinator’s Report – Steve Haas for Graham Brew

There are four more events in the Summer Sprint Series, two days at Tahoe, and seven more events for the end of the year. There will be the San Francisco sprint series and the Holiday event. We are on for Big Basin in 2020, so might not do an event there in 2019.

Jeff Lanam received a question about having more events in Sonoma county. Maybe we could do Spring Lake in the near future, though this venue has historically had low attendance, especially since we haven’t been able to use Annadel.

National Event Report – Dennis Wildfogel

We are still planning to hold Sprint SF in December, and are considering locations in the East Bay, perhaps Diablo Valley College.

We were asked if we were willing to host the national championships this year, or possibly the 2019 Junior Nationals (Gary Kraght happy to be the registrar, it would be good opportunity to test out software). There was a general discussion, concluded we could support 2019 Junior Nationals, but not another 2018 national event.

For our one free local NRE, considering Tahoe or Calero, the general feeling was that Calero would be better.

2020 Report – Gary Kraght

Gary, Marie-Josée Parayre, Tapio Karras, Steve, Jay, Gavin, and others have started organizing for the events in 2020, including reviewing first-draft marketing pamphlets, with the goal to have these ready for the World Masters in the beginning of July to start contacts with EU tour operators and have schedule approved, starting with landowners. Ten days of events are planned, including the World Rogaining Championships (WRC). Dates are from July 21 to August 2, and proposed are Golden Gate Park, Big Basin, Presidio, model at Little Truckee Summit, middle and long at Independence Creek, sprint/relay at Northstar, NRE(?) at Spooner and Burton Creek, model event for the rogaine, ending with the WRC.

Comments were made that it is weird that for the WRC the only option is 24h. The stance of the World Rogaining Federation is that if participants prefer to compete for shorter periods, they can sign up for 24 and race as long as they like.

Contracting finish and results services as well as mapping & food services.

Wednesday and Thursday will not be championships, just regular events.

Northstar is working out ok so far, shuttles and lodging plans are evolving.

Juniors and Training Report – Erin Schirm, Jay Hann

Steve Haas brought up budget items and expenses for the Junior Nationals, which were clarified by Erin and Jay.

Mapping Report – Bob Cooley

Vladimir Zherdev will arrive Friday, and spend a month working on the Independence Lake map.

Directors’ Reports

Membership – Online membership system looks like it is working, still working on a few bugs.
Outreach – Scott Aster – Scott has received some requests, some came to the Presidio event. Scott announced that he is stepping down​—​it was suggested he try to draft a job description.
Equipment – Jay Hann – One possible change to control #s.
Event Quality – Dan Greene – Posted draft policy for mispunch, also revised the beginner’s clinic guidelines and will post to web. Discussed handing out Yellow map before the course at local events; registration is OK with this; the board voted to approve. At GGP, it was observed that some RouteGadget routes showed participants going through out-of-bounds areas, considered DSQ vs private contact. Will contact participants privately to explain rules.

New Business

Committee is being formed to review bylaws, including event team. Needs to be approved at AGM, plan to complete by 2019.

The topic of succession planning​—​epunch, mapping, archiving, etc.​—​was introduced and discussed. One suggestion for storage was a Dropbox acct for club archives​—​Vicki to look into this (including asking Van Boughner about web site, whether it is possible to have a protected section). Security protections are to be compared.

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 11th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary


Webmaster’s Note: These minutes were posted on June 2, 2019, the day they were received.