Advice on Events, Maps, and Expenses
What makes a successful orienteering event?
- The event is well-organized and runs smoothly.
- The competition is fair and the event is enjoyable.
- Each course offers the proper orienteering challenge.
- We are welcome to hold future events at that location.
- Event helpers are developed into future event directors.
What do most successful event directors do?
- Allocate plenty of preparation time.
- Recruit plenty of helpers and make sure they know their responsibilities.
- Prepare a well-thought-out concept for the event.
- Seek advice and counsel from other club members.
About maps & map printing
- It is the responsibility of the Event Director and/or the Course Setter to prepare and print the maps and control-description sheets (i.e., the "clue sheets").
- All of our event maps are now created with OCAD and Condes, and are pre-printed with the courses on them.
- You can get the latest edition of the OCAD map from the Mapping Director ().
- Be generous in your estimate of the number of maps necessary. It is better to have some maps left over than to run out. As a rule of thumb, print 10–20% more maps than were used at the previous year's event. Remember that each person receives a map, and on the White and Yellow courses, most entries are groups, and therefore there are usually 2 to 3 participants for each entry.
- Increase the number of maps if there is going to be an article in the newspaper or other publicity before the event (contact the Publicity Director [Vacant (no email address available)]), or if you know a large group, such as scouts, is planning on coming. Participation at White and Yellow courses is very weather dependent. If rain is forecast, there will be a significantly lower turnout.
About expenses
- Whenever possible, have the club Treasurer () write checks for park fees and other large expenditures.
- Miscellaneous expenses, such as water, cups, surveyor's tape, are limited to $50 per event without prior approval of the Event Coordinator (). If the park requires a portable toilet, this is not included in the $50 limit, nor is the park-permit fee.
- If you pay for things yourself, turn in the receipts with an Expense Form to the treasurer (e.g., by ). You should request reimbursement as soon as the expense occurs for prompt repayment and recording, but no later than 30 days after the event.
- See "Club Reimbursement Policies" on the Expense Form regarding expenditures that you should ask about ahead of time.