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Morgan Territory Regional Preserve

Date: (Sat.) Mar. 27, 2010
Location: Livermore, CA
Event Director: - 510.681.6181
Course Setters: Mats Jansson (NAV-X), Dennis Wilkinson
Type: Rogaine; Mats Jansson (who has been putting on the awesome TrackMe360 runs) has joined up with Rex and Dennis to bring us a rogaine at Morgan Territory. Come out for some great spring running/hiking.

Event Director's Notes


Let's all have fun and be safe. Thanks to Mats and Dennis for pouring their hearts into this course — a treat for all y'all in such a beautiful venue. All I gotta say is, be prepared, so I am leaving you a "checklist." Then, read their informative course notes!

And please — if you haven't already signed up — do so by sending email. Thanks, Rex

Event Director's Be Smart and Prepared (Because We Care) Checklist:

  1. Bring all ye esticks! We're counting on it. If you don't own a SportIdent "estick," we gotcha covered with a rental ($3 per team,) but if you said you did, we're counting on you bringing it. Everyone on the team who has one. Thank you.
  2. Personal hydration systems are recommended. Nothing fancy is required. I usually just throw a water bottle or two in my backpack. There are 3 water stops on the course, and big gaps in between.
  3. You should bring some food energy, too. That won't be on the course, you can bring your own, and also take a few things from the event center that will fit in your mobile storage.
  4. Body cover. Not just for the poison oak you may encounter, but also the sun! And sunscreen! And a hat!
  5. Where you got your shoes at? I lost a dollar to a guy on Telegraph Ave. because I thought he couldn't tell me that. Then he said, "Right there on your feet." We recommend that they are cleated or spiked so you can stay on your feet.
  6. You know, I've been to rogaines and Score-O's before, and left behind my watch at home. A time piece would be helpful, because there is a penalty deduction for each minute overtime.
  7. Perhaps one teammate should have a compass? I'm not meaning to be overbearing. We have some to rent as well.
  8. What's the deal with Tecnu? Some like it as a sort of sunscreen to block the poison oak, then they wash with it afterward, too. Me? I just use dish-washing soap. The "poison" in poison oak is an oil, and dish-washing soap binds to oil. Contact with poison oak can be minimized or avoided; know what it looks like. It's leafy and green (and maybe a little red) right now.
  9. Carpooling helps us maintain good relations with the public and the wonderful staff of the East Bay Regional Parks District. Pick a spot — Dublin/Pleasanton BART? The Wal-Mart? So and so's house? And conserve resources and mitigate pollution while you're at it.
  10. Be on time! We won't wait; registration is open at 8:00 (or earlier for you early birds) — you'll need to fill out a form, sign the waiver, and pay — each person has to do this. We'll have an assembly line to process folks efficiently. Course briefing about 8:20, maps distributed 8:30, mass start at 9:00 for everybody — 3 hour and 6 hour.



P.S. We'll have some award certificates. Presented soon after 3:00.