BAOC Board Meeting
Date: (Tue.) Sep. 12, 2023
Location: Video Conference
Event Directors: - 925.516.7622, - 669.264.4761
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors; 8:00 PM; all club members are welcome
Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held September 12, 2023
Present: Officers – Marie-Josée Parayre (President), Stephanie Maclean (Vice President), Graham Brew (Event Coordinator), John Richardson (Secretary), Gary Kraght (Treasurer); Board members – Dan Greene, Werner Haag, Steve Haas, Jeff Lanam, Dennis Wildfogel; Visitors – Nick Corsano, Bill Cusworth, Jay Hann, Tapio Karras, Misha Kreslavsky, James Roney, Vicki Woolworth, Gavin Wyatt-Mair
The meeting was held via Zoom. It was called to order by the President at 8:04 PM.
President's Report – Marie-Josée Parayre
The President expressed their thanks to everyone in the Club who contributed to the planning and execution of CalOFest. It was a challenge to find sufficient volunteers, and the Club is grateful for everyone who offered their time. The President also called out Dennis Wildfogel's accomplishments at the WMOC.
The President noted there have recently been many requests to support Scout projects, and solicited suggestions to scale the process. The Board proposed to form a sub-committee to consider what projects would benefit both the Scouts and the Club, and to reach out to OUSA for advice.
A report was given of the second Mapping Committee meeting that was held on September 11, 2023. The goals were to revisit recommendations made in last year's meeting and to update guidance on each mapping responsibility. The President nominated Matej Sebo to act as the Mapping Director, and no Members opposed the motion. It was noted that decisions such as the commissioning of new maps would continue to be decided as a committee, and the primary responsibility of the role will be to communicate recommendations made by the Mapping Committee to the Board.
The Bedwell Bayfront event was commended for an excellent turnout.
Secretary's Report – John Richardson
The meetings from the previous Board Meeting (March 2023), compiled by previous Secretary Nick Corsano, were approved with no additional corrections.
The Secretary reported one vote that took place by email since the previous Board meeting. The motion was to donate 50% of the profit from the events held in May at Cal Poly to the Cal Poly Distance Club in return for their help to host the event and for permission to use parts of the campus. The motion was approved with 7 votes for and 0 votes against.
Nick Corsano reported recommendations from the Policy Review Committee to the Board. The following decisions were made by the Board:
- Rescind policies as recommended by the Policy Review Committee, with the retention of the policies for club equipment, reimbursement for course setters and meet directors, enforcing event time limit, course closure time, and expense reimbursement. The motion was proposed by the Secretary and seconded by Jeff Lanam. All Board members present were in favor.
- Keep policies regarding Yellow course maps and the Club's mailing address (no action taken).
- Suggest Policy Review Committee continue to work on the electronic voting policy, as this may become a bylaw.
Treasurer's Report – Gary Kraght
The Treasurer reported a $158,000 balance across Wells Fargo and PayPal accounts. The Wells Fargo savings account has been closed, leaving only the checking account; the savings account will be replaced in the future with a money market account offering a higher interest rate.
$222,000 of income was reported for CalOFest, of which $208,000 was for pre-registration and $14,000 for entries made during the festival. Expenses to date amount to $160,000, but are expected to increase since not all expenses have been submitted. The Treasurer requested all outstanding expense reports be submitted promptly so a financial report can be submitted to OUSA.
Membership Report – Werner Haag
There are currently 194 active paid memberships (113 individual and 81 group). These numbers have not changed significantly over recent years.
Event Coordinator's Report – Graham Brew
The Event Coordinator thanked all volunteers who enabled the Summer Series to conclude successfully. They reported that, despite attempts to get Almaden Quicksilver back onto our list of regular venues, it would not be possible to obtain a permit for the only viable park entrance (Wood Rd) due to concerns about parking.
The Event Committee is currently starting the planning process for 2024. Requests were made for more forested courses and South Bay events in next year's Summer Series. A number of possible venues were discussed.
National Event Coordinator – Dennis Wildfogel
A possible NRE on November 5 at Deer Creek Hills was publicized. GCO would need help to put on this event, but they are entitled to a fee-free NRE. The Coordinator does not recommend we attempt to hold another national event next year as there may be insufficient volunteers after CalOFest and this year's NRE.
CalOFest 2023 Summary – Gavin Wyatt-Mair
3,400+ starts and 800+ participants were reported for CalOFest, 60% of which were international entries. Only one complaint was raised, and there were no protests or voided courses; all feedback points to the event being extremely well received. It was noted that the volunteer T-shirts were well received, but more investment could be made into volunteer appreciation.
A concern was raised regarding higher requirements for orienteering permits for EBRPD. It was suggested that a single person, perhaps the East Bay Event Coordinator, deal with EBRPD, as requested by the agency.
Other Business
The upcoming OUSA AGM will be held on September 19, 2023. The President and Nick Corsano will attend.
The next BAOC Board Meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 2023. It was requested that there be more Board Meetings to ensure time to cover all important topics.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
John Richardson
BAOC Secretary