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News and Notes Archive
The following items were previously posted on the News and Notes page.
2017 Items
BAOC Results at U.S. Classic Champs
The weekend of Nov. 11–12, several club members traveled across the country to compete in the U.S. Classic Championships. This two-day, combined-time competition was held in the forests of the Quantico Marine Base in Virginia.
Tory Borish grabbed a silver medal in the elite F−21+ class. Marie-Josée Parayre took second in F40+. Evan Custer won a silver medal in M75+. Leslie Minarik won a bronze medal in F65+. Other BAOC competitors were Stacey Gordeeva, Greg Ehrensing, Rich Parker, and George Minarik.
All of us enjoyed the terrain—typical Eastern U.S. ridge and valley. It was quite runnable, and the fall colors were out in force.
(November 17, 2017)
Sunol Results Are Included in the U.S. Rankings
New OUSA Rankings have just been calculated, and they include the results of our recent Sunol event. You can check out the rankings here ( Click on Nov 16, 2017 at the upper left, choose the course of interest, and then either click on "View ... rankings by course" or scroll down to the class of interest.
Thanks to Jeff Lanam for getting the results to OUSA, and to Valerie Meyer for incorporating them into the rankings.
(November 16, 2017)
2018 U.S. JWOC Team Trials at California Orienteering Week
The trials for the U.S. team that will compete in the 2018 Junior World Orienteering Championships ( (JWOC) will be held at the final three days of the 2018 California Orienteering Week (COW)! The team selected will compete at JWOC in Hungary in July 2018.
(October 30, 2017)
BAOC Results at the 2017 U.S. Championships
BAOC had many outstanding results at the U.S. Championships at the City of Trees Orienteering Club ( (CTOC) Gold Rush 2017 A-meet ( on June 23–25 in Idaho. The Sprint was held at Boise State University; the Long and Middle were held near Stanley, ID.
Here are the U.S. and 3-day-combined medals won by BAOC members:
U.S. U.S. U.S. 3-day Member Class Sprint Long Middle Combined Ida Tornqvist F-12 Gold Gold Gold Linus Tornqvist M-14 Silver Silver Bronze Leslie Minarik F65+ Gold Silver Silver Dennis Wildfogel M70+ Gold Silver Chuck Spalding M70+ Silver Silver Silver Bronze Bob Cooley M75+ Gold Silver Bronze Evan Custer M75+ Silver Bronze Gold Bronze Rich Parker M75+ Bronze Gold Silver Silver Ann Marie Cody F35+ Gold Gold Gold Marie-Josée Parayre F40+ Silver Silver Gold Silver Tapio Karras M55+ Bronze Gold Gold Gold Takashi Sugiyama M60+ Gold Bronze François Léonard M45+ Gold Gold Bronze Gold Tobias Tornqvist M45+ Silver Tori Borish F-21+ Gold Gold Silver Gold Aron Walker M-21+ Bronze
- Notes:
- Marie-Josée "should have" won the Sprint (according to her watch time), but there was a mysterious timing error that "robbed" her of 27 seconds (placing her 8 seconds behind first place).
- The "3-day Combined" results, which were based on each person's best two of the three days, were open to all participants (e.g., including the Canadians, etc.)
These other BAOC members also participated:
Vicki Woolworth, F55+ George Minarik, M70+ Fyodor Konkov, M55+ Greg Ehrensing, M55+ Ken Vomaske, M55+ Matthias Kohler, M60+ Anastasiya Gordeeva, F-21+
The full results are available here (
All in all, great BAOC results for the weekend, especially for the Long and Middle events, which were on very unfamiliar terrain. One of the participants commented "It was nice to feel the team spirit with our new uniform."
(June 28, 2017)
Julia Doubson on 2017 U.S. WOC Team
Congratulations to BAOC member Julia Doubson for her selection to the team that will be representing the USA at the World Orienteering Championships ( June 30–July 7 in Tartu, Estonia. You can read the announcement here (
Posted on the OrienteeringUSA website (
(May 3, 2017)
Julia Doubson and Katie Petersen on 2017 U.S. JWOC Team
Congratulations to BAOC juniors Julia Doubson and Katie Petersen for their selection to the team that will be representing the USA at the Junior World Orienteering Championships ( July 9–16 in Tampere, Finland. You can read the announcement here (
Posted to the USOFclubnet ( mailing list by , Orienteering USA Junior Team Coach
(May 1, 2017)
Steve Beuerman on 2017 U.S. Trail-O Team
Congratulations to BAOC member Steve Beuerman for being selected to the 2017 U.S. Trail Orienteering Team per the following announcement.
- Based on applications received, the U.S. Trail Orienteering Team roster for 2017 is:
- Karl Ahlswede (DVOA)
- Steve Beuerman (BAOC)
- Joe Brautigam (WCOC)
- Sharon Crawford (RMOC)
- Clare Durand (LAOC)
- Richard H. Ebright (DVOA)
- Richard Y. Ebright (DVOA)
- Mike Latva-Kokko (NEOC)
- Mike Poulsen (CROC)
- Paralympic applications remain open indefinitely unless the team fills. To apply visit: (
Notice posted to the USOFclubnet ( mailing list by , Orienteering USA
(April 17, 2017)
ISOM 2017 Has Been Published
"The IOF Council has approved the International Specification for Orienteering Maps ISOM 2017. For IOF events between 1 May and 31 December 2017, both ISOM 2000 and ISOM 2017 could be accepted, but which map standard is used at the event must be clearly stated in the Bulletin(s) for the event. For all events after 1 January 2018, ISOM 2017 should be used.
Notice posted in the International Orienteering Federation NEWSLETTER APRIL 2017 (
(April 13, 2017)
Editor's Note: The latest version of the ISOM 2017 can be found here (, along with a handy document detailing the updates from ISOM 2000.
2017 U.S. WTOC Selection Process Announced
[WTOC = World Trail Orienteering Championship ( ESC = Executive Steering Committee]
"The Trail-O ESC received a rules waiver from the Board to allow for a modified WTOC selection procedure this year. Because we will hold our first ever Temp-O Championships, we wanted to try incorporating those results into the selection process. The system to be used is detailed in [this document (]."
Posted to the USOFclubnet ( mailing list by , Orienteering USA Rules Committee Chair
(March 8, 2017)
BAOC Athletes in the 2017 OUSA Junior Program
Julia Doubson and Katie Petersen have been selected for the Junior National Team, and Sarah Petersen has been selected for the Junior Development Team. Congratulations and good luck to them all.
"JTESC would like to encourage athletes who missed the deadline, but are still interested in being part of the program, to apply and become part of the team. Info can be found at ( Come join the National Junior Community! We are excited for a great year. Go USA!"
[JTESC = Junior Team Executive Steering Committee]
Notice posted to the USOFclubnet ( mailing list by , Orienteering USA Junior Team Coach
(February 12, 2017)