News and Notes Archive
The following items were previously posted on the News and Notes page.
2024 Items
2024 BAOC Service Award Nominations
Every year since 1994, BAOC has honored one of its members with an annual Service Award, in recognition of that person's extraordinary service to the club and the sport of orienteering. We are hopeful of returning to the pre-pandemic tradition of announcing the award at the club's holiday social event, scheduled for Saturday, December 21.
I will be administering the selection process again this year. Everybody is invited to submit nominations for one or more deserving volunteers. Please email me the name(s) of the nominee(s), along with a paragraph describing the person's service to BAOC. Nominations will close on Monday, December 2. After nominations are closed, the past Service Awardees who are still active with the club will choose the 2024 recipient.
Past recipients are not eligible, nor is the current club President. A list of the past recipients and descriptions of their contributions are available here.
Nick Corsano ()
Past Service Award recipient
(Posted to the BayONet ( on Nov. 10, 2024)
2023 Items
BAOC Equipment Inventory
Steve Gregg has kindly agreed to do a complete inventory of the BAOC equipment in preparation for the CalOFest. Please tell Steve () if you currently have any club equipment.
Thank you!
BAOC President
(Posted to the BayONet ( June 12, 2023)
CalOFest 2023 – Third Call for Volunteers
With the start of the CalOFest only 35 days from today, I am sending this SOS call for volunteers. The committee has been hard at work over the last 5 years planning this international festival, and the outcome of it will depend on the volunteer pool. Please consider helping fill the various positions we still have open. Here is a list of the key roles we are trying to fill this week.
- Meet Director for NAOC Sprint at Northstar on July 21st
- Co-Meet Director for Stage 8 at Little Truckee Summit on July 26th
- Co-Meet Director for Stage 9 at Spooner on July 27th
- Chief of Starts for non-NAOC events (Stages 8 and 9)
- Chief of Finishes
- Chief of First Aid
- WRC Food Chief
Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered and to all the efforts and time of everyone involved in the planning of this festival.
BAOC President
(Posted to the BayONet ( June 12, 2023)
BAOC Map Librarian
I want to make sure everyone is aware that Matej Šebo is the official librarian of all BAOC maps. Matej has all the files of BAOC-owned maps, and anyone planning an event should contact Matej to gain access to a specific map. It is very important that any OCAD corrections/improvements to a map be sent to Matej after the event to make sure BAOC keeps the most updated map in digital storage.
If you have any questions on the process, please contact Matej ().
Thank you,
BAOC President
(Posted to the BayONet ( June 10, 2023)
2022 Items
Deadline for 2022 Expense Reimbursements
This is a friendly reminder for anyone who wishes reimbursement for BAOC expenses that they have personally paid, to get your reimbursement requests to me by December 31. The BAOC reimbursement form can be found here.
If you incur expenses in December (this month), your deadline for submitting those reimbursement requests is extended to January 31, 2023.
Lastly, any expenses incurred in supporting our upcoming California Orienteering Festival can be submitted any time through the end of 2023, regardless of when they were incurred.
Gary Kraght
BAOC Treasurer
(Posted to the BayONet ( Dec. 1, 2022)
2022 BAOC Service Award Nominations
Every year since 1994, BAOC has honored one of its members with an annual Service Award, in recognition of that person's extraordinary service to the club and the sport of orienteering. We are hopeful of returning to the pre-pandemic tradition of announcing the award at the club's holiday social event, scheduled for Saturday, December 17.
I will be administering the selection process again this year. Everybody is invited to submit nominations for one or more deserving volunteers. Please the name(s) of the nominee(s), along with a paragraph describing the person's service to BAOC. Nominations will close on Monday, November 28. After nominations are closed, the past Service Awardees who are still active with the club will choose the 2022 recipient.
Past recipients are not eligible, nor is the current club President. A list of the past recipients and descriptions of their contributions are available here.
BAOC Secretary & past Service Award recipient
(Posted to the BayONet ( on Nov. 4, 2022)
Input Needed for 2023 BAOC Budget
It's time to start thinking about the BAOC budget for 2023. In the past, this process has been restricted to BAOC Board members, but as your new Treasurer, this year I am opening it up to all BAOC members. This is the timeline:
- Over the next couple of weeks, I will be soliciting funding requests, suggestions, ideas from you.
- In early November, I will create a first draft for the 2023 budget.
- The BAOC Finance Committee (consisting of myself, Sharon Evans, Stephanie MacLean, Steve Haas, Sarah Williams) will meet to review the budget and make changes, and propose a budget to the BAOC Board of Directors for adoption.
- The BAOC Board of Directors will approve the budget at their December board meeting, perhaps with amendments.
So where do you fit in? The annual budget is a financial blueprint, but it is also a planning guide, indicating where the club's priorities are and how the club intends to operate and grow in 2023. All input cheerfully accepted, will be carefully considered and passed on. If you have specific budget requests, now is the time to make them known. If you have more general comments about finances or priorities, please share them as well. Please respond to me personally at .
Thank you. 2023 should be a banner year for BAOC, with a full slate of orienteering events, along with our marquee event, the California Orienteering Festival.
Gary Kraght
BAOC Treasurer
(Posted to the BayONet ( Oct. 19, 2022)
Eagle Scout Seeks Advice on Building a Permanent-O Course
We have been contacted by a Scout at Troop 152 in the Fremont area. He is thinking of building a permanent orienteering course as an Eagle Scout Project. He is looking for someone with experience in this area to help advise. If you are interested, let me know and I will put you in touch.
BAOC Event Coordinator
(Posted to the BayONet ( Sept. 13, 2022)
2022 OUSA Nationals Scheduling Survey
"LAOC is planning to host the 2022 OUSA Nationals this fall, and we are looking for feedback on scheduling issues. We invite all interested orienteers to answer our scheduling survey (>). Please distribute to your club members who you believe are likely to attend this event."
Notice posted to the OUSA ClubNet mailing list ( by , LAOC Event Coordinator
(Feb. 17, 2022)
BAOC 2022 Event Schedule Update
Hi Everyone! BAOC volunteers have been busy putting together an action-packed 2022 of in-person orienteering events on some of our best Bay Area maps. It all starts February 6th with some excellent courses in a less-visited corner of Harvey Bear Ranch near San Jose, where Lubomir Sebo and Nick Corsano have been organizing a fantastic event for us.
On February 27th we will have an event at the beautiful Calero County Park, then March 13th sees us at Joe Grant County Park. There are several more events planned for the East Bay and North Bay in late March and April, which will be announced once the permit process has progressed just a little further.
We are also planning a full "Summer Series" on our local urban maps over the warmer summer months (June–August), and a complete fall/winter schedule, too.
Many thanks to all our tireless volunteers who have already stepped up for events in 2022. If you would like to take the role of Course Setter or Event Director at an upcoming event, please contact your local Regional Event Coordinator (REC). We hope to see you all at an event soon!
Your BAOC Regional Event Coordinators:
East Bay REC: North Bay REC: Peninsula REC: South Bay REC: San Fran. REC: Sierra REC:
Jeff Goodwin (Event Coordinator) and Graham Brew (Regional Event Coordinator)
(Posted to the BayONet ( Feb. 5, 2022)
2021 BAOC Service Award Nominations
Every year since 1994, BAOC has honored one of its members with its Service Award, in recognition of that person's extraordinary service to the club and the sport of orienteering. Even though there wasn't much orienteering last year, there are still club members whose contributions over the years are worthy of recognition.
I will be administering the selection process again this year. All club members are invited to submit nominations for one or more deserving volunteers. Please the name(s) of your nominee(s), along with a paragraph describing the person's service to BAOC. Nominations will close on Monday, February 21. Once nominations are closed, the past Service Awardees who are still active with the club will choose the 2021 recipient. In normal years, the award was presented at the club's annual December holiday social event, but since we couldn't hold one last year, we pushed the process out, and the recipient will be announced at the club's Annual General Meeting in the spring.
Past recipients are not eligible, nor is the current club President. A list of the past recipients and descriptions of their contributions are here.
BAOC Secretary & past Service Award recipient
(Posted to the BayONet ( on Jan. 16, 2022)
2021 items
E-punch Help Needed at Upcoming BAOC Events
Western Race Services has informed the BAOC Board that it will not be able to provide E-punch support for the next few events at least. I am looking for help with E-punch for the events in the rest of 2021. I will be happy to provide a Zoom training or two for interested people. Mainly I'm looking for people to enter walk-up registrants into the system and to monitor downloads. We will be encouraging preregistration, which will reduce the day-of data entry.
These events are currently on the schedule:
- Oct 10 – Tamarancho (if we get an Event Director and a Course Setter)
- Oct 24 – St. Mary's College (Sprint participants must preregister)
- Nov 7 – Huddart Park
- Dec 11 – Shell Ridge
BAOC Epunch Director
(Posted to the BayONet ( on Sept. 15, 2021)
Status of Upcoming NAOC Events
The following was posted on Attackpoint ( on April 30, 2021:
- Orienteering USA ( and Orienteering Canada (, with approval from the IOF (, have made the decision to postpone the next two North American Orienteering Championships (NAOC). Organizers of both events are in full agreement.
- The NAOCs in California will now be held in 2023 instead of this summer. The NAOCs scheduled for 2022 in Ottawa, Canada will move to 2024 or 2025.
- California OFest (, including NAOCs, in 2023 will be hosted with little change from what was planned — first for 2020 then for 2021, now for 2023. This summer Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) will host an alternative event in the Lake Tahoe area for those who can travel and attend.
- In Canada, due to COVID-19 restrictions, it has not been possible to get mapping done in time for a major 2022 event, so organizers have requested a move to after the CalOFest NAOCs. The final date of 2024 or 2025 is yet to be determined, but will be decided jointly by Orienteering Canada and Orienteering USA, in conjunction with the IOF.
- A special thank you to organizers of all orienteering events who have had to make changes and adaptations because of COVID-19. It is you who keep our sport going!
- We all look forward to when we can gather and orienteer again without any restrictions!
- Clare Durand
- President
- Orienteering USA
- Anne Teutsch
- President
- Orienteering Canada | Course d'orientation Canada
CalOFest is moved to 2023
Greetings to everyone registered for the California Orienteering Festival.
Festival to take place in 2023
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and international travel restrictions, and after extensive discussions with the International Orienteering Federation, International Rogaining Federation, Orienteering Canada and Orienteering USA, we have decided to move the entire Festival to 2023. This difficult decision was made in the interests of safety and fairness.
This change includes the North American Orienteering Championships and the World Rogaining Championships. The Festival will be held in San Francisco and Tahoe-area locations during summer 2023, with dates pending IOF and IRF approvals.
Bay Area Orienteering Club will host "Tahoe 2021":
U.S. Champs, August 6–9; N.A. Rogaining Champs, August 14–15.
For those who can still travel to California this summer, we are pleased to announce our plans for two consecutive weekends of high-quality Orienteering and Rogaining in August of 2021.
Tahoe 2021 will include the United States Orienteering Championships, August 6–9, and the North American Rogaining Championships (24-hour and 4-hour), August 14–15.
Details and registration will be available soon at
Permits for the event are pending, and we continue to monitor COVID safety requirements. Courses for Tahoe 2021 will not overlap NAOC 2023 courses.
What happens to your registration?
As before, current CalOFest registrations are automatically transferred to 2023; you do not have to do anything, and your fees will not increase. We hope many of you will leave your registration in place.
If you are interested in alternatives, you may write to to:
- Use the dollar value of your registration toward entry fees for Tahoe 2021.
- Request a credit for any future BAOC event.
- Request a refund.
We look forward to seeing you in California and wish you good spirits, good health, and good fitness.
California Orienteering Festival Steering Committee
(April 22, 2021)
Update from BAOC President
Dear orienteering community,
Knowing how eager everyone is to restart regular events, I want to remind everyone of the opportunity to participate in the BAOC Corona Courses posted on our website. The most recent course added to the list is at Coyote Hills and was created by John Richardson. I would like to challenge all of you to do the course before the end of April, so we can have a course review via teleconference the last week of April.
Coyote Hills Corona Course link:
Please let us know if you need help with setting up MapRun on our phone or Garmin watch. If enough people are interested, I would be happy to schedule a Zoom session for assistance.
I also want to share the news that our Regional Event Coordinators have been hard at work planning how to restart events, and the good news is that some permit applications are currently in the works. Stay tuned for more information.
Enjoy this beautiful weather. 😊
Marie-Josée Parayre ()
BAOC President
(Posted to the BayONet ( on March 31, 2021)
Upcoming BAOC Events for 2021
On behalf of the BOAC Board and Event Coordinators, I hope you and your families are well. We are all looking forward to bringing some normality back to our lives in 2021, and our aim is for that to include some orienteering! However, pandemic restrictions still mean that regular BAOC events will not be possible through at least the spring. We are looking forward to a return of regular events in the fall (look for another announcement on that in the near future). But, in the meantime, we are seeking out ways to safely get out into the woods.
We were very encouraged by the success of the "Corona courses" that evolved last year, and we thank all the folks involved in setting and maintaining those courses (some of which are still available to run). We intend to continue a similar format for at least the next several months. This message is both an outline of our plan, and a request for potential course setters of these new Corona courses to step forward.
Our intention is to have up to maybe a dozen Corona courses set over the next couple of months. They will be set on our existing maps, and will be flagged with survey markers. At the least, each location will have a short and a long option—possibly more. Each location will remain flagged for at least a couple of months. For every location, participants will print the map themselves and self-report their finish time to compare to others. Wherever possible, we will also have the MapRun smartphone/watch app as an option to record splits and times. Full details on all of these procedural details will come with the individual course announcements.
We will use an online table to track finish times. Each month we will have a "featured course", and participants are encouraged to complete the featured course within the month to stimulate more competition between the runners. However, the courses will remain available outside their featured month.
There will be no cost to run these courses, although charitable donations to BAOC are always gratefully received (e.g., here). 🙂
However, for all this to happen we need course setters! If you are interested in setting a Corona course, please contact me, and I and the other RECs will coordinate maps and timing. Keep in mind that while you are welcome to design completely new courses, you can also check out old courses from the results for previous events ( to make the job easier. We are very grateful to Dennis Wildfogel who is preparing our first 2021 courses at Bon Tempe. Look for email on that shortly. [Ed. note: Email will be posted to the BayONet ( mailing list, which you can subscribe to.]
Thank you all for your continued patience as we look to offer orienteering in a safe and accessible way. We are all looking forward to the time when we can again safely gather around the download tent to compare times and route choices!
and the BAOC Regional Event Coordinators
(February 16, 2021)
2020 items
BAOC Yahoo Groups Have Ended
As you might have heard, Yahoo ended their Groups service on December 15, 2020.
BAOC had several groups on that platform. The club's largest groups, the main discussion group (aka the BayONet) and the monthly distribution of the schedule of local and significant distant events, have been migrated to the ( platform. The new BAOC ( and BAOCevents ( groups are active, and invitations to join were sent to all the members of the respective Yahoo groups.
Other BAOC Yahoo groups have been "retired": BAOCT (236 members), baoc_juniors (50 members), BAOC_AMeets (156 members), and baocrelay. The membership lists for those Yahoo groups have been saved for possible future use.
Chuck Spalding ()
(December 16, 2020)
BAOC Yahoo Groups are ending
As you might have heard, Yahoo is ending their Groups service on December 15, 2020.
BAOC has several groups on that platform, and people have been working on migrating them to another platform. The main contenders were and Google Groups, and was chosen for the club's largest groups: BAOC ( (the main discussion group, aka the BayONet) and BAOC_events ( (the monthly distribution of the schedule of local and significant distant events). The new BAOC ( and BAOCevents ( groups have been created on, and invitations to join were sent to all the current members of the respective Yahoo groups.
Other BAOC Yahoo groups are "hibernating" while their "owners" decide whether or not to continue them (BAOCT ( [236 members], baoc_juniors ( [50 members], and BAOC_AMeets ( [156 members]), or have been "retired" (baocrelay). The membership lists for the hibernating Yahoo groups have been saved for possible future use.
If you have an interest in having one of the hibernating groups continued, you should either contact the respective group "owner" (, , or ) before December 16th or post to the (if you have joined that group).
(December 12, 2020)
Use AmazonSmile and support BAOC!
Amazon permanently shut down the AmazonSmile customer donation program on Feb. 20, 2023.
Vicky and Sharon had the fantastic idea to sign up Bay Area Orienteering Club as a non-profit that is eligible to receive funding from the Amazon Foundation. This means for every eligible purchase made on AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the worth of that purchase to BAOC. We are not asking you to change where you shop or what you buy, but if you happen to shop on Amazon, it would be great if you took 5 minutes to sign up for AmazonSmile. This does not have any impact on your Amazon Prime membership, the products are the same, and it costs you nothing.
We estimated that if we get 300 people to sign up for AmazonSmile, and they each spend $200/month on average, the club could get $3,600 over the course of next year. In a year when we have not been able to collect fees at events, every dollar counts!
Please take the time to sign up for AmazonSmile before the Holidays, and ask your friends and extended families to use it as well to support BAOC.
How do I sign up for AmazonSmile?
On your desktop, simply go to and sign in with your Amazon credentials. You will be prompted to select the charity to which you want the donations applied. Make sure to select "Bay Area Orienteering Club", not "BAOC", because apparently there is such a thing as the Bay Area Organizing Committee.
If you use the Amazon App on your phone, you should be able to activate AmazonSmile in Settings. Alternatively, you can also download the AmazonSmile app.
For AmazonSmile sign-up instructions, you can also go here (
Are all purchases eligible?
No, not all products are eligible. But as far as I can tell so far, many of the products I normally would buy on Amazon are eligible. You can tell if a product is eligible when a small "stamp" that says "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" appears in the product description.
For more information on AmazonSmile, you can go here (
Please let me know if you have any questions or you need help with signing into AmazonSmile!
Take care,
(December 11, 2020)
New Information for California Orienteering Festival Is Available
The website ( for the California Orienteering Festival has been updated with news about the status and plans. See the news notice on the Cal-O-Fest website ( (click on the square at the bottom of the NEWS panel to open it in full-screen mode). Also, Bulletin #3 is available here (!bulletin).
Registration for the 2021 event is open. Registrations for the canceled 2020 event were automatically transferred to 2021. If you want to make changes to your registration, please contact the .
The Steering Committee of the California Orienteering Festival
(November 26, 2020)
Nominations Open for 2020 BAOC Service Award
Every year since 1994, BAOC has honored one of its members with its Service Award, in recognition of that person's extraordinary service to the club and the sport of orienteering. Even though we haven't been able to do much orienteering this year, there are still club members whose contributions over the years are worthy of recognition.
I will be administering the selection process again this year. All club members are invited to submit nominations for one or more deserving volunteers. Please email with the name of each nominee, along with a paragraph describing the person's service to BAOC.
Nominations will close on Monday, November 30. Once nominations are closed, the past Service Awardees will choose the 2020 recipient. In normal years, the award is presented at the club's annual December holiday social event, which is obviously not happening this year, but we'll find a way to make a suitable presentation.
Past recipients are not eligible, nor is the current club President. A list of the past recipients and descriptions of their contributions are available here.
BAOC Secretary & past Service Award recipient
(November 2, 2020)
Event Schedule Status Report
I hope everyone is doing well and holding up during this time of pandemic and multiple wildfires!
As you are undoubtedly aware, the COVID-19 virus has caused havoc with our 2020 event schedule, with no events held in months.
I'm writing to let you know that all of us Regional Event Coordinators are keeping close tabs on our venues, and regularly contacting the officials at each to see when we might hope to schedule an event.
Our primary challenges are:
- Waiting for venues to begin accepting applications for group events like ours.
- Once applications are allowed, finding out each location's new rules on COVID safety.
- Along with the above, working out how to hold an event as safely as possible, while still making it worthwhile for the club to hold the event.
Needless to say, the challenges above are so far impossible to complete, as no venue has yet told us they are accepting event applications. Once permission is received, figuring out how best to hold the event, in a manner that is as safe as possible, has been a point of much discussion within our group.
While the above news is rather dreadful, I can give some hopeful news that at least two of our locations have told us that they "may" start accepting applications next month, for events to occur starting in October. This is all predicated on the state and local governments easing restrictions by then, something that is by no means certain.
The multiple "Corona" courses have been the bright spot for our club this year! Several inspired club members have set up courses in many of our parks, on a do-it-yourself, one-person-at-a-time basis. These courses are listed on our club's website here—I encourage everyone to get out and try one when you have the chance. To complete these courses, download the course map from the respective webpage (or a linked webpage), and just go out by yourself and have fun! These courses have been drawn in both wilderness and urban terrain, so courses can be found to fit almost any challenge level you seek.
Hopefully the situation will improve soon for all of us, and with luck we can get back to doing what we love soon, maybe before the end of this year!
BAOC Event Coordinator
(August 25, 2020)
Julia Doubson Completed JWOC 2020 Simulation
Congratulations to Julia Doubson for completing her week-long JWOC (Junior World Orienteering Championships) simulation. Since JWOC 2020 has been postponed (, the National Team decided to have a simulation week where each athlete completes all the courses that are part of the JWOC schedule. You can find information in the Junior National Team Blog (
In addition, I would like to thank all the BAOC course setters who took time to prepare courses for Julia. She was able to run a Sprint course at the Presidio, Middle courses at Annadel and Black Diamond Mines, a Long course at Big Basin, and finally a Relay at Morgan Territory. This is a good example of the support the club has been proving to athletes trying to reach new heights.
Thank you all, and well done Julia. 😊
Marie-Josée Parayre ()
(July 1, 2020)
New Dates for California Orienteering Festival Announced
The postponed California Orienteering Festival has been rescheduled to August 2–15, 2021, including the North American Championships (NAOC) on August 5–7 and World Rogaining Championships (WRC) on August 14–15. The complete schedule is available in the news notice on the Cal-O-Fest website ( (click on the square at the bottom of the NEWS panel to open it in full-screen mode).
Registrations for the 2020 event are automatically transferred to 2021. If you want to make changes to your registration, please contact the .
The Steering Committee of the California Orienteering Festival
(May 5, 2020)
California Orienteering Festival Postponed One Year
The California Orienteering Festival organizers, after much deliberation, have decided to postpone the festival, including the North American Championships (NAOC) and World Rogaining Championships (WRC), until the summer of 2021. The global health emergency, with its travel and assembly restrictions, means that we cannot hold regional or international championships while protecting the health and safety of our competitors.
The 2021 festival program and event locations will remain the same. We are trying to schedule the event at a similar time frame; we expect the new dates to be confirmed within weeks. Once the dates are approved by the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) and the International Rogaining Federation (IRF), and after we have confirmed with landowners, sponsors, and other stakeholders, we will announce the new dates.
Current registrations are automatically transferred to 2021—you do not have to do anything, your fees will not increase, and you are guaranteed entry! We encourage you to leave your registration in place. However, for those interested in a refund, please visit our updated website registration page for details, or contact the registrar.
We wish you all the best in these difficult times. Stay healthy and fit, and we look forward to seeing you in beautiful California for an exciting summer in 2021!
The Steering Committee of the California Orienteering Festival
Notice posted to the BayONet ( mailing list by ; also posted on the event website (
(April 2, 2020)
Orienteering USA Policy for COVID-19 Mitigation
At their emergency meeting tonight, the OUSA Board passed the following policy:
"OUSA official policy regarding COVID-19 mitigation:
"1. Clubs should promote the health, safety and wellness of orienteers and volunteers above all else. Clubs are expected to follow national and local governmental regulations and guidelines. Clubs are strongly discouraged from holding gatherings or traditional events for the immediate future to mitigate the spread of the virus.
"2. Sanctioning of OUSA events and championships scheduled through the end of April 2020 is suspended. Clubs are encouraged to postpone events to a later date and will be given priority and preference for open dates in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. The suspension of sanctioning for additional events will be considered as they approach, based on current conditions.
"3. Alternatives to traditional events that implement social isolation and avoid gatherings are encouraged. For example, course maps can be distributed or made available online. Individuals can print maps and run courses on their own without increasing their potential transmission interactions."
Notice posted to the USOFclubnet (!forum/clubnet) mailing list by , President, Orienteering USA
(March 16, 2020)
2019 Items
BAOC Results at 2019 Junior Nationals
Over the April 13–14 weekend, BAOC was well represented at the 2019 Junior Nationals ( in Virginia:
JWOC Team Trails
The weekend events served as the Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) trials. JWOC ( will be held in Denmark this year, at the beginning of June.
- Julia Doubson was selected once again this year to represent the U.S. at JWOC. Congratulations Julia!
Junior Nationals
Five BAOC Juniors represented the club with great honors at the annual Junior Nationals.
- In a close finish, the BAOC Varsity team finished in second place. Congratulations to Amalie Ertmann, Daniel Šebo, Kyle Navarro, Quincy Rosenzweig, and Riley Dunn.
BAOC fielded four teams: two Junior teams and two club teams.
- In the Varsity 6-point Team category, BAOC claimed the first and second steps of the podium. The first-place team was comprised of Julia Doubson, Amalie Ertmann, and Daniel Šebo. The second-place team was comprised of Riley Dunn, Quincy Rosenzweig, and Kyle Navarro. A photo of the team members is here (
- In the 3-point Club category, BAOC also reached the podium in second place, with Erin Schirm, Marie-Josée, and Riley Culberg.
(April 15, 2019)