Willow Glen Holiday Lights "Light-O" & Potluck Social
Date: (Sat.) Dec. 16, 2023
Location: San Jose, CA
Event Director: - 650.302.4835
Course Setters: Jeff Lanam, Brad Wetmore
Type: C; Evening Score-O course to enjoy the neighborhood holiday lights, followed by a potluck social & awarding of the 2023 BAOC Service Award
Event Write-Up
By and
About 110 people came to enjoy the cool night and the course with all the wonderful decorations. It was amazing out there! We were happy to see all the scout and family groups enjoying orienteering with us!
Many people stayed to enjoy hot apple cider and the potluck after their course.
Congratulations to Stephanie and Derek Maclean for winning the 2023 BAOC Service Award. Thanks for all that you have done for the club over the years!
Thanks to all those who helped put on the Willow Glen event:
- Brad Wetmore and Jeff Lanam – Course Setters
- Brad Wetmore – Map printing
- Bob Cooley – Map corrections
- Sarah Williams – Online registration
- Steve Hass – In-person registration
- Garham Brew – Event Coordinator, get the event on the schedule
- Marie-Josee Parayre – Presentation of the Service Award
- Chuck Spalding – Website
- Gavin Wyatt-Mair – Insurance
- Bob Wedig and Jeff Lanam – Scoring
- Kathie Wiegant – Help with set up and clean up.
- Jeff Lanam – Tech help to get the Facilitron Permit
This year, Jeff and Brad set 61 controls (690 possible points), with just over half in the NW section of the map where the decorations are traditionally the most numerous.
In the 60-minute event, Tapio Karras and Sami Torstila battled it out right up to the last minute with Tapio taking first by just 10 points (280 vs. 270 points; 40 secs vs. 53 secs to spare).
In the 90-minute event, a time penalty almost cost Jason Reed a first-place finish. He was 3 minutes late (actually 2 minutes 2 seconds, but that's counted as 3 minutes), which dropped him from 540 to 510 points, and was followed closely by Rex Winterbottom at 500 who arrived with 2:10 to spare. The top four finishers (Jason, Rex, Jason Lee, and Erika Reed) finished with 510, 500, 490, and 480 points, respectively.
If you have the time, please visit RouteGadget once the event is posted, and add your routes. It's always very interesting and educational to see which way folks went, and for the Course Setters to create interesting route-choice problems for future events.
Thanks to all that came out and joined us for our 13th annual event. Hope to see you next year!
The full event results are below.
Your Event Director and Course Setters,
Nancy Lindeman
Brad Wetmore
Jeff Lanam
Willow Glen Holiday Lights "Light-O"
San Jose, CA
Saturday, December 16, 2023
60-Minute Class 90-Minute Class
The results for the 2023 Willow Glen Holiday Lights Night Score-O event are below. Note that tie scores (on points) were decided by elapsed time (i.e., if two entries have the same Total Points, but different times, the one with less time on the course is placed ahead of the other).
Also, apologies for any name misspellings: some of the papers were very challenging to decipher.
60-Minute Class Control Points Elapsed Time Total Pl Name(s) Correct/Penalty Time Penalty Points Errors 1 Tapio Karras 280 0 59:20 0 280 2 Sami Torstila 270 0 59:07 0 270 3 Bob, Jan, & John Wedig 220 0 57:33 0 220 4 Steve Haas 180 0 59:15 0 180 5 Wayne, Brooke, Anna, & Clara Staats 190 0 60:47 10 180 6 Marie-Josée Parayre 210 30 64:11 50 130 29 7 Lumi, Matias, Usva, Sara, & Ahto 120 0 57:06 0 120
90-Minute Class Control Points Elapsed Time Total Pl Name(s) Correct/Penalty Time Penalty Points Errors 1 Jason Reed 540 0 92:02 30 510 2 Rex Winterbottom 500 0 87:50 0 500 3 Jason Lee 490 0 88:03 0 490 4 Erika Reed 480 0 87:23 0 480 5 Eric Rosenzweig 500 30 94:10 50 420 5 6 Jeremy & Seth Johnson 410 0 89:33 0 410 7 Mark Sinks 390 0 88:11 0 390 8 Joe & Sophia Knapp 360 0 84:30 0 360 9 Lebreton Lia, Sebastien 330 0 90:01 10 320 10 BTO 270 0 86:27 0 270 11 Mack Cotton, Daniel Cotton, Diane Appel, 260 0 90:21 10 250 Jim Vicks, Jen Vicks 12 Joanne & Ada Johnson 230 0 82:37 0 230 13 Sparkals-Sunshine-Rainbows 260 0 92:26 30 230 14 Vin Family 250 30 89:40 0 220 10 15 Callie & Zander Rosenzweig 290 30 94:10 50 210 10 16 Anish 200 0 89:16 0 200 17 Aaryan Magar 200 0 91:22 20 180 18 Nick Corsano & Esther Heller 170 0 83:33 0 170 19 Rajsheel Ippili, Shreyas Pandey, 160 0 88:07 0 160 Sarvesh Sinha, Reyaninsh Gadia 20 3 Scouts and a Compass (Eliana, Reynore 180 0 92:02 30 150 Devon Ingram, & Caius Delgabe) 21 Andy, Rebecca & Penny Ritger, 160 0 91:17 20 140 Camila Lauralex, & Ivy Lumbae 22 Michele, Dan, and Ben Conway 130 0 91:12 20 110 23 Sumeet, Preeti, Sanya, and Sophia Sobti 170 0 95:21 60 110 24 Reena and Cora 100 0 77:04 0 100 25 Aakash Nishar, Akhil Prabha, 140 0 95:21 60 80 Michael Catambay, Rohan Keshari