Use of the QuickStick Program

Table of contents

Day-of-Event QuickStick Operations

Start up


Courses in Progress (2nd tab on top of Home page)


Results (3rd tab on top of Home page)

Second Course

Creating a Database for QuickStick and Generating Results

Before the Event ...

1. After powering up the BAOC MacBook, click on the "osxhd" icon in the upper right of the screen. Open the Applications folder. Open the QuickStick folder. Click on QuickStick.jar. This will open the actual program. When setting up an event, answer "Yes" to both questions regarding reader and printer — you will not need either to do this process.

2. You will need the exported Condes file with course data from the course setter to set up a new event. Tell the course setter to use the "Export" command in Condes to create an IOF XML file. The file you receive should have a .xml extension. Save this file in /Users/Mac/Orienteering/QuickStick/Condes Data/.

3. Select the Set up an Event tab at the top of the QuickStick home page. On the Event page, click on the Create New Event button. It will clear the screen of all previous event info.

4. In the Summary section, type in the name of the event starting with the year. Venue is the park and Location is the closest town. Synopsis relates to the type of meet (e.g., B-meet, Goat, etc.). Organizers are the Event Director and Course Setter. All of this data is available on the event announcement page on the BAOC website.

5. Skip down to Browse to Condes Course Data File. Find the .xml file that you saved. Once you select that file, all the course data lines will be filled in. Sometimes the course setter neglects to fill in the climb statistics. If so, use the info from the Course Setter Notes to fill this in later. For a typical BAOC event you won’t need to fill in any classes associated with the courses.

6. You should not need to browse for an archive or a registration file. There is a default archive file. Select a different file only if you are doing a special type of meet, e.g., Ski-O or A-meet.

7. Lastly, click on the large Save Event Data and Use as Active Event button at the bottom of the page. You have now successfully created a new event database ready for use at a regular meet.

After the Event ...

8. Repeat Step #1 above to open the event.

9. Select the Current Results tab at the top of the QuickStick home page. You may want to review the lines, and correct any obvious errors before generating reports. To do this, highlight a line, and hit Correct Selected Result. A dialog box will open with data related to that competitor. Correct as necessary. Occasionally, a double entry may occur. Highlight one of the lines and hit Delete Selected Result.

10. If everything looks OK, hit the Report All Results by Course button. This should automatically generate text files and .csv files for the results. Copy the text file and send it out over the Bay-O-Net.

11. You will probably get some emails requesting additional corrections. Never delete the Results .csv file, or you will have deleted your event!!! Make the necessary corrections on the Results page and re-generate the Results Reports. That way all the files will have the corrections, not just the generated text file that you are working from.

12. After all the corrections are made and reports generated, you need to send them to a number of different folks.