Minutes: 2007 BAOC Annual General Meeting

Sunol Regional Park
April 22, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM at Sunol Regional Park by club President Nick Corsano. Thirty-three club members were present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting were approved.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The proposed slate of officers was approved by acclamation. Serving BAOC for the 2007-2008 year will be: Nick Corsano, President; Brad Wetmore, Event Coordinator; Steve Beuerman, Treasurer; and Trinka Gillis, Secretary.

STATE OF THE CLUB: Nick gave a report on the state of the club. The club has embarked on the process of incorporating, and applying for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Currently, we have 501(c)(7) status, but the experience of another orienteering club has led us to make this change. We held a very successful Ski Orienteering week including the US Champs. Club member Malcolm Wyatt-Mair has been selected for the US team to the Junior World Orienteering Championships. Nick announced that the club would be holding a training day / barbecue at Joaquin Miller Park in July. There continue to be challenges with use of parks. We have lost use of Big Basin because the supervising ranger will not allow off-trail use.

DISCUSSION GROUPS: The club members in attendance broke up into small groups to discuss what they felt were the club's strengths and areas in need of improvement, and what ought to be the club's priorities for the future. Board members Ev and Jean Beuerman, Mark Blair, Jay Hann and Rex Winterbottom served as facilitators. The groups reported back to the assembly the highlights of their discussions. Common themes were land use issues and developing our volunteers.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Trinka Gillis
BAOC Secretary