End O' Millennium Meet
Don't miss the chance to run in the last BAOC O' meet of the century! Come to Bon Tempe for fast runnable woods and grassy spurs and meadows with no cow prints to twist your ankles in. We will be using the IOF Standard OCAD 5-color map (courtesy of Evan Custer) from last year, with updated field checking this fall. The scale will be 1:10,000 with enhanced and "massaged" contour lines.
This event is primarily for BAOC club members, due to attendance restrictions. There will be Orange, Brown, Green, and long Red courses. There will be no beginners courses. Since the Marin Water District restricts our usage to 20 runners per day, we will have the same courses both days.
To attend, you must pre-register by Tuesday, Dec. 7th. You cannot show up and register on race day. To pre-register, send your name, telephone number, and e-mail address, plus the day and course desired to Penny DeMoss:
If you pre-register and find that you can't attend, please call or e-mail us by Wednesday, Dec. 8, so that we can give your spot to anyone on the waiting list.
Starts from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm each day. Courses close at 2:00 pm sharp. Volunteers for control pick-up will be appreciated.