Thinking about a little O practice before heading off to the Rocky Mountain 1000-day or other exotic locale? How about a Wednesday night practice at Menlo Park Bayfront Park on August 4th? I was thinking of setting a nice Yellow course, when, oops! I accidentally deleted all the trails. So now we have something closer to a short (3 km) Orange course. The skills to practice are following contours and vegetation features while trying not to be distracted by numerous "unmarked" trails.
The Baylands are generally open with scattered vegetation. Although the area was recently mowed (to my pleasant surprise), lower leg coverings and cleats might be appropriate because of the loose, dry grass. Starts will be from 5:45 to 6:30 in the main parking lot (near the restrooms). Please bring $1 for the color OCAD map. If there is interest, we can plan on dinner afterwards, perhaps at Koo Koo Roo in Menlo Park.
[Ed. note: This is Mike's last hurrah for BAOC, so come on out! He's defecting to CROC sometime in September....something about a job in Portland, Oregon.]