Stanford University
Date: Sunday, April 4, 2004
Location: near Palo Alto, CA.
Event Director: Natasha Gelfand, with assistance from - (650) 321-6216
Course Setter: Meg Gerstner
Type: C; White, Yellow, and Score-O courses, and BAOC Annual Meeting & Election
This event is sponsored by the Stanford Orienteering Club
and directed by BAOC.
Join us for a Spring day at scenic Stanford University, where the hills are low and there is (nearly) no poison oak. In addition to orienteering, the BAOC annual meeting will be held at the event (see below).
Please note that we are guests of the Stanford Orienteering Club, and must be courteous to others on campus at all times.
Special Features
The BAOC annual meeting, including election of officers, will be held at this event around 1:00 pm (check the BayOnet for the exact time). Please plan to finish your run by then, and attend the meeting.
Stanford will be holding their annual Community Day event that day. The event is an open house designed for families, and including campus tours, faculty lectures, student performances, sports and games for kids, a community health fair, and a variety of exhibits and programs hosted by university offices and organizations.
Registration will be open from 9:00 am to noon in front of Tresidder Student Union. Short beginners clinics will be offered on request from 9:30 to 10:30. Starts will be available from 10:00 until 12:30. All participants must check in at the finish by 2:00 pm, whether or not they have finished their course. (NOTE: Even if you decide not to finish your course, we want to know that you have gone home safely.)
Four courses will be offered:
White Beginners Yellow Advanced beginners Score O Intermediate navigation Long Score O Intermediate navigation
Details will be available closer to the event. The White and Yellow courses might be slightly trickier than usual, given the high level of detail on the map and the occasional need to be aware of multi-level mapping (building overhangs, porches, bridges, etc.). The Score O courses will probably be easier than typical Orange-level controls, but will take advantage of some natural features. Advanced orienteers will be able to practice a lot of route choice.
Safety Notes
Please be aware that there will be automobile traffic on the roads. Please keep a careful eye out for traffic. Your safety is more important than your orienteering time. Also, observe all out-of-bounds areas (red lines) and construction areas (red crosshatching), and make sure you stay out of them. Be aware that the open fields are populated by ground squirrels, and thus there are lots of holes in the ground.
Map Notes
The map was revised last year to use new IOF colors. Thus, make sure you look at the legend. In particular, it is helpful on all courses to be aware that a light gray area on the map indicates a building overhang, passage, or elevated walkway that can be passed under, through or over.
The Pitch
Volunteers are needed to help with with clinics, starts, finishes, results, and control pick-up. No previous experience is necessary -- the tasks are easy, and training will be provided. Orienteering experience isn't even needed (except for conducting clinics). You can volunteer at the event, but the event directors will sleep better if you send email or call in advance.
Driving Directions
From Highway 101, exit at Oregon Expressway/Embarcadero Road, and take Oregon Expressway southwest beyond El Camino Real (where the name changes to Page Mill Road) to Foothill Expressway/Junipero Serra Boulevard. Turn right onto Junipero Serra, and follow the "common" directions below.
From Highway I-280, exit at Page Mill Road, and drive northeast to Foothill Expressway/Junipero Serra Blvd. Turn left onto Junipero Serra, and follow the "common" directions below.
Common to both routes: Drive on Junipero Serra Blvd. to Campus Drive East. Turn right and drive to Mayfield Avenue (the first street on the left). Turn left and follow Mayfield around a forced left turn. Park in the first parking lot on your right. Registration will be in front of Tresidder Student Union, the large building just north of the parking lot.
You might want to check out this detailed map of the relevant portion of the Stanford campus, with the Tresidder Student Union centered at the top. (You can zoom out to see the approach streets.)