Come have a fresh look at a familiar park on Sunday, Sept. 30, at Shell Ridge in Walnut Creek. For this event, course setter Dan Stoll-Hadayia will be using a different staging area than the one used for the last several events. This new entrance will give all participants easier access to different terrain, and will allow everyone to park close to the registration, start, and finish. Best of all, the customary steep climb out of the start will be gone!
We will offer traditional White and Yellow courses for beginner and advanced beginner orienteers. These courses will traverse interesting terrain, with much less climbing than is usually necessary at our East Bay events.
Intermediate and advanced orienteers will participate in a Score-O. Three classes will be offered: the 60-minute 'short', 90- minute 'long', and 120-minute 'ultra'. There will be many low-value controls near the start for those who like to minimize the physical challenge, and also some high-value controls on the outskirts for those who embrace it! All participants will have decisions to make during their traversal of the friendly, nearly poison oak-free terrain. Traditional manual punching will be used.
Please note that no restroom will be available at the event site. Water will be available both at the staging area and on the courses.
We will follow the usual time schedule: registration from 9:00 to 12:00, starts from 10:00 to 12:30, and beginner's clinics as needed from 9:30 to 10:30. All courses will close at 2:00.
From the north: Take 680 south to the North Main St. exit. Follow North Main St. south for 0.7 miles to Ygnacio Valley Rd. Turn left on Ygnacio Valley Rd. and drive 0.5 miles to Walnut Blvd. Turn right on Walnut Blvd. and go 1.6 miles to Sutherland Dr. Turn left on Sutherland Dr. and go 0.2 miles. Park in the small lot at the end of Sutherland or on the adjacent street.
You can also check out this online map of the parking area (thanks, Wyatt!).