Attention, Yellow/Orange/newly advanced orienteers! Want to enhance your O' skills ahead of our busy fall schedule? Then attend the fall session of BAOC's Intermediate Skills Clinic.
We will cover key navigational skills, including effective map reading, route choice, navigation strategies (attack points, handrails, catching features, aiming off, etc.), compass use, pace counting, error detection and correction, and other techniques. Come with your questions, and/or a course map with troublesome legs that you'd like to discuss.
Bring a compass and $3 for the handouts. Please e-mail me by Sept. 10 if you'd like to attend, so I know how many handouts to prepare.
The clinic will be held at REI's Saratoga store in the South Bay. The meeting room is at the rear of the store, near customer service. Ask for the orienteering clinic when you get there, or just stroll on back. I will start promptly at 6:30, so if you are late and the doors are closed, come on in.
From I-280 North: Exit at Saratoga Ave. and go southwest. Cross Prospect and turn left into the El Paseo de Saratoga shopping center.
From I-280 South: Exit at Lawrence Expy. Head south and turn left on Saratoga Ave. Then turn right into the El Paseo de Saratoga shopping center.