Retro orienteering at Las Trampas. Orienteering like you remember. No pre-marked maps. No e-punch. Just you, the map and Las Trampas' famous hills.
Las Trampas Wilderness features steep open hills with some tree cover in the southern section of the park. Star thistle is abundant on the open lower levels. The other two-thirds of the park contain a forested plateau on top of extremely steep canyons. Only a few paths can be used to traverse impenetrable brush along the cliff edges of the plateau.
Blue, Red, Green, Brown, Orange, Yellow, and White courses will be available to test your skill. Registration is available from 9:30-12:00 and course starts from 10:00-12:30. Beginners clinics will be offered between 9:30-10:30. This event will be held rain or shine.
Maps are nine years old, so the advanced courses (Blue through Brown) will have map corrections for you to copy. The map areas used for the white, yellow and orange courses were updated and enlarged by George Kirkov, so they are current. The courses will also be premarked on the maps for the White (beginner's) course.
Both a remote start and finish (at the same area) will be used for Blue through Brown courses. Allow 20-25 minutes from the registration area to reach the start/finish. Red and Blue courses will visit some new terrain. Greg Lee (with assistance from George Kirkov) has set the advanced courses. George Kirkov, Joan Roos, David Meredith, and Idell Weydemeyer have set the Orange, Yellow, and White courses.
We need volunteers for this meet. Since the U.S. Orienteering Championship events are being held in Pennsylvania the same day as the Las Trampas meet, some of the usual volunteers will not be available. Please call or e-mail if you can help, especially with control pickup at the end. If it rains, tents will be available for volunteers at starts (for the lower-level courses), finishes, and registration.
Picnic tables, restrooms, and water are available, so if the day is fine, bring a picnic and meet your fellow orienteerers.
From west: Take 580 from Hayward to Crow Canyon Road. Follow Crow Canyon Road to Bollinger Canyon Road. Go left (north) on Bollinger Canyon Road and continue to end.
From north, east and south: Take Highway 680 to Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon. Go west on Crow Canyon to Bollinger Canyon Road. Turn right (north) and continue to end of Bollinger Canyon Road.