Contact: Steve Gregg, 510-531-6697
Sierra 2000 is less than a month away, so why not get in a good one-hour training run on Wednesday. I will be rerunning my training event from June 1998. It will be a one-hour score-O in the usual question-and-answer format used in our urban settings. Bring a pencil to write down answers to the questions you will be asked at each control.
Starts and finishes will be underneath the Campanille, the tall tower on the center of the campus. Starts will be from 6 PM to 7 PM, and if enough people are interested, we can arrange for a mass start at 6:15 or so. We will go out for dinner after the event. Parking is often difficult around the Cal campus, so be sure to leave enough time to find a spot and walk from there to the Campanille. Hope to see you there.