Lake Elizabeth
Wednesday, May 10, 2000
Mid-week training session
Contact: Angelica Riley, 510-742-9751
When: Starts from 6:00 to 6:30 pm.
What: A repeat of last year's training session (White, Yellow, and Score-O, same
Parking: Free.
Beginner's clinic: On request.
From I-880 in Fremont: Exit at Stevenson Blvd. and head East (away from the bay).
After about 3 miles, turn right at a major, signaled intersection onto Paseo Padre. After
turning right on Paseo Padre, make the 3rd left turn into the park at the sign for Swimming. Do NOT take
the 1st left at the sign for Boating/Skate Park NOR the 2nd left at the sign for Community Center. After
turning into the swimming area lot, you will be forced to curve right, after which you will want to drive all
the way around to the end of the lot, turning left to curve around to the back of the fenced-off swimming
area. From the end of this lot, look North toward the lake for picnic tables.
From I-680 in Fremont: Exit at Washington and turn left. Go about 1/4 mile to Paseo Padre
and turn left at the signal there. Go about 3 miles. After passing two sets of train
tracks, take the next possible right into a parking lot. Go straight ahead to the end.
Park and look north for nearby picnic tables and other orienteers.