For once we had a glorious, sunny weekend at Bon Tempe. Both days were the same weatherwise, so we combined the times into one results list. The treats (hot chocolate, tea, orange juice, and homemade cupcakes) were provided by Penny. The nominal cost for all this was provided by Peter Graube, who sent in his entry and check but couldn't come, so he said it would be his contribution. Thanks to Evan Custer for the orange juice and the OCAD mapping.
In the weeks prior to the event, Penny and I were remapping various areas of the park, since the Marin Water District has had an ongoing program to rid the park of nonnative plants, trees, and Scottish broom. This made for very runnable terrain in areas that had considerable undergrowth last year. However, the "hillside of death," as Steve Gregg calls it, still has some problems, although each time the area is remapped it gets better. Penny and I considered that if one stayed on their contour and counted off the mapped features as they went along, they should be okay. The ultimate feature, of course, is the "rock of Gibraltar" - you can't miss it.
Many thanks to the control pick-up crew: James Wilson, Chris Taylor, Kelly Wells, and Steve Gregg.
ORANGE 11 Controls, 4.73K, 180M 1. Brian Donahue 93:06 2. Melissa Criqui 107:37 3. Tom, Sandra, Andrew Guldman 112:55 4. Colombe Tresan 120:40 5. Idell Wedemeyer 122:50 6. George Aster 126:34 7. Lauren Wemmer 147:03 8. Dean French 172:48 9. David, Sandra Tresan 177:10 10. Haag (3) DNF BROWN 8 Controls, 3.4K, 135M 1. James Wilson 73:59 2. Marsha Jacobs 76:17 3. Dwight Freund 76:43 4. Brian Donahue 78:32 5. Viv Lee 84:43 6. Leif Kirschenbaum 90:13 GREEN 12 Controls, 5.0K, 210M 1. George Minarik 73:14 2. Chris Taylor 76:00 3. Bill Papendick 79:05 4. Bob Cooley 79:52 5. Steve Jankowski 83:07 6. Blake Tresan 84:00 7. Nik Weber 89:25 8. Evan Custer 104:06 9. Leslie, Sarah Minarik 112:18 10. Robert Lewis 114:11 11. Aileen Abernathy 134:15 12. Vic Revenko 147:56 13. David Meredith 159:14 14. Steve Beuerman 179:32 Patty Clemo DNF Rosemary Johnson DNF RED 14 Controls, 6.7K, 240M 1. Syd Reader 71:18 2. Dan Stoll-Hadayia 73:36 3. Doug Stein 73:47 4. Wyatt Riley 77:42 5. Steve Gregg 78:25 6. Thorsten Graeve 85:25 7. Ian Ramsey 99:22 8. Rex Winterbottom 104:22 9. Gary Carpenter 105:12 10. Scott Aster 107:48 11. Mark Prior 109:47 12. Van Boughner 110:13 13. Mark Blair 120:49 14. Mike Springer 126:39 15. Kelly Wells 128:19 16. Eric Rosenzweig 136:12 Angelica Riley DNF