Beautiful weather brought out 121 eager participants for annual Stanford Street-O and O-festival - a.k.a. "Revenge of The Slime Pit" - comprising Street-O, O-clinics, Night-O, and the annual potluck dinner. Results for the daytime and night courses are below, along with the first annual "Orienteer at Home" Tournament.
Highlights on the White course included the winners from the Brill group, who turned in a blazing time of 14:50, edging out the Conkle/Reed group, as well as the completion of the course by 95-year-old Wilma Leonard. The Brills went on to score the 2nd and 6th fastest times on the Yellow and Orange courses, respectively, as they certainly weren't slowed down by having completed the earlier course.
On Yellow, Oleg Shakhnovsky picked up the win with a time of 33:52 and on Orange, Chuck Spalding zipped through in a time of only 42:27. Fortunately, the control I misplaced on Orange (#3; oops) did not slow him down enough to cost him victory.
On the Score-O, both Dan Stoll-Hadayia and Syd Reader nabbed all 24 controls in less than the time limit of 60 minutes (47:36 and 50:10, respectively) and avoided any penalty points.
The Night-O event went off at 6:00 pm sharp. This year's courses followed last year's format, as there were two Score-O courses with a short (50 min.) and long (70 min.) time limit. By designating certain controls as belonging solely to the Long course, the Short course could be completed without having to go into areas that were too dark.
Werner Haag got all but one of the Short Night-O controls with 17 seconds to spare, to win that course with 23 points. On the Long Night-O, Dan Stoll-Hadayia got all 37 controls by using an extra minute over the 70-minute limit. This gave him 36 points, narrowly edging out Wyatt Riley's 34 points (without any penalty). Syd Reader and Panu Haarumo both got 33 points and finished just under the time limit.
After the excitement of the Night-O/Slime Pit swim, folks settled down for the potluck dinner (arranged by acting Social Director Scott Aster) and musical entertainment.
Little did I realize that this innocuous little body of water, also known as "The Slime Pit", would claim two more victims (the original victim succumbed a few years ago during a daylight event) - one of whom had to return to the Start 5 minutes into the event to plead for a new map to replace his thoroughly slimed, soaked and tattered original (note to the Board: do we have a policy on this?). Feeling sympathetic, for a change, I gave the hapless fellow a fresh copy of the map. Only at the end of the courses did I learn that there was also a second victim, who managed to preserve his map if not his dignity. For some reason, some people call this "The Thinking Sport".
In addition, I had a great deal of help from Tony Pinkham, Chuck Spalding, Marsha Jacobs, Steve Gregg, Olivia/Thorsten Graeve, Aileen Abernathy, and Meg Gerstner in the various physical tasks required in putting on the meet (control placing/retrieval, Beginner's Clinics, Results and Start/Finish). Bob Cooley put in several days worth of field work updating the map and then printed all necessary copies. Apologies to anyone I may have inadvertently omitted from this list, and for any spelling mistakes in the names listed in the results.
Lastly, I'd like to thank Syd Reader and the Stanford Orienteering Club for going through the permit approval process and obtaining permission for us to hold the meet.
Many thanks to Jeff Lanam, Patty Clemo & Bob Cooley, Evan Custer, and Gavin Wyatt-Mair for the use of their computers.
Competition Course: 1.9 km, 8 controls
1. Dan Stoll-Hadayia 9:12 2. Leif Kirschenbaum 12:01 3. Matthias Kohler (2nd try) 13:32 4. Brendan Wells (M-16) 13:40 5. Jeff Lanam 15:10 6. Malcolm Wyatt-Mair (M-12) 15:47 7. Cecil Conkle 16:15 8. Ian Ramsay 16:21 9. Eric Rosenweig 17:55 10. Marsha Jacobs 18:01
White Course Place Name Time ================================================================ 1 Mike, Laura, Katherine, Jeff Brill 14:50 2 Cecil, Cade Conkle; Tyler Reed 17:25 3 Kitty Lathrop, Jessica Forbes 25:35 4 Jeffrey Jalaba, Carl Rice 25:36 5 Eric Rohan 26:19 6 Tyler Olsen, Devin Mooers, Stuart Tuvey 26:48 7 Robert, Micah Lerner; Corey Farwell 26:53 8 Katie, Martin Cavanaugh 27:49 9 Neal Kawas, Spencer Wright 30:32 10 Chris, Evan Bird; Luuk, Robert Visser 30:47 11 Diane Bird, Nick Amsden, Alex Helgeson 30:54 12 Divya Seoni, May Fendell, Jessica LaBrie 32:25 13 Bethani Wagner, Clara Davis 32:47 14 David, Doug Amorese 35:31 15 Stuart Lerner, David Wendt 36:43 16 Deirdre Zentler 41:49 17 George, Charlotte, Mack Dean 43:39 18 Stephanie Cole, Heather Coon 51:32 19 Bob Ward 53:22 20 Barbara Robben, Wilma Leonard (95!) 78:49 21 Brian Chang failed to get start time Yellow Course Place Name Time ================================================================= 1 Oleg Shakhnovsky 33:52 2 Kelli, Joe Donovan 42:25 3 Malcom Wyatt-Mair 42:31 4 Russell, Connie Green 48:15 5 Yerneni family 56:42 6 Galena Shakhnovsky 65:51 7 Nathaniel, Len Shar 72:40 8 Taylor, Casey, Bryden Yemm, Alex Leigh, Hillie Salo 74:49 9 Larry, John Pagendarm 75:55 10 Wendy, Matthew, Laura Agee; Bill, Helen Madsen 104:07 2nd course Mike, Laura, Katherine, Jeff Brill 34:08 Brian Chang 58:15 Dave Wendt, Stu Lerner 74:27 Orange Course Place Name Time ================================================================ 1 Chuck Spalding 42:27 2 Aileen Abernathy 67:43 3 Marsha Jacobs 67:55 4 Bill Straka 71:25 5 Jeff, William Boenig 75:53 6 Parag Gupta 81:15 7 Barbara T. Straka 93:41 8 Jane Ferguson, Mary Linkin 108:11 9 Tim Moran MSP 10 Jeff Lanam DNF 3rd course Mike, Laura, Katherine, Jeff Brill 78:38 Score-O Course (60-minute time limit) # of Penalty Total Place Name Time Controls Score ================================================================= 1 Dan Stoll-Hadayia 47:36 24 0 24 2 Syd Reader 50:10 24 0 24 3 James Wilson 56:41 21 0 21 4 Eric Rosenzweig 61:19 21 2 19 5 Greg Wagner 55:00 17 0 17 6 Minoru Machii 70:37 24 11 13 7 Diane Davis, Tony Pinkham 79:17 9 20 -11
Short Course (50-minute time limit) # of Penalty Total Place Name Time Controls Score ================================================================= 1 Werner Haag 49:43 23 0 23 2 Patty Clemo 47:54 15 0 15 3 Esther Mecking 47:39 14 0 14 4 Steve Beuerman 50:40 15 1 14 5 Brendan Wells 47:33 13 0 13 6 Leif Kirschenbaum 49:25 13 0 13 7 Rosemary Johnson 50:41 13 1 12 8 Stew Hintz 52:40 14 3 11 9 Ian Ramsey 65:57 23 16 7 10 Jeff Lanam 54:25 11 5 6 11 Anu Perasalo 58:03 11 9 2 12 Trinka Gillis 62:54 15 13 2 13 Bjorn Widerstrom 62:55 15 13 2 Long Course (70-minute time limit) # of Penalty Total Place Name Time Controls Score ================================================================= 1 Dan Stoll-Hadayia 71:00 37 1 36 2 Wyatt Riley 63:15 34 0 34 3 Syd Reader 69:47 33 0 33 4 Panu Haaramo 69:53 33 0 33 5 Derek Maclean 70:14 29 1 28 6 Thorsten Graeve 60:02 27 0 27 7 Bob Cooley 68:51 27 0 27 8 Brian Moore 70:22 28 1 27 9 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 72:42 29 3 26 10 Scott Aster 64:30 25 0 25 11 Russell Green 69:58 22 0 22 12 Mark Blair 67:50 21 0 21 13 Eric Rosenzweig 72:56 21 3 18 14 Angelica Riley 74:16 22 5 17 15 Steve Haas 73:16 18 4 14 16 David Baar 72:56 12 3 9