It was a nice day for orienteering, and many people took the opportunity to come out to our first regular B club event after the summer vacation season. The turnout was great; we counted 152 entries or approximately 235 people. Below are the complete results.
Thanks to the large group of people who volunteered to help, the event went rather smoothly. We did run out of White and Yellow maps, but managed to recycle enough maps so that everybody could run. As far as I know, there were no major problems on the courses except for not quite enough water on the third water stop on Blue and a shaky map in places. (For future event directors, I suggest printing at least 50-60 maps of White and Yellow each.)
As a course setter I always struggle to set interesting and fair courses which meet the standard in terms of effort required. I was quite pleased with the outcome this time. The winning time was fairly close to estimated time on each of the courses with the exception of Orange and Brown. Historically this is the case in BAOC. Only when we have A meets do we typically get more seasoned runners on those courses. Most often, we have winning times between 70 and 90 minutes on both of those courses. I did expect more DNF and OT then we actually got. I was pleased to see that as well.
Big Basin offers difficult navigation, poor visibility, and physical terrain in terms of climb and poor footing. I congratulate everybody who finished a course, even if you needed more than the maximum 3 hours.
On the White course, 6 entries were faster than my estimated 40 minutes. Malcolm Wyatt-Mair won the course in a outstanding time of 25.38, followed by Bethany Rust, Leslie Miky in 29.51, and the Webelos scout troup in 33.21.
On the Yellow course, the winner was Muhammed Mentese with a time of 46.18, very nice for trying orienteering for the first time. A few more Yellow wins and maybe it's time to try Orange. Daniel Ohlund was second with 53.03. Randy and Sandi Fox followed in 54.47; they also tried orienteering for the first time.
The Orange course was quite physical and participants had to contend with off-trail navigation and some stretches with low visibility. The winner was a team of Sharon Evans, Meg Gerstner, Marsha Jacobs with a time of 85.26. They were followed quite closely by Mark Rice in 86.25 and Bjorn Widerstrom in 91.54. Another notable on Orange was Jan Wolfe, who managed to beat her daughter Lauren by 6 minutes. Maybe for the last time!
Winner on the Brown course was Evan Custer in 78.25 - a good time by Evan, who is coming back from an injury. Evan was followed by Joe Papendick in 82.14 and Mark Blair in 86.19. Not bad by Mark who also is recovering from injury.
Green was won by Derek MacLean, who had stepped down in order to not be away from Rory too long. Derek must have been training lately (using one of those baby joggers maybe), as he had a very good time of 58.40, beating estimated winning time by 7 minutes. Derek was followed by George Minarik, who also had an excellent time of 61.53. Third was Ian Ramsey in 85.01. I think that Ian has improved his navigation quite a bit, and I expect that he will be able to challenge many people on Red and Blue soon. I also want to mention Penny DeMoss, who had a nice performance of 92.41 on her way back from a major injury (torn Achilles tendon).
The Red course was won by Gary Carpenter in 92.43. Gary was 6 minutes ahead of Tapio Karras and Neal Barlow, who shared second place in 98.47. Angelica Riley was 4th in 112.45.
James Scarborough won the Blue course in 91.37, one minute over the esitmated time, quite good. It became apparent that it was a very good time when everybody had finished. Bruce Wolfe was second 112.04, 21 minutes behind James, followed by Wyatt Riley in 114.16.
I would like to thank the following people for helping:
WHITE 2.6km, 15m climb, expected winning time 40 min 1) Malcolm Wyatt-Mair 25.38 2) Bethany Rust, Leslie Miky 29.51 3) Webelos Pack 255 33.21 4) David Dippon 37.19 5) Michael McDonald 37.25 6) Jennifer Rubin 39.21 7) Diane Ehelebe 41.33 8) Sean Mish, Jenny Linder 45.26 9) Kurt, Patti, Benjamin, Christopher Souvey, Guy & Evelyne Hendrix 53.09 10) Deirdre Sudano, Mike Wilson 61.39 11) W. Klear Pack 255 64.24 12) Kevin Walker 68.37 13) Kimberley White, James Scarborough 73.36 14) Andrew, Kate, Peter, Becca, Ran 79.09 15) Matt Graydon 87.36 16) Renee Burginger 88.38 17) Manfred, Philipp, Daniel Kopish, Susan Tanner 98.13 18) Want family 157.40 Yumi Chin MSP YELLOW 3.0km, 30m climb, expected winning time 45 min 1) Muhammed Mentese 46.18 2) Daniel Ohlund 53.03 3) Randy, Sandi Fox 54.47 4) Jeffrey Steuben 55.07 5) Erin Krueger 56.00 6) David Dippon 60.55 7) Margann Arata 60.56 8) Kurt Krames, Elsie Yim, Mark Krames 61.08 9) Rachel Care 64.04 10) Oleg Kibirev, Wendy Yu 65.11 11) Jennifer Rubin 66.18 12) Pete, Rudi, Lynn, Greg Elmensdorp 66.21 13) Eric Jacobsen, Donna Phillips 66.28 14) Jen Shultz 66.48 15) Lauren Wenmer 68.39 16) Amelia, Wendy Girsti 70.27 17) Sam To 70.53 18) Nicholas Jacobsen, Kevin Smith 71.08 19) Robert Blumberg, Vanessa Hemingway 71.22 20) Trinka, Charity Gillis 71.26 21) Aaron & Russel 73.04 22) Diane Ehelebe, Harry Taylor 76.35 23) Jill Custer 76.54 24) Vernon Brown, Sean Nyikos 81.54 25) Cheri Leonard 82.37 26) Audrie Fast 83.07 27) Deidre Sudano, Mike Wilson 86.22 28) Melanie, Gary Jonas 87.57 29) Aharon Kapitulnik 89.16 29) Green, Gerbaldi 89.16 31) Eran, Torres, Gillie Agmon 91.16 32) Andrew McGugan, Margaret Kentzler 91.57 33) Elena, Ken Livak 95.40 34) Dean McCollom, Martha Dyer 96.11 35) Galena Shakhnovsky 98.43 36) Vin Pascal 99.49 37) Lucia Livak 112.08 38) Eric, Shelley Jacobsson 126.13 39) Marshall Madamba, Luzmaria Martinez 127.11 40) Arek Malinowski, Charlie Cogan 160.15 Nancy Livak DNF Zachi Baharov DNF Jan McFarland, Steve Nyikos MSP Etai Bruhis MSP ORANGE 3.0km, 150m climb, expected winning time 55 min 1) Sharon Evans, Meg Gerstner, Marsha Jacobs 85.26 2) Mark Rice 86.25 3) Bjorn Widerstrom 91.54 4) Jan Wolfe 122.17 5) Patti Clemo 124.48 6) Mack Cuttitta 127.38 7) Lauren Wolfe 128.00 8) The Larrys 133.08 9) Christine Shirley 160.59 10) Dimitris Michailidis, Natasha Gelfaud 175.33 Barbara Straka DNF Sean Mish, Jenny Linder DNF BROWN 2.6km, 165m, expected winning time 60 min 1) Evan Custer 78.25 2) Joe Papendick 82.14 3) Mark Blair 86.19 4) Harold DeMoss 89.52 5) Mark Rice 97.34 6) Vivian Lee 105.42 7) Charlie Graham 109.33 8) Sean Coady 111.17 9) Justin Graham 115.28 10) Nik Weber 122.37 11) Anneliese Steuben 149.58 12) Rosemary Johnson 150.36 Hillary Wolfe DNF Nancy Lindeman DNF Drew Keeling DNF Joe Whitehead, Scott Adam, Lou Whitehead, Teneya Soderman DNF GREEN 3.4km, 240 m, expected winning time 65 min 1) Derek MacLean 58.40 2) George Minarik 61.53 3) Ian Ramsey 85.01 4) Penny DeMoss 92.41 5) Bill Papendick 103.48 6) Mike Poulsen 105.49 7) Sarah Minarik 110.04 8) Nick Corsano 110.48 9) Leslie Minarik 112.26 10) Joe Scarborough 114.45 11) Bill Straka 115.11 12) Jeff Lanam 123.17 13) Greg Lee 125.29 14) Russel Green 128.45 15) Aileen Abernathy 129.31 16) David Barr 132.52 17) Theo Verhoven 134.29 18) Michael Fleishman 141.44 19) Steve Beuerman 148.49 20) Vic Revenco 154.09 21) Chad Hendrix 154.58 22) Chuck Spalding 162.00 23) Joan Roos 176.00 Ray Kemp, Shiela Fosters, Tierny OT (188.44) Stew Hintz OT (216.43) Louise Madrid DNF Phillip Hoare DNF Susanne Wallenborg DNF Oleg Shakhnovsky DNF RED 4.9km, 280m climb, expected winning time 80 min 1) Gary Carpenter 92.43 2) Tapio Karras 98.47 2) Neal Barlow 98.47 4) Angelica Riley 112.45 5) Bruce Basset 121.50 6) Bob Cooley 124.25 7) Werner Haag 136.48 8) Trevor Pering 145.04 9) Scott Aster 146.20 10) Matthias Kohler 149.22 11) Peter Graube 154.27 12) Chris Sherwood 155.06 13) Mike Chin 168.22 14) Tod Flak 174.50 Robert Lewis OT (190.01) Kevin Schoenfeld, Leon Berzins DNF John Marshall DNF Matthew Mattson DNF BLUE 6.4km, 400m climb, expected winning time 90 min 1) James Scarborough 91.37 2) Bruce Wolfe 112.04 3) Wyatt Riley 114.16 4) Magnus Wallenborg 120.07 5) Syd Reader 123.52 6) Doug Stein 130.00 7) Thorsten Graeve 139.59 8) Steve Gregg 172.18 Gavin Wyatt-Mair OT (182.10) Eric Rosenzweig OT (188.05) Dan Stoll-Hadaya DNF Van Boughner DNF David Dreyfus MSP/OT Panu Haaramo Unofficial ~120 min