We had a good turnout for the annual Bon Tempe "excursion into the unknown." The weather was perfect on Saturday, and only the late starters on Sunday ran into increasing wind and rain. Below are the complete results.
This year the event was not so daunting, as the new map proved to be well-appreciated. However, we had no sooner finished field-checking and printing the new OCAD map (thanks to Evan Custer for his many hours at his computer), when the Marin Water District started on an extensive non-native tree removal program. Consequently, before the ink even dried, we were looking at major map corrections right up until the week before the event. Even then, there were two fallen trees near Red control 8 (rootstock) that weren't there three days before and momentarily confused some runners. The beauty of OCAD is that we can continue to work on the map for next year's event.
As a result of the recent "Bay Area Backroads" TV segment, we had a number of calls from people wanting to try orienteering. We had to turn away most of them, since the shortest/easiest course offered was Orange. We did allow some experienced hikers to go out; thus the rather long times for some on Orange. They were quick to remark that it wasn't quite as depicted on TV!
Gary Kraght is apparently healthy and recovering from numerous injuries, as he blasted through the Brown course in an impressive 38:55. Second place was Sarah Minarik in 51:45. On the Green course, George Minarik, who's also been bothered with injuries in recent months, had a strong run to win with a time of 76:49. Aileen Abernathy was the first woman in 119:03.
The long Red course was won by Syd Reader, who claims he was covered with fleas when he finished. Fleas? With a time of 72:38, one wonders how they managed to jump on. It's been suggested...well, never mind. Nice going, Syd. Second was Michi Kamijimi in 74:30, also an impressive time. Third place was a new Finnish resident, Panu Haaramo, in 76:00. He plans to join the club.
Many thanks to those who helped out. Bill Papendick used his pickup as a "sag wagon" and brought back some very appreciative and soggy nonfinishers. Michi Kamijima, Sharon Evans, Michael Slavin, Kelly Wells, and Steve Smith picked up controls for us in a driving rainstorm. Truly an act above and beyond. Thanks again.
ORANGE 4.0 k 120 m 7 controls 1. Michael Slavin 68:07 2. Sharon Evans 70:32 3. Dimitry Shmidt 84:50 4. George Aster 128:33* 5. Jennifer Schultz 157:17* 6. Don Gee 169:12 Brett Carver OT* Rebecca Reinecke DNF Ken Pimentel DNF Galena Shakhnovsky DNF Burchill & Konrad DNF Group 1. Jon Kawamura & Beth Dameron 119:49* BROWN 3.2 k 96 m 7 controls 1. Gary Kraght 38:55* 2. Sarah Minarik 51:45* 3. Dan Dyer 57:21* 4. Vivian Lee 61:29* 5. Leslie Minarik 62:08* 6. Dwight Freund 69:40* 7. Eric Rosenzweig 69:53* 8. David Meredith 79:18 9. Frazier Stevenson 86:17 Nancy Lindeman OT Group 1. Guldmans 92:55 GREEN 5.1 k 260 m 12 controls 1. George Minarik 76:49* 2. Dennis Wildfogel 87:30* 3. Chris Taylor 90:36* 4. Bill Papendick 104:22 5. Aileen Abernathy 119:03* 6. Rob Williams 120:25 7. Joan Roos 179:51* Vic Revenko DNF Oleg Shakhnovsky DNF Group Stansfield & Carlson DNF* 2nd Course 1. Eric Rosenzweig 159:15* RED 6.9 k 280 m 15 controls 1. Syd Reader 72:38 2. Michihiro Kamijima 74:30 3. Pano Haaramo 76:00* 4. Thorsten Graeve 80:49* 5. Dan Greene 84:53* 6. Gavin Wyatt-Mair 91:55* 7. Tapio Karras 95:09 8. Bob Cooley 95:54 9. Gary Carpenter 97:50 10. Dan Clark 98:30 11. Werner Haag 98:32* 12. Mark Prior 99:30* 13. Steve Gregg 100:37* 14. Van Boughner 103:03 15. Kelly Wells 105:57 16. Scott Aster 106:14 17. Steve Smith 106:18 18. Bruce Bassett 108:26 19. Mark Blair 110:43 20. Rex Winterbottom 116:32 21. Tony Pinkham 118:31 22. Trevor Pering 121:10 23. Peter Graube 148:03