The weather was sunny and warmer Sunday, as compared to cloudy and cool on Saturday. This may have had an effect on the visibility, as there seemed to be fewer major errors, such as experienced by Derrick, Dennis and Finn. Our newer bags tend to "glow" in the sunlight. Also vegetation boundaries may have been easier to pick out on Sunday. I have put a sa or su designation next to each time. You can determine if each day should be ranked separately.
Red Course 5.3K 300m climb 13 controls 1. James Scarborough 48:00 su 2. Tom Strat 63:56 su 3. Wyatt Riley 65:17 sa 4. Steve Gregg 75:15 su 5. Penny DeMoss 75:41 su 6. Mark Petersen 77:34 su 7. Joe Scarborough 81:55 su 8. Derrick Maclean 82:10 sa 9. Tapio Karras 83:36 sa 10. Thorsten Graeve 85:59 sa 11. Evan Custer 91:53 su 12. Ron Gross 98:29 sa 13. Dennis Wildfogel 100:29 sa 14. Bob Cooley 103:13 sa 15. Peter Graube 110:35 sa 16. Scott Aster 115:14 su 17. Harold Demoss 115:52 su 18. Sharon Evans 133:17 sa 19. Vic Revenko 161:08 su Brown Course 3.2K 190m climb 9 controls 1. Werner Haag 41:50 su 2. Stephanie Maclean 45:20 sa 3. Keith Krieger 49:12 sa 4. Finn Arildsen 57:02 sa 5. Janet Halsebo 58:58 su 6. Michael Percy 62:49 sa 7. Dwight Freund 69:15 su 8. Bill Papendick 70:33 su 9. Tony Pinkham 72:45 sa 10. Lisa Wylie 74:37 su Yellow/Orange Course 3.1K 120m climb 8 controls 1. Marsha Jacobs 53:59 sa 2. Joe Papendick 54:25 su 3. Tom & Sandy Guldman 68:03 sa 4. David Roberson 88:40 sa 5. Nancy Lindemann 94:10 sa