Bon Tempe (Volunteer Appreciation Event)
Saturday & Sunday, December 20-21, 2003
Fairfax, CA.
Event Director: Scott Aster - 415.456.8118
Course Setter: Dwight Freund
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This year's Bon Tempe event was a volunteer appreciation event, free for club members who volunteered at any BAOC event in 2003. The reason for the limited attendance is that the stewards of the mapped area, the Marin Municipal Water District, restrict us to only 20 participants each day. The event is held on two consecutive days to allow 40 club members the opportunity to partake.
The weather was typical for Bon Tempe: Mist, hard rain, and at times dense fog on Saturday, with overcast, but dry and fog-free conditions on Sunday. 43 club members who had volunteered during the year came out and participated in our annual end-of-the-year event, taking a break from holiday shopping, football games, and staying inside during bad weather to tramp around this beautiful map of ours.
The rain & fog created serious hardships for competitors on Saturday, with those wearing glasses suffering the most. Matthias Kohler, had to abandon his course while in the deep, dark redwoods on the "Hillside of Death" due to the fact that his glasses were so steamed up that, combined with the darkness made it impossible to read his map. Matthias did hike out of the dense woods to the more open area on the west side of the map, where he picked up the course and finished strongly.
The rain on Saturday made for slick conditions around several controls, and many participants came in not only drenched, but quite muddy as well.
The conditions on Sunday were much better, with no rain or fog to deal with. Times on all three courses were faster than on Saturday, though people continued to have trouble dealing with the map. I think the biggest challenge of the map is the 40 foot contours, which hide a lot of detail between contour lines. It was quite easy to get confused on the elevation when we are all so used to 5 meter contours. I made a couple of mistakes myself, picking up controls due my forgetting the difference.
Many thanks goes to Dwight Freund, who designed all of the courses, and hung most of the bags on Thursday, two days before the event. Dwight made good use of the map, and set courses that, for the most part, avoided the pitfalls of Bon Tempe, as evidenced by the small numbers of DNFs on both days. Dwight made my job as Event Director a very easy one, and the meet wouldn't have happened without him.
I was able to run the starts and finishes both days, but fortunately, I got lots of help picking up bags on Sunday. Joan Roos, Oleg Shaknovsky, Steve Gregg, George & Leslie & Sarah Minarik all helped out with this task.
The results are listed below. People who ran on Saturday have "Sat" after their times; Sunday participants have "Sun" after their times.
Bon Tempe, Fairfax, CA Saturday & Sunday, December 20-21, 2003 Results Pl Name Time Day "Yellonge" Course (3.7 km, 180 m climb, 14 controls) 1 Tom & Sandy Guldman 82:49 Sun 2 Sharon Evans & Dan Vanatter 96:34 Sat 3 Larry Pagendarm 110:53 Sat 4 Shirley & Neal Pierce 134:19 Sat Galena Shaknovsky DNF Sun Brown Course (3.7 km, 200 m climb, 11 controls) 1 George Minarik 65:16 Sun 2 Gary Kraght 71:13 Sun 3 Sarah Minarik 95:44 Sun 4 Joan Roos 97:24 Sun 5 Leslie Minarik 98:31 Sun 6 Harold DeMoss 99:20 Sat 7 Jennifer Kerr 110:34 Sun 8 Laura McKeegan & Rob Clima 133:09 Sun 9 Alan Houser 142:29 Sun 10 Vic, Liz, & Laura Revenko 146:20 Sat 11 Rosemary Johnson 157:19 Sun 12 Sean Campbell 219:06 Sun Dean French DNF Sat Nancy Lindeman DNF Sat Oleg Shaknovsky DNF Sun Red Course (6.0 km, 380 m climb, 19 controls) 1 Tapio Karras 88:07 Sun 2 Derek Maclean 91:07 Sun 3 Steve Gregg 92:36 Sun 4 Mark Prior 95:50 Sat 5 Dan Greene 100:30 Sat 6 Penny DeMoss 104:32 Sat 7 Evan Custer 108:12 Sun 8 Hannu Haarma 113:16 Sun 9 Chuck Spalding 125:02 Sat 10 Brad Wetmore 125:54 Sat 11 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 129:06 Sat 12 Bill Papendick 138:49 Sat 13 Peter Graube 138:54 Sat Matthias Kohler DNF Sat Terry Farrah DNF Sat Andrejus Masalkovas DNF Sat Leif Kirschenbaum DNF Sun
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