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Janet punches the finish with the help of twin daughters Katie and Sarah; Morgan Territory A-meet, October 2001 (Photo: Judy Koehler) Rubin heads to the finish at the 2001 Morgan Territory A-meet, shadowed by proud papa Van Boughner (Photo: Tony Pinkham) Small piece of the master map at Annadel, 2003 Checking the map at the control Ev and Jean Beuerman at Big Basin in 1996

BAOC Event Results - 2003

Date Event
Dec. 20-21 Bon Tempe (Volunteer Appreciation)
Dec. 13 Stanford University (Club Social)
Nov. 23 Almaden Quicksilver (Golden Goat)
Nov. 16 China Camp
Nov. 2 Las Trampas
Oct. 26 Skyline Ridge
Oct. 5 Big Basin
Sep. 21 Presidio - NOD event
Sep. 20 Spring Lake - NOD event
Sep. 20 Coyote Hills - NOD event
Sep. 13-14 Fallen Leaf Lake Recreational Events
Sep. 13-14 2003 Silva U.S. Orienteering Championships
Aug. 24 Roberts Regional Recreation Area
Aug. 17 Wilder Ranch
Aug. 10 UC Berkeley
July 27 Northstar
July 20 Bayfront Park
July 13 Golden Gate Park
June 29 Lake Elizabeth
June 22 Spring Lake
June 8 Morgan Territory
May 24-26 Tahoe 3 Day
May 10 Indian Valley
May 3 Vasona Lake
Apr. 27 Joe Grant
Apr. 13 Sunol
Apr. 6 Stanford
Mar. 30 Annadel (with map)
Mar. 16 Briones Rogaine
Mar. 9 Shell Ridge
Mar. 2 Bear Valley Ski-O
Feb. 23 Pt. Pinole - sprint champs
Feb. 9 Emerald Hills - with map
Feb. 2 Royal Gorge Ski-O
Jan. 26 Nisene Marks
Jan. 11 Burton Creek Ski-O
Jan. 4 Huddart

Within the results, you may also find abbreviations and e-punch splits. You can search the WinSplits online database for previous BAOC e-punch events.

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Previous: 2004