Bay Area Orienteering Club
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1996 Summer Series Results

by Robert Lewis, BAOC Bulletin editor

Below you'll find the Summer Series Standings as of 9/5/96, through 5 of our 6 events. The last event will be Monte Bello on Oct. 6. Remember, only the top 5 of 6 scores are used, so if you've missed an event you may still be in the running. As you can see, the top spot is still up for grabs by a number of people, and who knows who will take second or third. For people who already have five events, your Monte Bello score can replace your worst outing thus far and bring your points up even more.

A scoring explanation can be found in the 1995 Summer Series results.

                                Indian   Joe    China   Nisene  Total
                        Sunol   Valley  Grant   Camp    Marks   Points
1   Kent Ohlund           85      89     100     100      90     464
2   Manfred Kopisch       85      83      87      97      94     446
3   Michael Poulsen       91      80      82      92      95     440
4   Jorg Hofer           100      87      20      88     100     395
5   Robert Lewis          78      70      68      96      78     390
6   Dennis Wildfogel      94      95     100       0     100     389
7   Tapio Karras          90      84      96      20      84     374
8   George Minarik        88      90      93     100       0     371
9   Kelly Wells          100     100      72      20      67     359
10  Gary Carpenter        95      95       0      95      67     352
11  Werner Haag           80     100      70       0     100     350
12  Jascha Lee            94      75      75      20      73     337
13  Bill Papendick        97      91       0      86      62     336
14  Bob Cooley             0      56      79      91      95     321
15  Evan Custer           75      83      83      72       0     313
16  Julie Wells           62      88       0      70      87     307
17  Derek Maclean          0     100     100       0     100     300
18  Joe Scarborough      100     100      97       0       0     297
19  Michael Fleishman     70       0      59      83      84     296
20  Arild Orsleie          0     100      87     100       0     287
21  Stephanie Maclean     58      74      62       0      89     283
22  Gary Kraght            0      85      96     100       0     281
23  Janice Litvin &
    John Hensley          73      95      87      20       0     275
24  Louise Madrid         96      20      75       0      84     275
25  Alan Glendinning      95      78      94       0       0     267
26  Steve Gregg            0       0      76     100      89     265
27  Doug Stein            93       0      81      90       0     264
28  Rex Winterbottom     100      73       0      77       0     250
29  Tony Pinkham          70      47      57       0      70     244
30  Dan Greene             0      67      91      82       0     240
31  Ron Gross             70       0       0      93      76     239
32  Roy Want              82       0      75       0      82     239
33  Scott Aster           63      87       0      87       0     237
34  Thorsten Graeve        0      67      88       0      80     235
35  Vic Revenko           61      53       0      61      58     233
36  Pat Reed              54       0      81      76       0     211
37  Tom Carpenter         89       0       0      20     100     209
38  Brian Moore            0      60      64      76       0     200
39  Bruce Bassett         85      62      53       0       0     200
40  George & Pat Aster     0     100       0     100       0     200

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