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The 1994 BAOC Rankings are a mathematical concoction based on the event results. More details on these rankings and the mathematics behind them can be found in the following issues of the BAOC Bulletin: Jan/Feb 1993, Jan/Feb 1994, and Jul/Aug 1994.
Advanced CoursesThese rankings were done entirely by computer using an iteration rankings method. The major differences from the USOF ranking method are that everyone's result is used to determine the course difficulty, not just the top three, and that the ranking calculations are based on this year's results only (not on last year's rankings) via the use of iteration.
The Rossmoor Bar Green and Red courses were not included because of a missing control.
In the first half of the process, course difficulties are determined. Speed points on a course are supposed to be proportional to the orienteering speed of a competitor. Thus, if someone finishes a course in half the time of someone else, they will get twice as many points. That's the easy part.
The tricky part is figuring out how different courses compare, so that people who don't run directly against each other can be ranked side by side. One way to do this is to give each course a difficulty level or "gnarliness value" (GV). This way, the harder a course is, the more points you get for finishing it in a certain time.
It's very difficult (if not impossible) to determine the difficulty (or GV) of a course just by looking at how long or steep it is, so instead we use an estimate based on how all the competitors did. We don't directly ask each competitor how hard they thought the course was, because that would be subjective. What we do is compare how long they took with how fast they usually are to determine how hard they "experienced" the course to be.
The exact rules are even less readable than the above:
If you study that list of rules, you might notice that this ranking system is circular. The competitors' speeds are based on the GVs, which are based on the PGVs, which are based on the competitors' speeds. Most systems get around this difficulty by determining the course gnarliness values (GVs) using the previous year's rankings as the competitors' speeds for the initial step.
The Iteration rankings are not based on previous years' rankings, which means that the 1994 rankings are based only on the 1994 finishes. This makes the process circular, which requires you to start with some speeds, then calculate all the way through and get new speeds, and do this again and again until the numbers stop changing.
Once the numbers settle, you have a GV for each course. Then, for each competitor, you add back in their DNFs and DQs, giving them a very slow penalty time for the course, then calculate all of their scores, and average the top 75 percent of these to come up with the ranking points for the competitor.
We had 194 different advanced-course competitors this year, without having an A-meet to attract out-of-town orienteers (that's up from 117 last year). Of these, 81 raced 3 or more times. We're definitely doing something right!
Other highlights:
Rank Name Result '93 Rank Events F21 45 (1) Stephanie Maclean 57.4 15 53 (2) Karen Sessler 52.4 45 10 58 (3) Sharon Evans 50.2 52 6 F35 49 (1) Janet Halsebo 55.3 46 10 F40 11 (1) Penny DeMoss 86.6 13 8 61 (2) Edith Jacobi 47.6 47 7 68 (3) Patty Clemo 38.5 6 F45 67 (1) Marsha Jacobs 40.9 50 7 70 (2) Lucy DuPertuis 33.5 6 F50 81 (1) Nancy Lindeman 24.5 6 M20 1 (1) James Scarborough 123.5 2 4 M21 3 (1) Michael Schumacher 108.3 4 5 (2) Torben Voetmann 99.9 5 6 (3) Wyatt Riley 99.8 4 12 (4) Derek Maclean 85.3 15 13 (5) Ian Tidswell 84.7 8 3 22 (6) Tapio Karras 76.3 5 23 (7) Darren Irwin 75.8 4 27 (8) Thorsten Graeve 73.5 9 29 (9) Phil Lacroute 70.1 7 6 35 (10) Dan Greene 63.3 32 9 37 (11) Stuart Taylor 62.8 23 4 39 (12) Kennard White 61.5 34 5 42 (13) Bruce Bassett 58.5 3 47 (14) Michael Percy 56.9 41 8 48 (15) Scott Aster 56.6 37 11 52 (16) Keg Alexander 52.5 25 5 55 (17) Roy Want 51.4 7 78 (18) Robert Rich 28.5 3 80 (19) Anthony Manuel 25.7 3 M35 4 (1) Andy Staatz 107.9 6 4 8 (2) Kent Ohlund 94.1 3 12 10 (3) Tom Strat 91.5 5 14 15 (4) Andy Freeberg 82.4 11 4 20 (5) Steve Gregg 76.7 19 14 21 (6) Alan Glendinning 76.7 18 10 25 (7) Dan Clark 75.3 3 36 (8) Finn Arildsen 63.0 7 38 (9) Werner Haag 62.0 27 10 41 (10) Michael Poulsen 60.2 4 57 (11) Kenneth Brown 50.5 4 60 (12) Brian Battuello 47.8 5 63 (13) Tony Pinkham 45.3 4 73 (14) Jeff Lanam 32.0 3 75 (15) Steve Beuerman 31.1 5 M40 2 (1) Bruce Wolfe 110.2 1 5 14 (2) Gary Kraght 82.5 15 9 17 (3) Mark Petersen 81.1 9 8 19 (4) Stephen Miller 78.9 4 34 (5) Gavin Wyatt-Mair 63.4 24 10 40 (6) Mark Blair 60.9 29 10 43 (7) Peter Graube 57.6 43 10 51 (8) Christian Jacobi 52.8 36 7 54 (9) Jim Thompson 52.3 3 59 (10) Lars Borg 48.3 3 M45 9 (1) Ron Hudson 93.8 4 5 16 (2) Gary Carpenter 81.5 20 12 18 (3) Dennis Wildfogel 79.8 12 11 26 (4) George Minarik 74.5 16 12 30 (5) Steve Smith 68.2 4 56 (6) Greg Lee 50.8 4 62 (7) Steve Boyack 46.5 4 65 (8) Nick Corsano 43.6 26 3 M50 28 (1) Evan Custer 70.4 21 15 31 (2) Bob Cooley 68.1 14 14 44 (3) Michael Fleishman 57.5 30 8 64 (4) Dwight Freund 44.7 6 66 (5) Vic Revenko 42.1 48 7 69 (6) John Miller 34.2 53 4 79 (7) Gerald de Wit 27.9 55 5 M55 24 (1) Joe Scarborough 75.7 10 4 32 (2) Ron Gross 65.9 22 12 46 (3) Harold DeMoss 57.0 38 9 M60 71 (1) Don Harrington 32.6 54 5 Groups 50 (1) Theo Verhoeven & Paul Vermissen 53.9 4 74 (2) Susan White & Richard Asano 31.5 4 76 (3) Aron & Robert Walker 30.8 3 Unknown 7 (-) Andy Quickfall 99.2 3 33 (-) Reed Benet 65.7 5 72 (-) Ed Bolen 32.2 4 77 (-) Nora Ernst 29.4 3
Rank Name Class Result Events 93 Rank 1 (1) James Scarborough M20 123.5 4 2 2 (1) Bruce Wolfe M40 110.2 5 1 3 (1) Michael Schumacher M21 108.3 4 4 (1) Andy Staatz M35 107.9 4 6 5 (2) Torben Voetmann M21 99.9 5 6 (3) Wyatt Riley M21 99.8 4 7 (1) Andy Quickfall Unknown 99.2 3 8 (2) Kent Ohlund M35 94.1 12 3 9 (1) Ron Hudson M45 93.8 5 4 10 (3) Tom Strat M35 91.5 14 5 11 (1) Penny DeMoss F40 86.6 8 13 12 (4) Derek Maclean M21 85.3 15 13 (5) Ian Tidswell M21 84.7 3 8 14 (2) Gary Kraght M40 82.5 9 15 15 (4) Andy Freeberg M35 82.4 4 11 16 (2) Gary Carpenter M45 81.5 12 20 17 (3) Mark Petersen M40 81.1 8 9 18 (3) Dennis Wildfogel M45 79.8 11 12 19 (4) Stephen Miller M40 78.9 4 20 (5) Steve Gregg M35 76.7 14 19 21 (6) Alan Glendinning M35 76.7 10 18 22 (6) Tapio Karras M21 76.3 5 23 (7) Darren Irwin M21 75.8 4 24 (1) Joe Scarborough M55 75.7 4 10 25 (7) Dan Clark M35 75.3 3 26 (4) George Minarik M45 74.5 12 16 27 (8) Thorsten Graeve M21 73.5 9 28 (1) Evan Custer M50 70.4 15 21 29 (9) Phil Lacroute M21 70.1 6 7 30 (5) Steve Smith M45 68.2 4 31 (2) Bob Cooley M50 68.1 14 14 32 (2) Ron Gross M55 65.9 12 22 33 (2) Reed Benet Unknown 65.7 5 34 (5) Gavin Wyatt-Mair M40 63.4 10 24 35 (10) Dan Greene M21 63.3 9 32 36 (8) Finn Arildsen M35 63.0 7 37 (11) Stuart Taylor M21 62.8 4 23 38 (9) Werner Haag M35 62.0 10 27 39 (12) Kennard White M21 61.5 5 34 40 (6) Mark Blair M40 60.9 10 29 41 (10) Michael Poulsen M35 60.2 4 42 (13) Bruce Bassett M21 58.5 3 43 (7) Peter Graube M40 57.6 10 43 44 (3) Michael Fleishman M50 57.5 8 30 45 (1) Stephanie Maclean F21 57.4 15 46 (3) Harold DeMoss M55 57.0 9 38 47 (14) Michael Percy M21 56.9 8 41 48 (15) Scott Aster M21 56.6 11 37 49 (1) Janet Halsebo F35 55.3 10 46 50 (1) Theo Verhoeven & Paul Vermissen Group 53.9 4 51 (8) Christian Jacobi M40 52.8 7 36 52 (16) Keg Alexander M21 52.5 5 25 53 (2) Karen Sessler F21 52.4 10 45 54 (9) Jim Thompson M40 52.3 3 55 (17) Roy Want M21 51.4 7 56 (6) Greg Lee M45 50.8 4 57 (11) Kenneth Brown M35 50.5 4 58 (3) Sharon Evans F21 50.2 6 52 59 (10) Lars Borg M40 48.7 3 60 (12) Brian Battuello M35 47.8 5 61 (2) Edith Jacobi F40 47.6 7 47 62 (7) Steve Boyack M45 46.5 4 63 (13) Tony Pinkham M35 45.3 4 64 (4) Dwight Freund M50 44.7 6 65 (8) Nick Corsano M45 43.6 3 26 66 (5) Vic Revenko M50 42.1 7 48 67 (1) Marsha Jacobs F45 40.9 7 50 68 (3) Patty Clemo F40 38.5 6 69 (6) John Miller M50 34.2 4 53 70 (2) Lucy DuPertuis F45 33.5 6 71 (1) Don Harrington M60 32.6 5 54 72 (3) Ed Bolen Unknown 32.2 4 73 (14) Jeff Lanam M35 32.0 3 74 (2) Susan White & Richard Asano Group 31.5 4 75 (15) Steve Beuerman M35 31.1 5 76 (3) Aron & Robert Walker Group 30.8 3 77 (4) Nora Ernst Unknown 29.4 3 78 (18) Robert Rich M21 28.5 3 79 (7) Gerald de Wit M50 27.9 5 55 80 (19) Anthony Manuel M21 25.7 3 81 (1) Nancy Lindeman F50 24.5 6
Most Improved (top 10) 1994 1993 Name Class Result Result Improvement Sharon Evans F21 50.2 35.8 +40% Andy Staatz M35 107.9 92.1 +17% Janet Halsebo F35 55.3 47.4 +17% Gary Carpenter M45 81.5 70.8 +15% Peter Graube M40 57.6 50.8 +13% Penny DeMoss F40 86.6 77.3 +12% Karen Sessler F21 52.4 47.6 +10% Gary Kraght M40 82.5 75.3 +10% Dan Greene M21 63.3 58.0 +9% Michael Percy M21 56.9 52.3 +9% Consistency (top 12) Calculation: 1 / normalized standard deviation of scores Name Class Consistency Events Stuart Taylor M21 34 4 Ron Hudson M45 28 5 Lars Borg M40 26 3 James Scarborough M20 23 4 Michael Schumacher M21 23 4 Andy Freeberg M35 21 4 Joe Scarborough M55 18 4 Bruce Wolfe M40 17 5 Dan Greene M21 17 9 Kent Ohlund M35 15 12 Penny DeMoss F40 15 8 Steve Smith M45 15 4
Typical # of 94 Rank Name Result Time Events 93 Rank 1 Alan Mathews 1033 58:04 3 2 Ramana Yerneni 1024 58:36 3 3 Sarah Minarik 943 63:36 5 4 Oleg Shakhnovsky 902 66:32 3 5 Rick Boyer 894 67:08 4 7 6 Michael Poulsen 879 68:13 3 7 Brian Battuello 828 72:27 6 8 Mike Landucci 809 74:07 3 18 9 Anthony Pinkham 808.41 74:13.2 3 10 10 Franziska Haag 808.36 74:13.4 6 14 11 Bill Straka 798 75:08 3 12 Keith Krieger & Darcy Richardson 784 76:33 3 13 Marsha Jacobs 774 77:31 4 15 14 Jasper Wu 756 79:21 4 15 Paul Li 751 79:55 4 16 16 Lisa Wylie 732 81:57 3 19 17 Joe Papendick 717 83:39 3 18 Alan Kamas 688 87:15 5 19 Chris H. Comfort 679 88:23 4 20 Jeff Lanam 674 89:00 6 17 21 Robert Rich 663 90:28 3 22 Kathy Tappers & Brian Frew 656 91:30 3 23 Eleanor Gross-Lightfoot 654 91:45 8 24 Jon Gibbons & Steve Papa 641 93:38 3 25 Leslie Minarik 639 93:53 3 26 Steve Minniear 628 95:32 3 27 Jascha Lee 625 96:02 3 28 Ken Livak 619 96:55 4 29 Meg Gerstner 593 101:06 6 30 Jasper Wu & Reggie Dugard 592 101:23 3 31 Carolyn & Chris Cobey 570.3 105:12 3 32 Don Harrington 569.5 105:21 3 33 Valerie Doyle 539 111:24 3 34 Nancy Lindeman 513 116:55 7 22 35 Carol Irwin 417 143:55 3 36 Marc Bernstein 349 171:47 3 37 Lisa Gattuso & Meg Gerstner 331 181:32 3
1993 Orange Competitors 1993 1994 1994 Orange Adv. Adv. Rank Name Rank Score 10 Tony Pinkham 63 (13) 45.3 11 Dwight Freund 64 (4) 44.7 3 Patty Clemo 68 (3) 38.5 17 Jeff Lanam 73 (14) 32.0 12 Steve Beuerman 75 (15) 31.1 22 Nancy Lindeman 81 (1) 24.5 1994 Orange Competitors 1994 1994 1994 Orange Adv. Adv. Rank Name Rank Score 6 Michael Poulsen 41 (10) 60.2 7 Brian Battuello 60 (12) 47.8 9 Tony Pinkham 63 (13) 45.3 13 Marsha Jacobs 67 (1) 40.9 32 Don Harrington 71 (1) 32.6 20 Jeff Lanam 73 (14) 32.0 21 Robert Rich 78 (18) 28.5 34 Nancy Lindeman 81 (1) 24.5
GV Event Description 6631 Huddart Jan 16 1994 GREEN 4.3 Km 400 Meter Climb 12 Controls 7883 Huddart Jan 16 1994 RED 5.4 Km 470 Meter Climb 14 Controls 9352 Huddart Jan 16 1994 BLUE 6.3 Km 540 Meter Climb 16 Controls 4166 Shell Ridge Feb 13 1994 GREEN COURSE 4.5km 265m 12 controls 5896 Shell Ridge Feb 13 1994 RED COURSE 5.6km 390m 13 controls 7562 Shell Ridge Feb 13 1994 BLUE COURSE 7.6km 490m 16 controls 6022 Las Trampas Feb. 27 1994 Green 3.8 km 300 m 9 controls 7099 Las Trampas Feb. 27 1994 Red 4.6 km 340 m 12 controls 8436 Las Trampas Feb. 27 1994 Blue 5.7 km 420 m 14 controls 4088 Calero Reservoir March 13, 1994 Brown Course 3.8 km 260 m 8 controls 5422 Calero Reservoir March 13, 1994 Green Course 5.0 km 310 m 10 controls 8472 Calero Reservoir March 13, 1994 Red Course 6.8 km 375 m 16 controls 4305 Annadel Mar 27 1994 Brown 3.1 k 5776 Annadel Mar 27 1994 Green 4.3 k 8182 Annadel Mar 27 1994 Red 6.1 k 10565 Annadel Mar 27 1994 Blue 7.7 k 4830 Sunol Apr 10 1994 Brown 4407 Sunol Apr 10 1994 Green 6451 Sunol Apr 10 1994 Red 8549 Sunol Apr 10 1994 Blue 5227 Indian Valley April 24 1994 Green course 3.8 km 280 m climb 8 controls 6617 Indian Valley April 24 1994 Red course 4.9 km 360 m climb 11 controls 8952 Indian Valley April 24 1994 Blue course 6.2 km 480 m climb 15 controls 7158 Doton's Point May 1 1994 Green 5.5 km 100 m 10089 Doton's Point May 1 1994 Blue 8.4 km 160 m 4536 Joseph Grant May 22, 1994 Brown course 3.5 km 230 m climb 9 controls 5482 Joseph Grant May 22, 1994 Green course 4.3 km 260 m climb 10 controls 6494 Joseph Grant May 22, 1994 Red course 5.5 km 335 m climb 13 controls 8725 Joseph Grant May 22, 1994 Blue course 6.9 km 440 m climb 17 controls 4556 Nisene Marks June 19, 1994 Brown 3.1 km 170 m 9 controls 6718 Nisene Marks June 19, 1994 Green 3.8 km 250 m 9 controls 11115 Nisene Marks June 19, 1994 Red 5.2 km 315 m 13 controls 5576 Boreal Ridge, August 21, 1994 Green 4.8km, 150m 10 controls 7275 Boreal Ridge, August 21, 1994 Red 6.5km 240m 11 controls 8375 Boreal Ridge, August 21, 1994 Blue 8.1km 305m 15 controls 5761 China Camp, October 16, 1994, Green 4.7 k 322 m 7761 China Camp, October 16, 1994, Red 5.5 k 387 m 7459 China Camp, October 16, 1994, Blue 6.3 k 427 m 6814 BIG BASIN BLUE Sunday, October 23, 1994 5.2 km 345 m 12 controls 7127 BIG BASIN RED Sunday, October 23, 1994 4.2 km 300 m 12 controls 5469 BIG BASIN GREEN Sunday, October 23, 1994 3.7 km 260 m 10 controls 10243 Briones 11/6/94 BLUE / 6.1 km, 530 m, 12 controls 8816 Briones 11/6/94 RED / 5.2 km, 460 m, 11 controls 6929 Briones 11/6/94 GREEN / 4.9 km, 380 m, 10 controls 5062 Briones 11/6/94 BROWN / 3.9 km, 270 m, 8 controls 3897 Spring Lake 11/20/94 Brown, 3.82 km. 185 m 10 controls 6507 Bon Tempe 12/17/94 Red Course 5.3K 300m climb 13 controls 6114 Bon Tempe 12/18/94 Red Course 5.3K 300m climb 13 controls 3170 Bon Tempe 12/17/94 Brown Course 3.2K 190m climb 9 controls 2694 Bon Tempe 12/18/94 Brown Course 3.2K 190m climb 9 controls
GV Event Description 84251 Huddart, Jan. 16, 1994 ORANGE 2.9 Km, 310 Meter Climb, 10 Controls 63528 Shell Ridge, Feb. 13, 1994, ORANGE 3.8 km 245 m 10 controls 84660 Las Trampas, Feb. 27, 1994 Orange 3.1 km 200 m 8 controls 68331 Calero Reservoir March 13, 1994 Orange Course 4.0 km 210 m 9 controls 69288 Annadel 3/27/94, Orange 4.0 k 77047 Sunol, Apr. 10, 1994 Orange 3.8 km 210m 63906 Indian Valley, April 24, 1994, Orange 3.3 km, 215 m, 10 controls 54386 Doton's Point, May 1, 1994 Orange 4.3 km 61822 Joseph Grant 5/22/94 Orange 3.1 km, 165 m climb 10 controls 72164 Joaquin Miller, June 4, 1994 Orange 61552 Boreal, August 21, 1994, Orange 3.2 km 140 m 10 controls 80810 Morgan Territory, Sept. 25, 1994 Orange 4.3 km, 700 feet, 11 Controls 66279 Rossmoor Bar, Oct. 9, 1994 Orange 4.2 km 20m 11 controls 71641 China Camp, October 16, 1994 Orange 4.0 k 220 m 89236 BIG BASIN October 23, 1994 ORANGE 3.0 km 245 m 9 controls 62845 Briones 11/6/94 ORANGE / 3.0 km, 220 m, 8 controls 79851 Spring Lake 11/94 Orange, 4.1 km. 205 m. 10 controls 40726 Bon Tempe 12/17/94 Yellow/Orange Course 3.1K 120m climb 8 controls