Minutes: BAOC Board Meeting

Monday, Dec. 3, 2001

by Meg Gerstner, Secretary

PRESENT: Scott Aster, Ev Beuerman, Jean Beuerman, Mark Blair, Bob Cooley, Nick Corsano, Evan Custer, Harold deMoss, Meg Gerstner, Steve Gregg, Rosemary Johnson, Gary Kraght, Jeff Lanam, Nancy Lindeman, George Minarik, Zbigniew Pisanski, Joe Scarborough, Ian Tidswell, Abby Wolfe.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at the Alta Bates Imaging Center in Oakland.


The minutes of the September 10, 2001, board meeting were approved.


Scott reported that topics for discussion at tonight's meeting include the Almaden Quicksilver A-meet, the future of the Stanford Orienteering Club, and the possibility of a season pass. Scott also congratulated Gavin Wyatt-Mair, who was awarded the annual Distinguished Service Award at the Stanford Night-O and Social on December 1. Gavin has been instrumental in conducting the Scout-O Championship held annually at Briones.

3. TREASURER'S REPORT - George Minarik

George reported on the current budget. Our most profitable events have been Morgan Territory, China Camp, and Sunol. The proposed 2002 budget includes mapping costs for Briones, Fallen Leaf Lake, Almaden Quicksilver, Presidio, Skyline, Salt Point, and Black Diamond. We anticipate that money will actually be spent for completing the Fallen Leaf Lake and Almaden Quicksilver maps. It is proposed that a professional mapper be brought in for the Presidio and Skyline, as well as Briones.

The budget does not include any increase in registration fees for 2002. One issue raised was where, if necessary, cuts in the budget could be made. George indicated that the budget was prepared very conservatively, but all aspects could be cut, if necessary, especially mapping, should a deficit be incurred. George reported that a trend from 1997 to the present shows a significant increase in event income with constant membership; mapping represents more than half of the budget. Ian asked whether this was a model the club wanted, given that members represent the pool of volunteers for events. A motion to accept the proposed budget passed.

4. MAPPING REPORT - Bob Cooley

Bob reported that the maps of Almaden Quicksilver and Fallen Leaf Lake have been generally completed, although more details still need to be added for each. He has looked again at Henry Coe Park: a climb of about 1500 feet is needed to get to good terrain. He will also look at the north side of Mt. Diablo-Mitchell Canyon, and at Black Diamond (northeast of Mt. Diablo).

Bob proposed that the permanent courses at Joaquin Miller and Shell Ridge be put on the website with an actual map in PDF format for downloading. It was proposed that the club consider a similar permanent course (using fixed landmarks) for the Presidio and/or Golden Gate Park. Scott reported that he and Judy Koehler had looked at Skyline Park in Napa. The terrain is similar to that of Annadel, but it may be too steep. Other suggestions for future mapping include Armstrong Redwood Park and the north end of Wilder Ranch.


Harold reported that many people who have previously not orienteered at Bon Tempe have registered. He and Penny plan to do a rogaine in March at Briones, which Nancy suggested be targeted for adventure racers as well as orienteers. Evan has volunteered to take over the Event Coordinator role following the April elections. Rosemary has contacted all of the parks for permits for those events listed as firm on the schedule. She has also located a potential trainee to assist her in getting the permits.

6. 2002 A-MEET - Scott Aster

The 2002 A-meet is currently scheduled for Almaden Quicksilver. Although the map is not completely done, it is in progress. There has been some discussion by club members that Almaden may not be the best choice for an A-meet. Scott and Mark Blair visited Almaden over the Thanksgiving weekend. Their conclusion was that, with a remote start, the terrain, while steep, was open and runnable, and would certainly be sufficient for at least one day of A-meet courses. (It is possible that a second day could be held at a nearby park, e.g. Calero, if necessary.) It is likely that the White through Brown courses could be accommodated on Jacques Ridge, with the advanced courses ending down the hill in the main parking lot. Both a tentative meet director and a course setter have been identified. Scott will confirm these appointments, and we will plan to proceed with Almaden with a final decision being made at the March board meeting when a finished map is available.

We also discussed the 2001 A-meet. The general consensus was that it had run smoothly, although the World Ranking Event (WRE) had required some special procedures. One advantage was that 3 of the top 5 male runners in BAOC are now world-ranked, which is the first step in achieving an elite level. It is unclear whether the US Champs in 2003 will include a WRE, although we will apply for approval. For future A-meets, good communication between the meet director and crew chiefs is essential.


E-Punch Cadre (Jeff Lanam for Robert Lewis): In Robert's absence, Jeff reported that eight people had attended his e-punch seminar at Stanford. We need an easy-to-install tent with walls for the e-punch people. Jeff has a writeup providing documentation for dealing with e-punching, and Robert is working on a more detailed version. Meet directors were reminded that they need to contact Robert as soon as they decide to use e-punching, so that e-punch cadre members are available on the day of the event.

Juniors (Nick Corsano): Nick is looking for candidates for the junior training grant. He continues to have inquiries from scout troops and teachers. Jeff volunteered to create a "certificate" to give students and scouts who complete a course.

Equipment (Mark Blair): Mark will be purchasing emergency radios. (We have rented them in the past, and had some problems with the rented radios at "O in the Oaks.")

Technical (Joe Scarborough): Joe did not have anything to report.

Membership (Scott Aster for Steve Beuerman): In Steve's absence, Scott reported that many memberships are expiring at the end of the year.

Website (Abby Wolfe): Abby reported that traffic is up on the site, sometimes to as many as 300 hits/day. Many new participants learn of orienteering from the web page. We own our own domain name, and are high up in a Google search.

Registration (Ev & Jean Beuerman): A new order for whistles (at 40 cents/whistle) has been placed.

Publicity (Nancy Lindeman): Nancy asked which events should be listed in City Sports magazine. It was suggested that the rogaine in March be listed for 2-4 person teams, maybe as the "1st Annual Adventure Race."

Event Quality (Ian Tidswell): Ian had nothing specific to report.

Bulletin (Jeff Lanam): Due to his vacation schedule, Jeff requested articles for the next Bulletin either before Dec. 19 or after Dec. 28. Because of this timing, the next Bulletin may not include information about the Emerald Hills event in early January.

Training (Steve Gregg): Evan recently suggested on Bayonet that the club purchase a thermal printer at a cost of about $1000 for use with e-punch equipment at a training event. Steve asked how often it would need to be used to justify the cost, and whether such a practice using such equipment would require more organization and/or official "sanctioning" than current training events do.

USOF Report (Gary Kraght): Gary reported on the recent decision to move F50 and F55 to Brown.

Permits (Rosemary Johnson): Rosemary's report is above (under Event Coordinator).


  1. Scott raised the possibility of having a "season pass" for membership. Issues included whether this would ease the burden on Registration (as people would still have to come by to pick up their maps/clue sheets and sign the release), and what was the goal of such a pass (to increase membership? to get semi-regular attendees to participate in helping at events?). It was suggested that we have a small team discuss how be get more members to increase their volunteer activities.

  2. Pizza is normally served at board meetings. Scott suggested that this expense be borne by the Club. The board agreed.

  3. The Stanford Orienteering Club must be headed by a Stanford student, currently Syd Reader, who will be completing his degree shortly. Another Stanford student must be identified to take over from Syd. Rachel Freund is currently a student at Stanford.

  4. Zbigniew Pisanski raised the issue of a possible conflict in the results that occurred at the Scout-O event in October, and raised a formal protest. The club does not have a formal procedure for such a protest (outside of A-meets). Scott will discuss the situation with the meet director, and will bring up the issue at the board meeting in March. Gary suggested that we should perhaps create a procedure to deal with such protests in the future.

  5. As reported at the September board meeting, Scott will be stepping down at the end of his term (in the Spring), and we will be looking for candidates for the board positions. (George will run for Treasurer again next year and Evan will run for Event Coordinator.) Scott will discuss with others a possible slate of candidates, and any interested candidates are asked to contact him.
9. NEXT MEETING - Scott Aster

The next board meeting will be Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at the Allen Center for Integrated Systems at Stanford University at 7:00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 10:08 pm.