Minutes: 1998 BAOC Annual General Meeting
Stanford University
April 5, 1998
by Jill Custer, acting secretary
The meeting was called to order at 12:40 p.m. by the president, Evan Custer.
Since there were over 15 members present, a quorum was declared present.
Thirty-two members signed the attendance sheet.
Election of officers
Evan presented the slate of officers proposed by the board of directors at
its March 16th meeting. The proposed slate was: Evan Custer, president; Scott
Aster, event coordinator; George Minarik, treasurer; and Brenda Giese, secretary.
The slate was nominated and seconded. A call for nominations from the floor
was made, but none were forthcoming. The members then voted unanimously for
the proposed slate of officers.
Amendment of Article 6.1 of the Bylaws
Evan stated that the current board of directors was out of compliance with
the by-laws since there were 18 members on the board, and article 6.1 states
that the board of directors should consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum
of 15 members. The proposed amendment was to remove the upper limit on the
board, so that article 6.1 would read, "The board of directors shall consist
of a minimum of seven members." The board of directors at its March 16th
meeting unanimously voted to submit the amendment to the vote of the general
membership at the annual meeting. The amendment was moved and seconded. A
call for discussion was made, but none was forthcoming. All members present
at the meeting, except one, voted for the amendment. The amendment passed
with over a two-thirds majority.
20th Anniversary of Club
Evan congratulated Joe Scarborough as the founder of the BAOC which is
celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Evan also thanked Louise Madrid
for arranging for the cake and ice cream party that will be held after the
Mapping Update
The current mapping projects were reviewed by Evan.
Coyote Hills--Wyatt Riley was thanked for producing this excellent new map.
Burton Creek State Park near Tahoe City --The base map is currently being
drawn. The area will be field checked this summer.
Briones--We have a new base map completed. George Kirkov will do 160 hours
of field checking at a cost of around $1600 this spring. This will provide
enough terrain to hold an event. Hopefully, Evan will be able to map the
rest of the park when his knee heals up.
Morgan Territory--Bob Cooley is taking GPS readings on the photos so that
a new base map can be made this spring. Hopefully, Joe Scarborough and Bob
will field check the area later this year in time for an A meet in 1999.
Tamorancho Boy Scout Camp, Marin--GPS readings have been obtained, and a
base map will be ordered. Scott Aster and Gary Kraght will do the field checking.
Calero--The old map has been drafted into OCAD, and Bob and other volunteers
have done some field checking and made some corrections. More field checking
still has to be done.
Presidio--The old map is currently being redrafted into OCAD by Evan. Aileen
Abernathy and Mike Poulsen have said they will do some field checking to
update the map after it is redrafted. It will be available for the next event
there in July.
Bon Tempe-- The map has been redrafted into OCAD 6 by Evan, and Harold and
Penny DeMoss have indicated they will do some field checking and make corrections
before the next event in December.
Shell Ridge--Evan hopes to have this map redrafted into OCAD before the next
event there this fall.
Board Members
Evan announced that all board positions are now filled. Louise Madrid and
Leslie Minarik have agreed to be Social Co-directors, and Ian Tidswell has
relocated back in the Bay Area, and will resume his previous position of
Event Quality director.
The board members (*) and other major volunteers were introduced. The complete
list is as follows:
President *--Evan Custer
Event Coordinator *--Scott Aster
Permit Director--Rosemary Johnson
Event Quality *--Ian Tidswell
Treasurer *--George Minarik
Bulletin Editor *--Stacy Goss
Membership *--Steve Beuerman
Event database managers--Marsha Jacobs & Hugh Wright
Mapping *--Bob Cooley
Equipment Director* + Equipment EB--Mark Blair
Equipment SB--Alan Glendinning
Equipment NB--Gary Kraght
Registration Director* + Registration SB--Ev & Jean Beuerman
Registration EB--Josh & Debbie Friederichs
Registration NB--Tom & Sandy Guldman
Technical *--Joe Scarborough
Training *--Steve Gregg
Practice sessions coordinator EB--Steve Gregg
Practice sessions coordinator SB-Thorsten Graeve
Social Co-directors *--Leslie Minarik & Louise Madrid
Outreach *--Aileen Abernathy
USOF Liaison *--Gary Kraght
Juniors *--Nick Corsano
Start-O Director--Werner Haag
Publicity Director *--Nancy Lindeman
Publicity SB--Tony Pinkham
Publicity EB--Joan Roos
Publicity NB--Judy Koehler
Publicity Flyer--Marsha Jacobs
Webmaster *--Wyatt Riley
Membership Survey Recommendations and Implementation
Evan reviewed some of the results of the membership survey, recommendations,
and plans for implementation.
The meeting was adjourned as there was no further business.