page 1 S.M.Hropov « Cпортивный the Labyrinth » The methodical grant The grant offered to the reader is devoted to a new kind of mini-orientation for which it is possible To denominate « the Sports Labyrinth ». The initial purpose of creation « Sports Labyrinth » there was an increase of staginess of classical competitions on sports To orientation. An insert with « the Sports Labyrinth » in usual competitions as has shown Practice, really gives such result. However work is in this area only in The beginning also will demand efforts from all About-community. « The sports Labyrinth » (СЛ) also can be used as independent entertaining Competitions within the limits of sports holidays. On this direction of development СЛ we have received The most appreciable results also have felt essential feedback. In this case СЛ carries out The important function on acquaintance of wide layers of the population to the basic concepts Orientations, and to participants-ориентировщикам enables to take part in Entertaining starts. Other field of application is training process where « the Sports Labyrinth » can To be used both for working off of special skills of orientation, and with objective To diversify impellent activity of sportsmen. In this article own experience on a lay-out and carrying out of various undertakings is described with Use of " the Sports Labyrinth ». The lead starts have revealed the big interest to СЛ From various categories of people (children, students, sportsmen, couches, tourists, Military, sports functionaries, etc.). I hope that our experience will help another To organizers of competitions in carrying out of " Sports Labyrinthes », also that new enthusiasts Will creatively develop our successes. page 2 Table of contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Occurrence of idea of " the Sports Labyrinth » 1.1.1. A problem of increase of staginess classical sports Orientations 1.1.2. A problem of uniqueness of district in orientation 1.1.3. Development of sports orientation and integration of scale of a card 1.2. A labyrinth in history of mankind 1.3. « a sports Labyrinth » 2. Stages of progress СЛ 2.1. A choice of objects for СЛ and stages of its progress 2.2. A tape Labyrinth 2.2.1. Designs of a tape Labyrinth 2.2.2. Construction of a coordinate grid on district 2.2.3. Construction of a tape Labyrinth on district 2.2.4. Merits and demerits of a tape Labyrinth 2.3. A mesh Labyrinth on кольях 2.3.1. Construction of a mesh Labyrinth 2.3.2. Merits and demerits of a mesh Labyrinth on кольях 2.4. A road cone 2.4.1. Functions of a cone in « the Sports Labyrinth » 2.4.2. A labyrinth from cones 2.5. A mesh Labyrinth on cones 2.5.1. A design of a mesh Labyrinth on cones and a technique of its construction 2.5.2. A problem ветроустойчивости 2.5.3. Merits and demerits of a mesh Labyrinth on cones 2.5.4. Functional properties ideal « the Sports Labyrinth » 3. Scopes СЛ 3.1. Training « the Sports Labyrinth » 3.2. « a sports Labyrinth » as an attraction 3.3. « a sports Labyrinth » in a classical distance 4. Some problems СЛ 4.1. False КП, mistakes and punishment for them 4.2. Complexity of distances СЛ 4.3. A place of accommodation СЛ: a platform, orientation, a protection 4.4. Creation of a celebratory atmosphere: judges, music, prizes 5. The conclusion page 3 1. Introduction 1.1. Occurrence of idea of " the Sports Labyrinth » 1.1.1. A problem of increase of staginess classical sports Orientations At classical sports orientation (WITH), is available a lot of positive Qualities owing to which this kind of sports successfully develops. To such qualities It is possible to carry mass character, availability, всесезонность, intellectuality, greater Advantage for health of people of all age. It is a remarkable kind of sports for Physical and intellectual health of all nation. However there is the serious brake constraining development WITH. It is insufficient Staginess which is incorporated in the nature of classical orientation. Really, on a distance in a wood the sportsman usually individually solves problems on To finding of control item (КП) on the district closed from extraneous eyes. In Classical ABOUT control item спрятан, it is disguised from eyes as sportsman, and The spectator. That the person who has casually appeared in a wood where competitions are spent sees On orientation? Intellectual work Sportsmen owing to which our kind of sports is favourably allocated among other kinds, To the fan it is not visible. And without it WITH at a sight from becomes similar on Cross-country with a mark where the sportsman it is not visible from start up to finish. At best, on Distances there is a spectator item on which sportsmen show the Art of a mark. Process of the decision-making, the most interesting component Orientations, remains for the staff. As the result of small staginess, is not present interest of TV in display of ours Competitions that means absence of serious advertizers and sponsors. In Modern conditions it conducts to almost full lack of information of the population on ours Kind of sports since the TV is the basic source of the information. Without The "picture" interesting to televiewers, our kind of sports is doomed to isolability From a society, has no chances to become Olympic and quickly to develop. How to increase staginess of our basic competitions? The advanced part of organizers of competitions already for a long time has realized this problem and Tries to solve in its various ways within the limits of classical WITH. We shall note Only some of these ways. It both classical relay races, and relay race One sportsman when participants repeatedly pass through a zone of start-finish where It is possible to track intermediate results of sportsmen. It and impressing Mass runnings when will simultaneously start the whole age groups and on start There is an atmosphere of rivalry. These are expensive and technically complex attempts Display at the largest European competitions, by means of GPS, trajectories of movement The sportsman in a card on the big screen and on the Internet. However "birthmark" Classical orientation remains - it is not visible to the fan of internal struggle Sportsmen on the distance. In my opinion, to make competitions on sports orientation more Entertainment, it is necessary to show the fan as the sportsman makes of the decision. As Realizes the plans. As is mistaken and leaves difficult position, i.e. to observe page 4 Fascinating process of orientation. Even more interestingly for qualified The fan to see a card with a distance of the sportsman. Then the spectator can « alive To hurt » for the sportsman, to estimate its actions, to notice mistakes. For this purpose the spectator (or The operator of TV) should have an opportunity constantly to hold in sight and the sportsman And district. Thus, the size of area of orientation should make Some tens meters. The best place for these purposes is the usual stadium with tribunes for spectators and Standard places for accommodation of videocameras of TV. But the usual stadium is empty for Orientations. Hence, it is necessary to fill space of stadium Artificial objects. About creation of such objects speech later also will go. 1.1.2. A problem of uniqueness of district in orientation In classical sports orientation by the main attribute of competitions is District suitable for orientation. On the Earth there are various types Districts with the prominent features. The most interesting, from a point Sight of orientation, areas of Scandinavia and northern Europe where are available are Suitable woods and complex relief. The most interesting, from a point Visions of orientation, are areas of Scandinavia and northern Europe where are available Suitable scaffold and complex relief. Absence of a scaffold or to the contrary, almost impassable Scaffold do many areas of the Earth not interesting to orientation. Therefore Orientation intensively develops only in the certain parts of a planet. Even Our situated near Moscow woods, in comparison with complex and interesting Scandinavian District, seem poor on objects for orientation: There is no good relief, It is not enough stones, too "green" wood, etc. Therefore personally at me arises The natural desire « to help the nature », having constructed additional objects for Orientations. To the sportsman-ориентировщику who has arrived from other parts of the world, the some is necessary Time to adapt for features of run and orientation on unusual Districts. In fact it is known, that the Scandinavian sportsmen are strong on « Scandinavian Districts », Where there are standard attributes of competitions, about identical Across all Earth (a racetrack, track and field athletics shells, etc.). In orientation The district of each new start is unique. Therefore the world champion on The Swedish district, most likely, there will be another, than the world champion on Swiss Districts. As a result, we can have hypothetically simultaneously some champions The world in one discipline, but on different types of district. That for a usual kind of sports Is a nonsense. Application of standard, identical objects leads to that at sportsmen There is no advantage « house district ». And the identical Labyrinthes put in To Moscow and, for example, Tokyo will differ with nothing for the sportsman who has arrived from Sweden. The artificial district everywhere is identical. It is possible to compete with others Inhabitants of the Earth, not leaving the city! 1.1.3. Development of sports orientation and integration of scale of a card It is interesting to track change of scale of a sports card in process of development Sports orientation. In Russia sports orientation has arisen in the tourist environment in the end The fiftieth years. The first organizers and the first participants of competitions on WITH there were tourists. For a tourist campaign the topographical card is optimum Or the scheme of scale 1:100 000, so-called «километровка», where 1 centimeter of a card Corresponds to 1000 meters or 1 kilometer on district. On cards of such scale and Passed the first competitions of tourists on explaining the ground under The name « the closed route ». page 5 People are guided on objects which are present on district and which should To be reflected in a card. But whether many objects can be shown at such scale? Here and It was necessary to be guided those years on very генерализованной to a card. I think, already then there was a understanding of that for increase спортивности Competitions it is necessary to integrate scale of a card. Competitions were spent to those years on To cards which could be got. Therefore the first organizers used Topographical cards ("blues" are more exact, copies of dark blue color from them) with scale 1:50 000 (1см=500) and 1:25 000 (1см=250). In 1959 have passed the first day time personal competitions without an additional cargo on To the updated card with scale 1:20 000. After that there was a long period, when The core there was a scale 1:20 000 and 1:25 000. There was time, orientation developed. This progress has led to the new standard in Scale of cards - 1:15 000 (1см=150). Significantly there are more than objects with greater деталировкой began possible to display in a card. This scale also is now applied On long distances of the world championships on WITH with a view of restriction of the size of a card. But On the complex districts sated by reference points such scale leads to difficulties In "reading" a card at sportsmen and necessity to slow down movement. For this reason Sportsmen even more often use a lens for increase in the image of a card. Now the most popular in sports orientation is Scale 1 : 10 000 (1см=100). Such scale allows to plot the majority Reference points and to simplify "reading" a card. At some competitions, simultaneously with The basic scale, sometimes uses also other scale for so-called врезок. For example, the scale 1 : 2 000 or 1 : 1 000 is used for detailed display карьеров, separate stones in looses, etc. In recent years at competitions " the Moscow Compass » on the basic distances The scale 1 : 7 500 and 1 : 5 000 for a portrayal known лыткаринских is used Micropoles. At fineer scale of a card the image of these micropoles merges and Them begins "to read" difficultly, that leads to reduction of speed and quality Orientations at sportsmen. More recently, since 1995, in the world has started to develop roughly « park Orientation » which basic scale now makes 1:5 000 (1см=50. Alongside with this scale for parks, school sites, city court yard Others are used also, larger, scales: 1:4 000; 1:3 000; 1:2 500; 1:2 000. It is important to note, that process of orientation from integration of scale only Wins. It is not necessary to strain sight, it is not necessary to reduce speed of run for reading Cards. Even use of legends КП becomes unessential because of good Visibilities on a card of object and point КП. The sportsman sees all, all understands. Accuracy and Speed of orientation increases. Now at support of the International federation WITH actively develops The project on "micro-orientation". Though, by scale, it not « микро- Orientation », and is simple mini-orientation. Within the limits of this project it supposed Inclusion of an insert with "micro-orientation" in an average distance of the world championship- 2006. The sportsman should be switched in the middle of a distance from scale 1:10 000 on scale 1:4 000 and then back. As the customer of the project broadcasting companies have acted Norway and Denmark. However, unfortunately, business is not has reached signing the contract. We hope, that in the following world championship, it will manage to be made. That radically will change Situation with development of mini-orientation in the world. The further integration of scale up to 1:500 (1см=5) leads to that on a card Instead of a wood designated by one color, it is already necessary to put separate trees, Estimating their thickness. But it is not terrible, if a wood rare. The sizes used page 6 Districts, at use of a card of the most used format А4, turn out The order 100×100 meters. At such sizes as it has been shown above, and New quality WITH – staginess begins to be shown. In the program of competitions « Moscow Компас-2002 » has been shown Experimental start on mini-orientation "«Ó¿Ñ¡Ô-show" for sportsmen Elite groups with scale of a card 1 : 500. The length of a distance made a little сот Meters, and time of the winner some minutes. This start has shown, that, at such Scale of a card, staginess of competitions on orientation starts to come nearer To staginess «стадионных» kinds of sports. Spectators can observe of actions Competing sportsmen on a greater part of a distance and to be a fan of them. Sportsmen should be guided tensely on eyes at spectators. Same and larger scales 1 : 200 (1см=2) and 1:100 (1см=1) are applied In other kinds of mini-orientation – in buildings of schools, in sports halls, offices, etc. Here it is already valid micro-orientation. Objects of orientation There are surrounding subjects - benches, chairs, school desks, маты, sports shells, Windows, doors and other objects which are being in specified territories. Staginess on Such undertakings it turns out maximal. All actions of participants and their eyes, Full of the intense idea, are visible « as on a palm ». Such orientation is used In training process or has entertaining objectives. However, how much I know, construction of special objects and creation Artificial district for the purposes of orientation up to us nobody was engaged. The first-ever competitions to the artificial objects specially created for Orientations, we have lead on October, 5th, 2002 on an anniversary Лыткаринской спортшколы in Quality of entertaining competition for all comers. In magazine " Azimuth " №4 for 2002 Year there has passed the publication in this occasion: « A labyrinth or " 10 meters of orientation "!». The scale of that scheme made 1:200. In the same place it was applied, still strange for Russia, Electronic system of a mark from company Sport Ident. Participants needed to take 28 Items in three zones of orientation with objects in the form of simple geometrical figures (Fig. 1). Unexpectedly for us few participants have successfully finished offered Distance that has noticeably recovered an emotional background of competitions. Fig. 1. A card (diagram) of the first Labyrinth with a distance. page 7 From all above-stated it is possible to draw a conclusion. Problem of increase of staginess of competitions, problem of " poor district » on Objects for orientation, and also process of sports orientation, by way of Integration of scale of cards, inevitably lead to idea of creation artificial Districts to which I would denominate « the Sports Labyrinth » (СЛ). Why « A sports Labyrinth »? 1.2. A labyrinth in history of mankind Images of labyrinthes concerns to the most ancient creations of human hands (fig. 2). They have appeared practically simultaneously (approximately 2000 up to н.э.!) in various Parts of the world, on greater distances from each other, in Northern America, India and on To Sumatra, and also in territory of the Europe. A word the Labyrinth in the Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt meant a structure specially created by people, with complex, confused Courses of which it was difficult to find a way out. Labyrinthes happen different. In one Twisting paths are informed between Itself also conduct to the uniform center. In others- Alongside with passes can be and deadlocks, and For going on them to the person a problem Consists in that, passing deadlocks, to find Output in the opposite end of a labyrinth. Fig. 2. Ancient images of labyrinthes. The first story about a labyrinth is found at Ancient greek historian Gerodota, Described huge Фаюмский a labyrinth In the north of Egypt. In this place Egyptian Pharaon Amenemhet III (ок. 1456-1419 up to н. э.) has erected a pyramid and a ritual temple at Bottom of this pyramid which has been constructed in the form of a labyrinth. Here that wrote about it Геродот as about one of seven miracles of light: " the Labyrinth in the sizes surpasses... Pyramids ". This construction in length of 200 m. and of width 170 m. comprised set of rooms and The corridors located by a part above a surface of ground, a part under the ground. On To words Геродота, the number of such facilities reached up to 3000. Complex system Corridors, court yard, rooms and colonnades was such confused, that without a conductor The extraneous person never could find in it a way out. This labyrinth, the main thing In the image, served religious objectives: there victims to all gods of Egypt were brought. The legend about Критском a labyrinth in which there is no time is not less known lived the Minotaur- получеловек-полубык. The labyrinth has been built with such confused courses, that anybody Could not find of its a way out. Athenian hero Tesej has passed through a labyrinth and has killed The minotaur. The young man has got out of a labyrinth owing to a gold string which pulled for Itself from the input. This string to it has given Ариадна. Labyrinthes are in all parts of the world at people costing at the most different steps Historical development - from the Stone Age up to the present. Special seat in this To many-sided picture borrow stone labyrinthes of Northern Europe. The general number Northern labyrinthes exceeds 500, from them in Russia - nearby 50! In the North of Russia Labyrinthes everywhere named «вавилонами», that reflected their intricate, The confused arrangement Purpose of labyrinthes is difficult for connecting definitely with any one function, and Forms of display can be the most different: subject, verbal, ceremonial. It Ornaments and figures, artificial courses and paths, the device underground and ground Buildings, dances, games, religious and moral symbolics, legends and stories. page 8 It is possible to tell that the Labyrinth is a symbol of all mankind with four-thousand-year History. So why to not use this symbol durably sitting in memory of mankind, for Progresses of sports orientation? Our experience of dialogue with sports heads has shown, that sense "Labyrinth" it is clear at once and the further decoding of expression « Sports The labyrinth » is not required, unlike words « sports orientation ». 1.3. « a sports Labyrinth » The problem of this grant – to tell about a new kind of sports orientation, in which For orientation specially created objects are used. These objects, as well as in Case with ancient Labyrinthes, also are created with the purpose to confuse the person and To complicate process of orientation But our purpose, unlike ancient Greeks and Egyptians - Other, sports - to reveal the best participants on time, at correct Passage of a distance. Therefore would be logical to name in the further this kind Competitions by " the Sports Labyrinth » (СЛ). The Primary goals which solves The sportsman in classical orientation, are present and in СЛ. This recognition Objects on districts, their checking with a card, a choice of a variant of movement, finding КП And a mark on it. Therefore « the Sports Labyrinth » can be given definition, leaning on definition Sports orientation: « The sports Labyrinth » is a kind of sports orientation, in which Participants by means of a card should pass the set number control Items (КП), located on specially created for this purpose Artificial district. Results of participants are defined on time Passages of a distance (in the certain cases in view of penal Time or penal circles). The artificial district consists from Sets of standard objects of type the "wall", located on Small, equal, the open area. It is possible to tell, that orientation in « the Sports Labyrinth » - same The orientation only more concentrated in space and in time. As distances between objects of orientation are minimal, at the sportsman are not present Opportunities to relax even on shares of second. In opinion of known sportsmen-ориентировщиков to Russia, orientation always Remains orientation, without dependence from scale of a card and appearance Reference points. In comparison with classical orientation, at « the Sports Labyrinth » vanish Some "illnesses", elements of injustice also appear new important Qualities: 1. The composer of a card does not have freedom and, in this connection, possible mistakes in interpretation This or that object and definition of its exact position on district. That is, no The subjectivity of the composer of cards inherent in classical orientation. The sizes and The form of artificial objects are known in advance with high accuracy. Application Measured tape and the certain technique described below, allows to within Centimeters to establish all objects on district and to check accuracy of installation. In Result, we have an exact and objective card of artificial district. page 9 2. Application of standard, identical objects leads to that at sportsmen There is no advantage « house district ». Each sportsman always precisely knows, What objects of its orientation expect on a distance. Its result in СЛ depends Only from its speed of movement and speed of thinking. And value of a component Thinking obviously dominates over speed of movement. « A sports Labyrinth » Becomes in one number with other kinds of sports where there are standard conditions and The standard equipment for carrying out of competitions 3. In « the Sports Labyrinth » conditions on a distance are identical as for started The first, and for last participant. Therefore qualifying runnings, Necessary in classical WITH for arrangement of sportsmen in final running, in СЛ Are not necessary. 4. In an existing practice of orientation in the Labyrinth a compass usually not It is applied. A card it is possible сориентировать with district on an arrangement of an input, Which is always visible to the participant from any point of the Labyrinth. Though the further development СЛ can lead to occurrence of a compass in the participant again. At the given stage of development Absence of a compass is a doubtless advantage of the Labyrinth. For participation in СЛ not It is required any additional accessories (шиповки, a compass, the form for run). A card And (or the chip) the participant receives a card on start and hands over on finish. Therefore any The person who is casually passing by, can participate in these competitions. Orientation in the Labyrinth becomes similar to an attraction for all comers, Irrespective of age and a degree of preparation 5. Complexity of a configuration of the Labyrinth can be set different, proceeding from a degree Readiness of participants which is known in advance. Complexity of distances in concrete СЛ can be varied and offered also on a choice, Depending on desire of the participant. Small time of passage СЛ allows To the participant to start repeatedly and to raise for itself a level of complexity of a distance. 6. Small, equal, the open area for statement СЛ.позволяет to receive Interesting "picture" for spectators. And it also is one of main our problems- To show the spectator (and it is better also to the televiewer) process of orientation and, thus, To raise staginess of sports orientation. 7. In classical sports orientation before organizers of competitions Always there is a problem in a safety of participants. An absolute guarantee Organizers cannot give safety owing to a finding of sportsmen in The big large forest inaccessible to the control. In this sense, « Sports The labyrinth » is quite safe place. It is especially important, that children would get the skills of orientation necessary in Usual orientation (orientation of a card, reading, search, a mark) in safe Conditions under supervision of the trainer. I even would tell, that the child cannot be let out in Wood while it will not learn to be guided in the Labyrinth. page 10 2. Stages of development СЛ 2.1. A choice of objects for СЛ and stages of its development All objects of the orientation used in classical sports orientation, It is possible to divide conditionally on dot, linear and площадные. Dot objects are Stones, корчи, small artificial objects, etc. It is interesting, that many of them Are внемасштабными. That is their real sizes are not displayed in a card. On Such microobjects many chiefs of distances of competitions like to put Control items since they are more complex for finding. Linear objects are roads, elements of a relief and hydrography, канавы, fences and so forth These протяженные objects have characteristic bends on which it is possible for the sportsman It is easy to find the site in a card, "to become attached". Therefore, basically, The sportsman is guided on linear objects. Площадные objects are fields, greater glades, bogs, significant structures, etc. They "are easily and unequivocally read" on district and have the essential sizes. Площадные objects usually have well различимые linear a contour, on which Also it is usually easy "to become attached". From this analysis it is visible, that the basic objects of orientation are or Dot objects, or linear. Both of this type these objects we have tried to create in « A sports Labyrinth ». As dot object it is possible to use usual Control item or road cone. The most simple linear objects, which Can be interesting to orientation, these are obstacles of this type "wall". By the way, Walls, and stone, – a basic element of ancient Labyrinthes, for construction Which work of thousand slaves during hundreds years was used. At us, unfortunately, Material, human and time resources are much more modest. Our problem Consists in development and construction interesting to participants and for spectators « A sports Labyrinth », using work the several person during several Hours. At creating СЛ we before ourselves posed the problem on creating identical elements, from Which as from кирпичиков, it is possible to build as much as complex and big Labyrinth. What these elements, and it is necessary to do them of what equipment? This question we and Let's consider in the further. The history of development of " the Sports Labyrinth » can be broken into some stages, everyone From which it is characterized by the type of the applied equipment. At the initial stage of development we applied the elementary equipment in the form of кольев and Protecting tape. After approbation of such type of the equipment in a number of Competitions, necessity for improvement of its appearance became obvious and Functional properties. Following stage became application сеток instead of a tape. It has essentially improved Appearance of the Labyrinth. However such equipment can be established only on Soft ground. Further development СЛ demanded an output on firm coverings (Asphalt, concrete, a tree, etc.). Therefore there was an idea to use road The cone which is carrying out in СЛ at once of some functions. A result of evolution СЛ became mesh The labyrinth on cones which has attractive appearance and possesses good Functional properties. Such Labyrinth is not a shame for exposing on central The areas of our cities. Let's consider now in more detail stages of development СЛ in the chronological order, so As each of them can be of interest for the decision of the problems facing Other organizers of competitions. At each stage there are distinctions by a principle Constructions and a technique of designing of the Labyrinth. At each type considered Labyrinthes there are advantages and the restrictions. page 11 2.2. A tape Labyrinth In the autumn of 2002 we have begun Experiments on construction « A sports Labyrinth », applying The equipment which always is under Hand at any organizer Competitions. These are wooden колья and Polyethylene red-white разметочная a tape applied for Protections starting and finishing Small town of competitions, constructions Corridors and marks separate Sites of a distance. For the first Labyrinthes we used Wooden pegs in height about 1 meter which cut in a wood or did from штакетника. For creation of effect of a wall the tape can be stretched between кольями Some times at different height. To top кола prism КП can fasten and To become attached a puncher (fig. 3). Fig. 3. A tape labyrinth on wooden кольях. However at wooden кольев there is a set of essential lacks. Because of Non-standards of diameters on колья cannot be established, without additional work, Standard rod with a puncher. Wooden колья have inattractive Appearance, are not water-resistant, often break, are badly hammered into the ground. But all the same, Such equipment for СЛ is the most economic and, means, potentially The most mass. Instead of wooden, we shortly became To use aluminium колья, applied at To statement standard КП. Though use Aluminium кольев leads to rise in price The equipment, pluss from their application considerably It is more. Metal колы, in comparison with Wooden, have good appearance, easily Are hammered into the ground, are easy and compact. Means of a mark (An electronic mark or punchers) and prisms КП Are established on such колья easily and quickly (fig. 4). Fig. 4. Standard КП in Tape labyrinth. After successful carrying out of the first starts in the autumn 2002 Year with use of a tape Labyrinth, we have included Similar entertaining distance of the Labyrinth in ours Firm spring competitions « Moscow Компас- 2003 », as a separate kind of the program of a holiday. We have lead to a summer season of 2003 a little mass Starts (up to 700 person) with different formulas of carrying out Competitions where the Labyrinth was spent as separately, and The Park-rounds joined in usual classical distances. It is necessary to pay attention to ideological similarity of competitions in parks and « A sports Labyrinth ». Participants marked increase of staginess such Competitions. Especially зрелищно there was a carrying out of children's relay races with application Labyrinth in a zone of transfer. In a season of 2004 we have included a tape Labyrinth in the basic distance for Several groups at our competitions « the Moscow compass 2004 ». 2.2.1. Designing of a tape Labyrinth « The sports Labyrinth » is usually projected in house conditions. Therefore The developer can define itself the sizes and "complexity" of this artificial Districts. page 12 At designing the Labyrinth I usually use computer program Corel Draw. Basically, it is possible to use and other programs vector schedules (Adobe Illustrator, AutoCad and so forth). In the further, with an output on more professional level Creations СЛ, optimum to use the program for рисовки sports cards OCAD. This program allows to build in easily the Labyrinth a usual card, simply To count lengths of run variants and to make other efficiency duties. At absence of a computer, for designing the Labyrinth it is possible to use Usual school leaf of a paper in a cell. In any case, for designing any Type СЛ the substrate in the form of a grid is necessary. For a tape Labyrinth points are outlined in units of this grid – the future колы, and between They spend thick black lines – future "walls" of the Labyrinth. Lengths of such walls Can be any, but it is necessary to consider, that a long tape to stretch more difficultly. Therefore we usually use length of walls from 1 up to 3 meters. A configuration of figures in СЛ It is defined by required complexity of a distance. For beginners it is desirable to use The simple figures consisting of broken lines with right angles. For ориентировщиков The problem can be complicated, using intricater figures. That sportsmen Could miss freely at a meeting in the Labyrinth, width of left passages Between figures should be more than one meter. Each central point of any figure in which costs кол, can be used in Quality of a point for statement КП. On a card we place mugs КП, points of start and Finish also we schedule distances. As a result of all constructions we receive a card Labyrinth with distances (fig. 5а). Now this card needs to be recreated on district, having constructed the Labyrinth. For construction of the Labyrinth on district we draw special « a card of the director » (Fig. 5б). On this card there is a coordinate grid with step of 1 meter and are marked all КП For all distances, including false. On edges of this card on a vertical and on Fig. 5. And – a card of the Labyrinth for the sportsman. – a card of the director of the same Labyrinth. page 13 Horizontals are put numerical values in meters, beginning from chosen zero Points. On this card it is desirable to inscribe quantity of the used equipment (колов, control items) in advance to prepare the equipment. Precisely to reproduce on district a card of the Labyrinth, it is necessary all over again To construct on district a coordinate grid. 2.2.2. Construction of a coordinate grid on district For construction of any of " the Sports Labyrinth » on district it is necessary to construct Coordinate grid. We build a grid by means of 20 meter building measured Tapes and the device showing a right angle. For this purpose it is possible to use Compass with divisions of degrees. Also it is possible to use a greater school ruler Or a piece of a building hardboard with direct углом.и "to rake" From top Rectangular of a direction on other tops the coordinate grid is under construction. First we build a rectangular, proceeding from the maximal sizes planned Labyrinth. Having chosen one of tops of a rectangular as initial, We "rake" directions on other tops and we build a right angle. On its parties By means of a measured tape we measure the sizes of the parties of a rectangular. Having received such By way two more tops of a rectangular, from these tops it is similarly found Last top. At the same time we check accuracy of construction of a rectangle on To concurrence of two points of construction for last top. It is quite comprehensible, if The mistake of construction (distance between these two points) makes ten Centimeters. If a mistake essentially more than this value then it is necessary anew To construct angles and to note distances. Proceeding from building practice, a mistake Constructions of a rectangle also can be checked on a difference in the sizes of diagonals Rectangle. After the rectangular is constructed on district well, on four To corners of a rectangular it is hammered колья. Also we hammer колья through each meter lengthways Two parallel vertical parties. An additional measured tape it is desirable To put along one of the vertical parties, that the nobility of coordinate hammered кольев on Verticals. The basic measured tape it is stretched between two opposite колами, Located on the vertical parties. Moving a measured tape on a vertical, we We can find any point having coordinates on a vertical and a horizontal. Such In the image, we have constructed a coordinate grid which can be used as for Tape, and for net type of labyrinthes. 2.2.3. Construction of a tape Labyrinth on district As an example, we shall result construction of a tape Labyrinth on « Moskovsk Compass-2004 ». Having on district the constructed coordinate grid, we begin procedure of driving in колов for figures of the Labyrinth with кола (0, 0). One end of a measured tape is put on on This кол (each measured tape right at the beginning has a special ring), and another The end is put to колу on the opposite party (15, 0). This procedure conveniently To make together – each person holds the end of a measured tape. Thus, we have stretched horizontally measured tape, having arranged it on zero To vertical mark. From figure of the Labyrinth it is visible, that on this line should To be three кола on marks 6, 8 and 14 meters. On marks on a measured tape These are driven in three кола on corresponding distances from a zero point. Further measured Tape it is shifted on 1 meter downwards on кол 1 on a vertical and it is planned three more кола on Marks 10, 13 and 15 meters. Following further in the same way, falling downwards, we hammer All колы the Labyrinth. After that it is necessary to stretch and fasten only a tape on these колах according to a card. Also according to a card prisms КП are hung up and established Means of a mark. Now the Labyrinth is constructed. It is necessary to construct a protection only Around of the Labyrinth to stretch banner advertising sponsors, to make starting and Finishing corridors. The tape Labyrinth is constructed! page 14 2.2.4. Merits and demerits of a tape Labyrinth The basic advantage of this type of the equipment is its minimal cost. For construction of a tape Labyrinth on wooden колах it is enough to have a little Hundreds meters of a protecting tape. Cost of 500 meters of a tape makes 240 roubles Or approximately 8 dollars (all the prices are given for spring of 2006). Use Metal колов, instead of wooden, leads to appreciable rise in price The equipment. Cost of one such кола makes about 150 roubles or 5 Dollars. In presented above СЛ the quantity колов makes 86 pieces. In view of Protections, it is possible to estimate roughly a total cost of the equipment for this Labyrinth in 500 dollars. It is possible to carry to advantages also compactness and small weight that allows To transport all equipment to one person. To lacks of such Labyrinth, it is necessary to carry still insufficiently presentable Appearance. заборчики from a tape are badly allocated for districts and not so Well differ from each other, that complicates orientation on them. For statement on district such Labyrinth demands a soft ground and considerable time For забивания колов. Therefore it has restrictions in a place of statement – in a wood or in Park on soft ground. High "transparency" of all Labyrinth allows to see all КП from one point, That reduces reserve КП for process of orientation. The tape badly holds the form, It can be overwound, at strong impulses of a wind on the open district «парусить» and To be torn. And after primary use loses in appearance. Therefore, that "To deduce" the Labyrinth from a wood, it is necessary to search for replacement разметочной to a tape. It is at the moment expedient to apply such type of the Labyrinth in training Starts in a wood or in parks. For competitions it is desirable to use a grid. 2.3. A mesh Labyrinth on кольях The following stage in development of " the Sports Labyrinth » is an application of a grid, Used for a protection, instead of разметочной tapes. We apply a thin bright orange grid to our Labyrinth. That the grid was Well stretched standard meter кольями, did not sag and did not fall, we We cut it half-and-half on height. 2.3.1. Construction of a mesh Labyrinth In tape СЛ the tape can be any length. For this purpose the tape can be cut easily, To connect various pieces and to fasten on колах already after them забивки. With a grid so To act it is impossible. On a place of competitions to cut and increase a grid it appears Problematic because of lack of time and labour input of such process. Therefore Grid it is necessary to prepare houses. For simplification of process of development and installation Mesh СЛ the length of pieces of a grid is necessary for standardizing, i.e. to have one The standard size of length for all pieces. During preparation of the equipment to To competitions, we cut a grid on pieces of identical length. In this case construction СЛ it becomes similar to construction of the house from standard bricks. If you will be To build the house of bricks of the several sizes, it will essentially complicate as calculation Your house, and construction. The standard length of each grid has been chosen as Length of a diagonal of a rectangular with the parties of 1 and 2 meters (2,24 meters). It was It is made for convenience of designing and construction. In this case points забивания кольев Precisely lay down on an auxiliary grid of coordinates (fig. 6 and,). page 15 Fig. 6. A card of the director of a mesh labyrinth () and its kind on district (). Basically, it is possible to use other standard lengths - 1, 2, 3 meters or others. But Then the technique of designing and construction СЛ will be similar to a technique Designing and construction of a mesh Labyrinth on the cones, described in the following Chapters. As many central points will precisely not lay down on a coordinate grid. The further increase in standard length is undesirable, since can become complicated Procedure of extension of a grid. Колья cannot qualitatively stretch too long Grid, and it will sag. The quantity колов for the qualitative extension of a grid should To be essential it is more, than for tape СЛ. On each piece of a grid it is desirable To use on two кола. Equipment КП for mesh СЛ remains standard. It is used usual Prisms with кольями. Procedure construction of a coordinate grid on district and a procedure забивания кольев for Extension of a grid are similar to the previous stage. 2.3.2. Merits and demerits of a mesh Labyrinth on кольях The grid has a doubtless advantage before a tape – walls of the Labyrinth become Are visible both for participants, and for spectators. On district such Labyrinth begins To remind classical. "Picture" of the Labyrinth at once becomes bright and Attractive to spectators and TV. On кольях it is necessary to carry necessity to lacks of a mesh Labyrinth Uses of a soft ground, that sharply limits us in a choice of a place of statement. Cost 50 meter rolls of such grid, weight 6 kg and height 1 meter, makes 2 Thousand roubles or about 70 dollars, that a little удорожает the equipment. Also for transportation of a mesh Labyrinth, because of increase of volume and weight The equipment, it is already desirable to use the automobile machine. 2.4. A road cone The road cone (7) can be met fig. on all roads of the world. It is applied For a fast protection of a place of road works in any weather and Climatic conditions. Usually a cone are made from bright orange Plastic (orange color - the most appreciable color for the person in the nature) with White светоотражающими strips. Therefore the cone is perfectly visible in twilight and Even at night at weak illumination. A cone owing to the form it is free Are inserted each other. Therefore, even at заметн page 16 Fig. 7. Road Cone. Damaging it. For example, on asphalt, rigid or frozen Ground in a sports hall with wooden or concrete Floors, etc. where it is impossible to hammer кол. At approximately identical appearance, in the market are available The cone, differing on an internal design. Average The price of one cone is high enough (400 roubles or 15 Dollars for a piece), that, perhaps, is its only thing Lack. Use of cones – new and not a simple step in development СЛ. For the first time a cone with means of an electronic mark I Has seen in the advertizing leaflet of company Sport Ident. There to children Arranged relay race in a sports hall where they simply ran Also were marked on the cones equipped electronic Mark. At that time I already was engaged «лабиринтостроением», Where application of cones arose by itself. 2.4.1. Functions of a cone in « the Sports Labyrinth » In « the Sports Labyrinth » the cone carries out at once some functions: First, the cone, is appreciable dot object which can be Object of orientation; Secondly, on a cone it is possible to establish means of a mark; Thirdly, the cone replaces with itself a prism, which necessity in СЛ then disappears; Fourthly, the cone is an element of a bearing design for "walls" of the Labyrinth and Can be established on any equal surface. Let's consider these functions more in detail. In « the Sports Labyrinth » the cone, as well as prism КП, are objects with In the essential sizes which should be plotted the Labyrinth in The appropriating scale. At scale of a card of the Labyrinth 1:150 (1 centimeter of a card It is equal 1,5 meters on district) And diameter of a cone at the basis of 30 centimeters, the sizes On a card 2 millimeters should make images. The kind of a cone from above is Symmetric also shows in a card in the form of a black circle. Therefore, a cone unequivocally Is identified and is suitable object for orientation. Now in sports orientation aluminium колья are The basic bearing elements for prisms and means of mark КП. Really, for Installations КП in a scaffold where practically always there is a soft ground, other equipment It seems unnecessary. Aluminium колья are easy and compact. By the way, in same кроится them Lack: it is nonferrous metal of the convenient sizes which always is useful in Facilities to local residents. However with an output of orientation from a wood in city or in City parks there is a question on partial replacement кольев, as for the different reasons not Always it is possible to place КП on a soft ground. Now for installation of a prism and means Marks on asphalt the special wooden design which creates is used To organizers additional difficulties at installation and transportation. IN Labyrinth, on replacement кольям and to wooden skeletons, the road cone comes. Having made The small adaptation on top of a cone, to it is possible крепить means of a mark (Electronic or mechanical). The cone in « the Sports Labyrinth » with advantage fulfils the functions a prism – designates The location of control item with means of a mark. Besides, in comparison with матерчатой a prism, it is brighter, ветроустойчив, always holds the form. It not You will tear and will not hide. Use of cones instead of prisms usually does not cause Questions neither at sportsmen, nor at usual citizens for whom the cone is More habitual object. Use of these three properties of a cone is enough for creation specific « A sports Labyrinth » in which are used only a cone. page 17 2.4.2. A labyrinth from cones From dot objects what the cone is, on The district can build characteristic figures, on To which also can be guided. Such In the image, for construction of the elementary Labyrinth, It is possible to apply only a cone (fig. 8)! Especially It is important for training or Entertaining Labyrinth where there is a need In minimization of efforts of organizers. By development of such Labyrinth of a cone Have in units of a coordinate grid. Set from several cones can To remind any characteristic figure. These Figures settle down on some distance From each other, that it was easier than them To identify. Construction of such Labyrinth is similar to construction Labyrinth on кольях. Only instead of driving in кольев in the ground, a cone are freely established On any equal surface. Fig. 8. A card of a labyrinth from cones. 2.5. A mesh Labyrinth on cones Fig. 9. A mesh Labyrinth on cones on the Olympic prospectus. In a season of 2005 there was a quantum leap in evolution of the equipment of the Labyrinth, For which construction have been used also a cone and a grid (fig. 9). It has allowed To build externally attractive « the Sports Labyrinth » on any equal surface. For the first time the Labyrinth became bright and allocated on a background of other entertainment kinds of sports. It has stepped on the area of Moscow in the grounds of sports holidays. page 18 2.5.1. A design of a mesh Labyrinth on cones and a technique of its construction The cone also can carry out function bearing Element for "wall" of the Labyrinth. This "wall" fastens To two cones also represents horizontal Bar with a grid. Principle which is used by development The equipment, consists that all Labyrinth should To consist of set of such identical elements Type "wall" (fig. 10). Fig. 10. An element of the Labyrinth. The bar applied by us, is included into the list The road equipment also represents Plastic orange tube with standard length 120 see To change this length we have found Inexpedient. The applied grid is similar to that, that we applied For a mesh Labyrinth on кольях. With that only a difference, that the length of a grid undertakes equal To length of a bar (120 sm) and to cut a grid on height now There is no indispensability. Each piece of a grid one end Turns around around of a bar and by means of a stapler Is fixed so that freely to hang on it. For connection of a cone and a bar we use racks which are made of that Tubes, as bars. Racks also serve to lift a grid on The certain height above a surface of the ground. The height of our racks has made third from Lengths of a standard tube (40 sm). Racks are easily inserted in a cone, for what by us The special metal transitive design (allocated has been developed Area on fig. 10). The ends of a bar, through special hooks on the ends, lean on racks. The bar has Opportunity to rotate in a horizontal plane concerning racks with cones. Therefore, for reception of complex figures, to each rack it is possible to attach at once Some bars (in our practice from 1 up to 3). Thus, the design of "wall" turns out an easily-combined team, with greater Opportunities of transformation for reception of various figures. The technique of designing and construction of a mesh Labyrinth on cones is similar on Technique of designing and construction of a mesh Labyrinth on кольях. Difference is available Only in length сеток. 2.5.2. A problem ветроустойчивости For the Labyrinthes constructed on кольях, a problem ветроустойчивости it is not necessary. Колья, well fixed in To the ground, reliably enough stretch a grid and do not allow To wind it to overturn At transition to a cone and an output of the Labyrinth from a wood arises Problem ветроустойчивости. In itself cone ветроустойчив, but a grid which is connected with Cone, has «парусность». Therefore a cone cannot any more Independently to keep all design on a strong wind, Which frequently page 19 These units sticks together with a transparent adhesive tape, and from above, "for appearance", in addition The piece of the same sleeve is pasted. This "bagel" at us carries out additional function. By means of an elastic band it Delays a grid from top to bottom, not allowing it to wave on a wind. As has shown an expert, for Stability of figures in the Labyrinth not necessarily on all of a cone to put on "bagels". Them The quantity depends on force of a wind. At installation of cones on a soft ground, for the decision of a problem ветроустойчивости, Instead of heavy "bagels", it is possible to use long nails. These nails, изогнутые Letter Г, through apertures in the basis are driven in into a ground and press down a cone to the ground. To the same nails the elastic band which is stretching a grid can fasten. 2.5.3. Merits and demerits of a mesh Labyrinth on cones It is possible to carry to lacks of the Labyrinth of this type only a total cost of all The equipment. By our calculations, the cost price of the equipment for usual Labyrinth makes the order of 3 thousand dollars. It is a lot of it or a little? For club It is a lot of sports orientation. And for modern sports or Television business this sum seems small. Also it is possible to carry a plenty of the volumetric equipment to lacks. For Transportations mesh СЛ on cones it is already necessary to use a minibus. As It is spoken, « the beauty demands victims ». Advantages of such Labyrinth, in comparison with previous СЛ, sharply increase. Orientation leaves on the area as an entertainment attraction. Now Competitions on mini-orientation can be spent on sports holidays, « Days of city » where gather tens thousand people, press, TV. Now we We can draw attention to the kind of sports. 2.5.4. Functional properties ideal « the Sports Labyrinth » From the very beginning of work above the project of " the Sports Labyrinth », before us stood Problem in definition of functional properties which should possess The equipment for ideal СЛ. Now we can formulate these properties. The equipment should: To be standard, widely widespread all over the world; It is easy to understand and gather; To be compact and easy; To be established on any equal surface; To work in different weather and climatic conditions; To be beautiful, it is good to be looked at a photo and video; To be safe at collision with it. It seems to me, that our mesh Labyrinth on cones as a whole satisfies To the problem put earlier. However there are still some technical questions, which It will be necessary to solve for mass distribution of Labyrinthes. page 20 3. Scopes СЛ Development of " the Sports Labyrinth » went not only in a direction of modernization The equipment, but also in increase in areas of its application. Now it is possible to allocate 3 scopes of " the Sports Labyrinth ». 1. Use СЛ in training process. 2. Carrying out СЛ in the program of a sports holiday as an attraction. 3. Application СЛ in the form of an insert in the basic distance of competitions on sports To orientation. Let's shortly tell about some reached results in these areas. 3.1. Training « the Sports Labyrinth » Our sports children's club on a school vacation usually leaves in sports Camp where routinely spends two-single trainings. The first, basic training It is usually spent with a card on district. On the second training of the couch try To give children something game, emotional, dynamical. For this purpose more whole « The sports Labyrinth », but in the simplified type approaches. Recently we is frequent It it is applied for a change training process (Fig. 12) Fig. 12. At cards of a training Labyrinth. Quantity of time and forces at the trainer, Engaged with children, It is limited. Therefore in a basis Training Labyrinth lays Principle of minimization of efforts and Time of trainer's structure for it Development and constructions. On ours To estimation, the trainer with the assistant should To spend for statement Training СЛ no more than 15 Minutes. Gradually we send to To the decision to use for construction Training Labyrinth in The core of one cone. If is Transport for transportation it is possible To apply greater of a cone. They Are rapidly placed on district Also do not require additional fixing. If the vehicle is not present or not Greater cones, it is possible to apply small a cone-колпачки. They are put on on Aluminium колья. Together with them it is possible to use standard prisms with кольями And means of a mark. Such complete sets of the equipment can be carried with itself in a backpack. All these objects of orientation are placed on district in the form of characteristic figures. For us is available two basic variants of carrying out of training Labyrinthes. Variant 1. All figures settle down in one place, on one glade. A technique Development and constructions of such Labyrinth it is described in section « the Labyrinth from cones » (Fig. 13а). Variant 2. Figures are carried on significant distances from each other. Advantage Such Labyrinth consists that the director can build figures on district, not Observing strictly distances, and approximately, "by eye". Also there is no necessity "To adhere" figures to each other. It considerably reduces time of the director Distances. If there is a card of the big scale (as for park orientation) it is possible "To adhere" these figures to objects of a card. In the presented photo it is visible, as We used a card of widely known camp site «Алоль» (fig. 13б). page 21 In both versions of a training Labyrinth we offer children work on memory Within the limits of circular training. For this purpose on a cord cards with different are hung out Micro-distances (7 or 8 distances are usual). Costing at a card, participants should To remember the control items and the order of their passage. To remember the КП, It is necessary for participant to remember a figure, position КП in this figure and a place, where There is a figure. It is complex enough brainwork which children combine with Run. The length of each distance in this circular training makes a little сот Meters. By means of such training children find individual optimum Speed of run, At which they can keep maximal intellectual Working capacity and to supervise the actions. Brainwork allows them To forget about the difficulties connected with run. They hazardously compete with each other and Show quite good speeds. Without any pressure from the trainer, which Observes from of a course of training. In this exercise children improve Important for ориентировщика qualities: memory of a card and an arrangement of objects, Skill To work on the optimum speed, not distracting on contenders, etc. Fig. 13. Variants of use СЛ in training process. For a training Labyrinth it is enough to use simple компостерную a mark, As quantity of participants small. Children with pleasure check Correctness of a mark of the friends on a command. 3.2. « a sports Labyrinth » as an attraction Perhaps, feedback and satisfaction organizers СЛ receive the greatest from Entertaining Labyrinth-attraction which usually passes as independent Discipline within the limits of any large sports undertaking. Big Quantity of participants and turns on start, a keen interest of spectators and sports Heads, an atmosphere of a holiday of sports and a finding in its most center – here Some characteristic features of the Labyrinth-attraction. It would be desirable to allocate some especially important undertakings with participation « Sports Labyrinth »: 1. A track and field athletics holiday « Olympic mile » on the Olympic prospectus in Moscow, Which was visited with all management of the Russian sports. The labyrinth settled down near to The VIP-zone also was advantageously looked near to other entertaining starts (fig. 9). page 22 2. A mass national holiday of run «Самсунг» where there were some tens Thousand person. The labyrinth settled down beside with a stage where leaders acted Musical groups of Russia, on a viewing platform of mountains Vorobevyh, perhaps, most Beautiful place of Moscow (fig. 14). Fig. 14. A labyrinth on mountains Vorobevyh 3. The All-Russia competitions on sports orientation « the Russian Azimuth– 2006 » with total of participants in 170 thousand. A labyrinth, alongside with a concert Actors, has successfully filled a pause before rewarding of winners and has increased Staginess. From 5500 participants from Moscow and the Moscow area more than 1700 person Could start in « the Sports Labyrinth ». As the same Labyrinth can be spent to the most different at the same time Seats with preparation of one report, its carrying out is perspective in Following starts of " the Russian Azimuth » which per 2006 was spent in 39 cities Russia. 4. Participation in demonstration performances of not Olympic sports at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, where The labyrinth was adequately looked inside of exposition pavilion (fig. 15). Fig. 15. A labyrinth in pavilion at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre. page 23 These starts we have shown, that СЛ as a kind of sports orientation It is possible to spend within the limits of any sports and city mass actions. And Thus to advertise our kind of sports among wide layers of the population. But not Easier to show spectators as masters compete. Each spectator can itself, without Special preparation, without additional equipment, in some minutes to pass The original test for ingenuity, for skill to be guided in space. Will agree, that these qualities are necessary for all people in our daily life. And the distance can be passed and on an invalid carriage, and on roller skates, and for Hand with the child. The Labyrinth-attraction has two components: mass and competitive As an example we shall present the program entertaining « the Sports Labyrinth in Frameworks of competitions « the Moscow Compass » (fig. 16). Here qualification represents Itself a mass part of competitions. And the semifinal and the superending provide an example Competitive part. The technical information. 1 day МК (22-04-06) « The sports Labyrinth » (СЛ) is spent in To the zone specified in the scheme of accommodation Participants, also passes in three stages. To the first To stage wishing participants are supposed all МК-2006, to the second and third stage– The participants who have shown the best results on The previous stages. Program «Sports Labyrinth»: 10.30 - 13-00 - qualification, 13.00 - 14-00 - semifinal and Superfinal, 14.30 - awarding ceremony 1 stage - qualification The open qualifying competitions in СЛ begin at 10.30 and come to an end at 13.00. Sportsmen approach to start with the Number and the chip. There are six equivalent Distances (from 1 up to 6) from which the judge gives out To the participant one at own discretion. On Number of the participant the judge of start writes figure Passable distance. Sportsmen about One qualification, For increase Staginess, will start groups on 3 persons. Runnings of men and women alternate. Winners of the runnings are awarded Memorable souvenirs. Each participant can start on three To different distances during time of qualification. If the participant will be noticed in passage of one And the same distance two times, it is disqualified. On finish each participant receives listing with Time of passage of distance СЛ and correctness of a mark. Keep the listings with the best Time of passage of a distance since they serve as the miss on a following stage. Participants, стартующие first time, and participants, стартующие in second and third time have different Corridors for the miss on start that as much as possible sportsmen could take part in СЛ. Participants of group "elite", and also the trainer and sports functionaries, will start out of turn. It is recommended to all participants of group "elite" to take part in СЛ since next day at them will be «врезка» with СЛ in the basic distance. 2 stage – a semifinal Upon termination of qualifying starts, at 13-00 the main judge of the Labyrinth declares time for men and The women, necessary for hit in a semifinal. The sportsmen having result are not worse declared Time, should be registered for participation in a 2-stage. Registration of sportsmen from among present begins at 13-00 and comes to an end at 13-10. After The terminations of registration of the application form for participation in 2 stage are not accepted. page 24 The deserved masters of sports and the master of sports of the international category on sports orientation Are supposed to participation in 2-nd stage hors concours. The selected sportsmen are allocated from the Labyrinth on distance about 200 meters, whence they will start With an interval 1 minute. Participants of 2-nd stage individually compete on one distance. The report Start it is shaped by results of 1 stage according to listings in such a manner that the strongest Sportsmen will start in the end of the report. All participants of a semifinal on finish are awarded with memorable prizes. 3 stage - the Superending at men and at women After finish of 2-nd stage the small technical pause (5 – 10 minutes) after which begins follows The superending at men and at women. By results of 2-nd stage the four of the best sportsmen at men and the four at women is defined. At Equality of times of 2-nd stage takes into consideration result of 1-st stage. To each of 4 sportsmen the corner in a Labyrinth, the having certain color, and the judge is allocated in This corner. After representation of participants of running the command "Start" of the main thing of the judge of the Labyrinth follows. First each sportsman runs on 4 circles inside of a protection of the Labyrinth counter-clockwise, and, Having returned to a point of the start, takes a card from the the judge. After that it passes a distance, Which is planned so That the sportsman should, except for items inside of the Labyrinth, visit Consistently counter-clockwise all corners and to finish a distance, having noted last КП in The "" corner. Thus, as a result of a distance at all 4 sportsmen turn out identical. And Spectators, on the moment of passage by sportsmen of corners, can estimate advantage of this or that The sportsman before others. After a mark of last item the angular judge at finish of the sportsman Lifts a hand, showing, thus, finish of the participant. Main judge СЛ visually Defines the order of finish of sportsmen. After finish of last participant correctness is checked Marks, also appear results. Rewarding of all participants of the Superending occurs during Ceremonies of rewarding of the basic competitions. Brief description СЛ « The sports Labyrinth » represents the limited area on an equal site of a surface of the ground In the sizes of 20*20 meters with the artificial objects specially constructed for orientation. Artificial objects represent road a cone and stretched between them protecting Grid in height of 1 meter. On a card these objects are designated by black points and black lines between Them. In aggregate all these objects on a card remind a labyrinth. All of a cone are Potential control items (КП). Means of a mark (station SI) settle down on cones, but Not on all. Participants are forbidden to overcome a protecting grid and how to influence on artificial Objects. Problem of participants In an instant of start the participant receives a card. The compass in the Labyrinth is not required. The card is guided on To position of seat of start. In the Labyrinth a plenty of control items (i.e. is established much False КП). The participant needs to note in the necessary sequence only КП, which впечатаны in it To card of the Labyrinth. Others КП in its diagram are absent. Be close – be marked only on the КП! The order of passage of items is specified in a card of the Labyrinth (1,2,3..). Items are connected by lines (as in The set direction). For complication of orientation own numbers КП on a card are not specified. To check up the it is item or another's it is possible only on reference points – for a configuration of artificial objects. Attention of participants! The previous starts of the Labyrinth have shown, that many participants make mistakes– Take another's КП. At absence of a mark of the КП or infringements of the order of passage of a distance The participant does not receive result. Participants and spectators can observe competitions in the Labyrinth (as well as to shout, whistle, clap and To make other actions which have been not forbidden by the Russian legislation), but only behind its limits. Фото-and television reporters can be supposed in a zone of the Labyrinth only under the decision of the Main thing of the judge of the Labyrinth. Representation of results of participants One of the main tasks of a mass part of the Labyrinth-attraction consists in, that To pass a maximum quantity of participants. Electronic system of a mark Allows to check up quickly on finish of the Labyrinth correctness of passage The participant of the distance. The basic limiting factor carrying Abilities delivery of results, until recently, was. As is known, in Classical sports orientation at an electronic mark on finish to everyone To the participant listing with Split passages of a distance stands out. Basic time in This process the press on the printer borrows. Printers are whimsical enough in work, The paper and a paint demand. This bottleneck. At large competitions for delivery page 25 Results apply at once some computers with printers. Long time we Used the same procedure of delivery of results that limited carrying Ability of all Labyrinth. Eventually, we send to the decision that is not necessary To waste time on listing of results and to create turn on finish. In fact The piece of paper with Split is necessary to the mass participant not, and the fact – has passed a distance Successfully or not. Therefore in last starts we applied sound indication Correctness of passage of a distance. If it is correct, one music sounds. If is not present – Another. To learn time of successful passage of a distance, was enough To look at the display connected to a computer, on which in real time Results were updated. All this in has some times reduced time of stay of the participant On finish. And to organizers has essentially facilitated work. As a result, carrying Ability of the Labyrinth has exceeded value of 500 человеко-starts at an o'clock (or nearby 10 The person in a minute). As a result of this innovation in СЛ on « Russian Азимуте-2006 » Could start more than 1700 person!. 3.3. « a sports Labyrinth » in a classical distance In rules of competitions on sports orientation for the present there is no rules on To carrying out of " Sports Labyrinthes ». Therefore from the very beginning we aspired To include СЛ in informal and experimental competitions with which are available The similar purposes on popularization of orientation. Since 2003 we have started to apply врезку with a tape Labyrinth in the basic distances The Moscow competitions « the Cup of parks ». It is interesting to note ideological similarity « A cup of parks » and « the Sports Labyrinth ». In both kinds of orientation it is done Emphasis on the maximal staginess and use of artificial objects. Among those Starts it would be desirable to allocate especially competitions on mountains Vorobevyh, When starting and Finishing glade settled down under a viewing platform together with the Labyrinth (fig. 17). In two years the Labyrinth managed "to rise" independently on itself viewing Platform as an attraction on a holiday of run «Самсунг» (fig. 14). Also it would be desirable To allocate competitions in Park of the Victory over mountain Poklonnoj where the Labyrinth has been built in in The middle of a distance of different groups also it was spent to "choice". And for mistakes in Labyrinth of participants did not disqualify, and added penal minutes to the general To result. For this purpose the special program on обсчету results has been written, Received at use of electronic system of mark Sport Ident. page 26 Fig. 17. A labyrinth in a distance on mountains Vorobevyh. Per 2004 the tape Labyrinth has been included in Distance of several groups on « Moskovsk Compass ». After carrying out of competitions we Have received weight of positive responses. However singularity of a card of the Labyrinth, influence From spectators, music and comments The announcer in some participants have caused Negative emotions. Basically it were People of the senior generation who have got used to To other type of orientation. They come On competitions for individual Dialogue with the nature, Friends and staginess To them it is not necessary. Therefore since 2005 on « Moskovsk the Compass » Labyrinth, but already mesh on cones, It is applied only to elite groups (fig. 18). It allows to concentrate the general Attention only on masters to make The qualitative comment to a course of struggle Sportsmen and to make « a picture Competitions » more entertainment. The announcer, for Time of a finding of the sportsman in the Labyrinth, Can inform spectators on backlog from The leader, its previous merits. To spectators Also it is interesting to look behind actions of elite sportsmen. Sportsmen of elite perceive an insert with СЛ in a classical distance as change Rhythm. Switchings from one scale on another is for them an interesting problem, Which besides is used and on a usual distance. At approximation to КП it is necessary page 27 Other algorithm of work of the sportsman.. In fact it is necessary for it to leave with high accuracy in Area of item. In the Labyrinth which has been built in the basic distance, this problem becomes More expressed. Also for sportsmen of elite it is important to develop psychological stability. Getting On the international competitions they get under close attention of fans, The photo and video of chambers and some, especially young sportsmen, do not cope Åß¿Õ«-emotional loads also suppose insulting mistakes. Participation in СЛ can it To help to not pay attention to external distracting factors. Besides, professional sportsmen understand, that their financial well-being Directly it is connected with quantity of the minutes lead before television cameras. And it is one of The main tasks of the Labyrinth – to show process of decision-making by the sportsman. As an example, we shall present the information for participants of elite groups on « Moskovsk the Compass-2006 ». The technical information. 2 day МК (23-04-06) As well as in the past to year, in the second day of competitions « the Moscow Compass-2006 » « the Sports Labyrinth » It is spent only for sportsmen of man's and female elite. Therefore we urgently recommend them To take part in СЛ in the first day. For elite groups in the second day the Labyrinth is built in the end of the basic distance. From the last КП before The labyrinth up to an input in the Labyrinth will go a marking. After passage of the Labyrinth sportsmen also on To marking run on finishing КП. Distance СЛ will be printed on a underside of a card. Unlike СЛ the first day, on control items (on distances and in a card) digital codes КП, that will be specified Sportsmen compared these numbers and took only the КП. For wrong passage of a distance in Labyrinth, also as well as the basic distance, sportsmen will be disqualified. Sportsmen of elite Should be ready to sound influence on them spectators, the commentator and music. And also to not be frightened фото-and television cameras. It would be desirable to notice, that it only the first efforts on inclusion of the Labyrinth in competitions On sports orientation. I hope, that in process of comprehension of importance of presentation Process of orientation by means of « the Sports Labyrinth », all world О- The community will take part in promotion of this project and realizes its potential. Here it is necessary to do greater work. Since development of rules, signs, Unifications of the equipment and its wide propagation. Writing of programs for обсчета results and reception of an interesting picture for televiewers. page 28 4. Some problems СЛ 4.1. False КП, mistakes and punishment for them One of distinctive features СЛ, as well as other competitions on мини- To orientation, presence of a plenty of control items is, on Which the participant to be marked should not at passage of the distance. Such КП Can be or items of other distance or are simply added for complication Orientations. Therefore we shall name these КП false. The matter is that at absence False КП orientation for the participant strongly becomes simpler. Presence false КП in Labyrinth forces the participant to not pay attention at all to signs КП, and To be guided only on artificial objects and precisely to find the necessary point. A plenty false КП leads to a significant amount of mistakes, especially At children with small experience in orientation. How to punish participants for these Mistakes? As is known, in classical competitions in the set direction the participant is obliged "To take" all КП when due hereunder. Otherwise it will be disqualified. In « A sports Labyrinth » punishment for wrong passage of a distance can To vary, depending on a scope. For the Labyrinth which has been built in a distance of usual competitions, it is possible to apply two Variant of punishment. In the first variant on all КП, costing on district, are available Digital codes. Codes of items which the participant should visit, are specified in a card. Thus, the sportsman, as well as on a usual distance, should take only the КП, Verifying codes on a card and on district. In case of a mistake it is disqualified. At such "Classical" variant at use in СЛ there are essential minuses. Some sportsmen cease to be guided, and start to search КП only on To numbers. Also many young sportsmen do not pay attention to numbers and take False КП. A principle of disqualification because of wrong passage of the Labyrinth, When the sportsman has successfully overcome the basic distance, it seems to me too Severe. In the Labyrinth each sportsman by virtue of different circumstances can and has The right to become puzzled and be mistaken. Codes КП and to enter system of penalties for a wrong mark. Then the sportsman will be It is compelled to be guided on objects, instead of to compare codes. And system of penalties as биатлонных competitions (penal minutes or penal circles), will help to make Competitions by more entertainment. At presence of penal circles, the spectator at once will be To see result of passage of the Labyrinth. On this way there are some technical The difficulties connected with fast check of a mark on finish of the Labyrinth. But these Difficulties are quite surmountable. For training СЛ codes on КП to specify it is not necessary. The system is optimum Time penalties which are charged by the trainer after check of a mark. For example, 30 seconds or 1 minute for each wrong mark. For the Labyrinth-attraction availability of a plenty of mistakes at participants not Is a negative instant. To the contrary, failure "gets" many people. Small time of passage of a distance in СЛ allows the participant to start Repeatedly. 4.2. Complexity of distances СЛ Complexity of a distance in « the Sports Labyrinth » develops of two parts. From Complexities of artificial district and from complexity of a distance which can be changed in Concrete Labyrinth. page 29 Complexity of district can be varied, changing quantity of figures, their form and width Passes between them. Complexity of distances also can be changed by means of planning distances, setting Different quantity of items and configuration of the distance inside of concrete Labyrinth. For different scopes СЛ it is necessary to choose the complexity. For Лабиринта-an attraction it is desirable to have some distances, with a different degree Complexities (different levels) as in it can take part as beginners, and The deserved masters of sports. For example, if to apply three levels of complexity, To distance of 1-st level to recommend beginners, distances of 2-nd level for ориентировщиков and last the first level, 3-rd level for skilled ориентировщиков and all last the previous levels. For distances of 1-st level it is necessary to plan simple distances, without complex Crossings and reverse motions. Participants should move in one stream (for example, On a circle or on a straight line) from start up to finish. At same it is reached maximal Throughput of the Labyrinth. At successful passage of 1-st level, For competitive « the Sports Labyrinth » the problem in reception is put Distances with the maximal complexity. In this case for sportsmen should stand Problem at the choice of an optimum way of movement from several variants (at least Two). Rectilinear courses of movement from КП to КП are inadmissible. It is important to notice, that complexity of distances, at application of set forth above measures, It is possible to vary from very simple up to very complex. The participant can raise for itself a level of complexity. 4.3. Seat of accommodation СЛ: a platform, orientation, a protection It is necessary to endeavour to that the platform for accommodation СЛ was in the center Competitions or a sports holiday. In fact one of the primary goals facing СЛ – to achieve the maximal staginess. Very much wins an arrangement of the Labyrinth inside of the big hole. Then quantity Spectators can be maximal, and they can observe from above of a course of struggle. Probably, the best and civilized variant is installation of the Labyrinth In stadium with tribunes for spectators (fig. 19). Fig. 19. A kind of the Labyrinth from a tribune of stadium. page 30 That the planned Labyrinth гарантированно was entered in surrounding district, we Urgently we recommend to leave in advance on a place of its accommodation and to lead Laborious work which will be difficult for making in day of competitions. On district it is necessary to coordinate an exact place with organizers of action And also to define places Accommodations of start, finish, judicial tent. Important correctly сориентировать Labyrinth concerning a line the north-south for фото-and video shootings, that the best for Shootings the kind has not turned out against the sun. In « the Sports Labyrinth », unlike classical orientation, to the sportsman All district, including point of start and finish is visible at once. It is enough of it, that сориентировать a card concerning district. Therefore in a card of the Labyrinth a direction The north-south usually is not underlined. However the Labyrinth can be built in in classical Distance. Then, if its image is placed on a face sheet of a card, it There should be сориентированным concerning a direction a north-south. The system of a protection on complexity and labour inputs can be compared with Labyrinth! Ideally for these purposes approach militian metal Protections which we usually ask from organizers of such actions. At Arrangement on the ground for a protection the high grid which is stretched well approaches High кольями. Accommodation of banners of sponsors on elements of a protection is Important component СЛ. In case of attraction of TV to display СЛ accommodation of banners Can pay back expenses for carrying out СЛ and even to make a profit. We apply to a designation of points of start and finish road "tell-tales". Cards Various distances it is displayed in trays which fasten to road cones. 4.4. Creating of a holiday atmosphere: judges, music, prizes Judges of the Labyrinth should be allocated among participants. For this purpose, depending on Weathers, it is possible to use special bright capes, jackets or a vest. If the Labyrinth is built in a usual distance of competitions on orientation, The quantity of the attendants can be minimal (1-2 persons), on Case of breakdown of the Labyrinth and tracking the expensive equipment (quantity Stations can reach 30 pieces). If СЛ it is used as an attraction in the big holiday, for its carrying out The significant amount of judges (5-7 person) which are distributed is required As follows. On start presence of 2-3 judges (construction and adjustment of turn is necessary on Start, clearing and delivery of CHIPS, delivery of cards, starting station). On finish also Presence of 2-3 judges (finishing and reading stations, selection of CHIPS and cards is necessary, Delivery of prizes). Inside of the Labyrinth it is desirable to put qualified and For an explanation to the lost the way beginners, that it is necessary to do the affable judge it. Any attraction by rules of a genre should be accompanied by pleasant music. Music Creates a celebratory atmosphere for participants and for spectators. Specially The picked up rhythmical music helps the sportsman to concentrate on the decision Problems. If there is an opportunity it is desirable to encourage all participants who have successfully finished Distance, small memorable prizes and souvenirs. page 31 5. The conclusion Our experience on carrying out СЛ shows, that orientation in the Labyrinth, in comparison With classical, it too the orientation only concentrated in space and In time. Therefore by means of СЛ it is possible to show the spectator essence easily Classical sports orientation and its greater intellectual Component. As independent discipline СЛ it is especially good within the limits of carrying out large Sports holidays, days of cities, exhibitions and other mass actions. Playing Role of an attraction, bewitching external simplicity and the complex internal maintenance, Festively-bright СЛ involves in itself the big number of walking people, in particular Children. Organizers of such large holidays, having a good financial basis, with With pleasure are ready to involve this attraction and to give it the best platforms. In some regions already there were enthusiasts who have rapidly apprehended idea Sports Labyrinth also have started independently it to develop. It is Tula, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Istanbul, etc. I Think, at them interesting experience to which would cost has already collected To exchange. Therefore I ask to send brief messages and interesting photos about The lead Labyrinthes. Whenever possible, them I shall systematize and place on Our site. In summary it would be desirable to thank all ориентировщиков which helped the Advice and affairs to develop this new and perspective kind of orientation. Especially I wish to note: trainers of our club Masnogo of Alexey Jakovlevicha and Еремина Alexander Petrovicha with which we started to put into practice СЛ in Training process and the useful advice which has given many; Naletova Dmitry Vladimirovich constantly adapting the programs for check of results and Their evident representation; Novikova Vladimir Ignatevicha, for the significant contribution In development and manufacturing of the equipment; Shura Henry Vasilevicha and Alyoshin Victor Maksimovicha, for invaluable advice and the help in promotion « Sports Labyrinth » and reviewing of this methodical grant. The author with gratitude of signs all remarks and offers to the address of: