Schedule (2021)
Table of contents |
Unless otherwise noted, all of the club's events take place within the San Francisco Bay Area, are on Sundays, go on rain or shine, and offer courses for beginners. Please check our Frequently Asked Questions for information about event schedules, costs, and what to bring.
Click on the event date to go to the event webpage/website. For the latest information for any event, please check the event webpage/website closer to the event, or (for local events) contact the Event Director. There are additional details about the event schedule below.
Note that there is a Google calendar of "local" events below the list of events. You can subscribe to that calendar to have the events shown on your personal Google calendar.
If an event you are interested in no longer appears on the schedule, please check the Archive of event announcements or the Results.
To see only BAOC events, change the drop-down box below from All Clubs to BAOC, and click on Reload. Similarly, you can select a different year, and you can restrict the displayed list to only a certain type of event.
Date | Event Name, Location, Type, and Notes |
Event Director or Contact |
Course Setter(s) |
No matching events in the schedule database. |
Schedule of events in 2026 (
Additional notes about the above schedule:
- Events in bold are BAOC events. The schedule includes regular orienteering events, and other events of potential interest, such as training sessions, BAOC Board meetings, regional events, National Events, and notable international events. You can use the drop-down boxes at the top of the page to limit the events that are listed and to look at future years.
- B- and C-meets are "regular" BAOC events. B-meets generally provide the standard seven courses (White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Green, Red, Blue). C-meets offer a subset of these courses, or another flavor of orienteering, such as Score-O.
- A-meets are National Ranking Events (NRE) for competitive orienteers. They offer courses in all the OUSA competitive classes ( (see section A.39) and are counted in the national rankings ( Note, however, that these events also have courses for recreational orienteers and do welcome beginners, and sometimes an event will consist of a combination of NRE and non-NRE events.
- All BAOC events offer beginners clinics and courses unless otherwise noted in the event details.
- Junior events are specifically for youth under 21 years of age (but are often open to everyone).
- Training sessions are often suitable for beginners, but sometimes are intermediate and up—check the event details.
Google Calendar of Events
The Google calendar below shows announced orienteering events. It should contain BAOC, GCO (, Nav-X (, and terraloco (!/p/about-terraloco_09.html) events, as well as selected other California events like Mt Pinos and Anza Borrego. However, please do not rely on this calendar for accuracy. The schedules on each club's website (including our own) will have the most accurate and up-to-date information.
If you have your own Google calendar, you can subscribe to this calendar, and see its events displayed on your personal Google calendar. To subscribe, click on the "+ Google Calendar" button at the bottom of the calendar.
- This calendar was suggested by Shura Kretchetov, and was developed by Shura and Alex Finch. (February 14, 2011)
- If the calendar is not displayed, or if no events are shown in the calendar, that might mean Google is having a problem—please try checking later. Failure to display might also be caused by a browser setting or extension. Try using a different browser, and/or opening a new "private" browser window (e.g., an Incognito window in the Chrome browser).
Working Calendars of Upcoming Events
The Event Coordinators' working schedule is available here ( (You might notice that there are proposed events that need Event Directors and Course Setters. Without them, those events will not happen!)
Please send event suggestions (and offers to direct an event and/or set courses) to , the BAOC Event Coordinator (who leads the Regional Event Coordinators).
Another working calendar of events, named the CA OR WA NV AZ Adventure Calendar is available here ( In addition to BAOC and other regional events, it lists major national and international events.
More Schedule Information
You can find more events by looking at:
- The Orienteering USA (OUSA) event calendar (
- The OUSA planning calendar (
- A list ( of U.S. "local" events
- The OUSA Rogaine calendar (
- The websites of other orienteering clubs
- The International Orienteering Federation (IOF) event calendar (
If you are looking for an announcement for a past BAOC event, check out the archive of old event schedules (
The best driving directions are usually within the event announcements themselves, but we also have a page containing driving directions ( to most of the parks.
If you'd like to orienteer more often, volunteering to help put on events is a sure way to do it. Please contact the Event Coordinator, , regarding event directing and course setting.
Note: If you have additional information concerning any of these events, know of an event that should be added, or see something that's incorrect, please contact the .