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BAOC Annual General Meeting

Online via Zoom

Date: (Thu.) Apr. 20, 2023
Location: Video Conference
Event Directors: - 925.516.7622, - 650.906.9672
Type: Annual membership meeting and election of officers

The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bay Area Orienteering Club will be held online on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 8:00–9:30 PM. At this meeting, club members will elect officers for the coming year, hear reports on the state of the club, and discuss matters of interest to the orienteering community. Updates to the agenda will be posted here closer to the meeting.

Official notice of the meeting, including agenda items and the Zoom link, was emailed to all active club members around April 5th, using the email addresses in the club's membership database. If you need to renew your membership or update your contact information, you may do so here

Any club members who haven't receive that meeting notice, or non-members who would like to attend as visitors, should contact President Marie-Josée Parayre () to receive the Zoom link.

Club members may request an item to be placed on the agenda by contacting me at .

Meeting Agenda

All active BAOC members can vote at the meeting. If you need to renew your membership or update your contact information, see the information here

Here is the meeting agenda:

Club members may request an item to be placed on the agenda by contacting Nick Corsano (), BAOC Secretary.

Election of Officers

At the meeting, members in good standing will vote for the Club's 2023 officers. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Steve Haas, has put forward the following slate of candidates:

The Board of Directors has recommended the election of these candidates. Nominations may also be made from the floor.

The AGM is the opportunity for all club members to get insight into the activities of the club, and participate in discussion about its direction. I hope to see many new as well as familiar faces there.

Nick Corsano, BAOC Secretary ()

Install Or Update Your Zoom Application Before The BAOC AGM

If you have not used Zoom before, you will need to install the Zoom application. It takes only a few minutes. You do not need to create a Zoom account to be able to attend the meeting (i.e., you do not need to "Sign Up"). You can go to this website ( for information about getting started with and using Zoom.

If you have used Zoom before, you should make sure you have the latest version. Start the Zoom application, and click on your profile icon in the upper right. This may be your picture or just your initials. Choose the "Check for Updates" option, and let it update your application.

Current Board Members

For reference, the current Board members are:

President – Marie-Josée Parayre
Vice President – Stephanie Maclean
Event Coordinator – Graham Brew
Secretary – Nick Corsano
Treasurer – Gary Kraght
E-Punch Director – Jeff Lanam  
Event Quality Director – Dan Greene
Membership Director – Werner Haag
National Events Coordinator – Dennis Wildfogel
Outreach Director – Jeff Goodwin
Registration Director – Steve Haas
Equipment Director – (Vacant)  
Juniors Director – (Vacant)
Mapping Director – (Vacant)
Publicity Director – (Vacant)
Social Director – (Vacant)
Training Director – (Vacant)

The email address reaches all the Board members.


¹ If you want to vote and are having any trouble updating your membership status to active before the meeting, please contact Werner Haag, BAOC Membership Director ().