“Corona†course at Tilden Park
Tilden Regional Park
Dates: June 5, 2020 to ??
Location: Berkeley, CA
Course Setter:
Type: Training; One 4.2 km course for practice/exercise during the shutdown
Related Information
September 3rd Update
- Tilden Regional Park is currently open. You can check the status here (https://www.ebparks.org/parks/tilden/default.htm).
General Notes
- This is a training course, not an organized BAOC event. We do not have a park permit for this course.
- Be careful for your safety. You are on your own—tell somebody where you will be and when you expect to return.
- You are doing this at your own risk. Each participant assumes full responsibility (BAOC accepts no responsibility) for any and all injuries, losses, and damages that he or she incurs while attending or participating in this course.
- Be mindful of the general COVID-19 restrictions, and any specific restrictions that might apply to the park.
I put out nine streamers for a 4.2 km course at Tilden Park (http://www.ebparks.org/parks/tilden) (the map closest to our house). The map, control descriptions, and course notes (which are also below) can be found here (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xd11izyiscuvz31/AAAt1h_liwjV-JvTJbBGNw7Da?dl=0).
The Start is near the Botanic Garden entrance (the garden is closed). Parking is nearby at these coordinates: 37.8926,-122.2430.
A registration form is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b1bZVLn1i4s4dcXdNWXd18d4mtQfruPuCidZEIJvHAw/edit). Please use it before and after you visit the park.
Course Notes
- The map scale is 1:10,000, with 5 m contours.
- Controls are pink streamers.
- The course is in some of the more open areas of Tilden, but it is still very rough, and the vegetation is high. The map is not always a good indication of what is passable.
- There is an unmapped fallen tree just after leaving the Start on the direct route to number 1.
- There is lots of poison oak and long grass. Check for ticks afterwards.
Thanks to all who have been putting out courses.
(June 5, 2020)