“Corona†course at Morgan Territory
Morgan Territory Regional Preserve
Dates: July 9, 2020 to ??
Location: Livermore, CA
Course Setter: [emailByName: unknown member name 'Matej Å ebo'][emailByPosition: unknown position 'Matej Å ebo']
Type: Training; Middle-style course for practice/exercise during the shutdown
Related Information
Other Morgan Territory Courses Other “Corona†Training Courses
February 28, 2021 Update
- This course is considered to be "closed".
General Notes
- This is a training course, not an organized BAOC event. We do not have a park permit for this course.
- Be careful for your safety. You are on your own—tell somebody where you will be and when you expect to return.
- You are doing this at your own risk. Each participant assumes full responsibility (BAOC accepts no responsibility) for any and all injuries, losses, and damages that he or she incurs while attending or participating in this course.
- Be mindful of the general COVID-19 restrictions, and any specific restrictions that might apply to the park.
As part of Julia’s “JWOC simulation†week, I set an “F-20 Relayâ€-style course at Morgan Territory, with streamers at the control locations.
The course statistics are 4.5 km, with 195 m climb and 26 controls.
The course map is here (5.3MB PDF). The map prints on 8.5"x11" paper.
The map scale is 1:10,000 with 5-meter contours. The control descriptions are on the map.
There’s a (very) remote Start about 2 km north of the main parking lot, and a remote Finish about 1 km away from the parking lot. A “guide mapâ€, to get you to the Start without looking at the course map, and back from the Finish, is available here (2.1MB PDF) (i.e., the parking lot is not shown on the course map). That map also prints on 8.5"x11" paper. The Start is near the top left corner of the “guide mapâ€. Also, there is a symbol legend on the “guide map†(but not on the course map).
Some of the control locations might be familiar to people who ran Stages 1 & 2 of the 2018 event. This course is a fusion of a lot of concepts I had in mind for that event that didn’t quite make the final cut. A lot of the Course Setter’s Notes for that event apply. This is a technical, Middle-style course with a route choice or two thrown in.
Most control locations are marked with pink, numbered streamers. There are no streamers at #19 and #20 (due to how obvious and visible the features are), and from what I’ve heard from the previous runners, the streamers at #14 and #18 are missing (but can potentially be restored by future orienteerers).
Please note that there is a marked trail route from control 19 to control 20, to make sure nobody goes through a small out-of-bounds area.
Matej Å ebo
(July 9, 2020)