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Bedwell Bayfront Park

Date: (Sun.) Jun. 15, 2014
Location: Menlo Park, CA
Event Director: - 650.281.5280
Course Setter: Phillip Hoare
Type: C; Variety of courses for beginners to advanced

Course Setter's Notes

By Phillip Hoare

The White, Yellow, and Orange courses use a standard orienteering map of the park.

The Brown, Green, and Red courses, however, use a "trail-less" version of the map. That is, a map where all of the various types of roads and paths, and other man-made objects, that are normally represented in black have been removed. We've done this because the extensive trail network at Bayfront makes navigating too easy. Without the trails on the map, you will have to rely on contours, vegetation, and point features. In addition to the man-made objects normally shown by black symbols, the following symbols are omitted from the Brown, Green, and Red maps:

The Bayfront map uses some non-standard symbols and uses some standard symbols in unusual ways. Be sure to read about this in the separate Map Notes (60KB/PDF). In particular:

There is very little climb on any course.

Here are the details of the courses:

   Course     Distance    Controls
   White       1.7 km         9     
   Yellow      2.7 km        12
   Orange      4.2 km        16
   Brown       4.4 km        18
   Green       6.0 km        19
   Red         8.4 km        22

Beginners should note that the course distances are measured along the straight lines between controls. You might not be able to, or want to, travel along those straight lines, and you might make mistakes, so your actual distance will likely be longer.