Sierra Summerfest
Days 3 and 4: A-meet Middle and Long Events
(Parts 2 and 3 of the 2013 Western States Championships)
Little Truckee Summit
Date: Jul. 27 - 28, 2013
Location: Sierraville, CA
Event Director: - 510.407.1876
Course Setters: Rex Winterbottom, Deron van Hoff
Type: A; Middle on Saturday, Long on Sunday (parts 2 & 3 of the 2013 Western States Championships)
Related Event Information
Middle Course Setter's Notes Long Course Setter's Notes Start Times ( Sierra Summerfest Main Page Friday A-meet Sprint Event 2011 Sierra A-meet Event Results
A-meet start times are available
Pizza will be served on Sunday
We are returning to Little Truckee Summit, part of the Tahoe National Forest (US Forest Service land), on new terrain and an expanded map for days 2 and 3 of the Western States Championships. Coming for the first time? It will be fun for all, newcomers and experienced orienteers alike. This terrain is at about 6000 ft altitude, and in spite being in the mountains, is actually quite gentle, being part of an area of rolling hills and meadows near the large flat area of Sierra Valley.
All are welcome at the Summerfest events, and beginners are encouraged to participate! Come early to learn more about the sport at our beginners’ clinics.
Day Schedules
The schedules for the two days are below.
Beginners' clinics are repeating, free introductions to orienteering. They provide enough information to be able to complete a beginner (White or Yellow) course.
Note: Preassigned start times for A-meet participants are available here (, and will be available on packets, at Registration, and at the Start. Please make sure you are at the Start at least five minutes before your assigned start time. We might be able to accommodate people who are late, but it will be most convenient for everyone if you are on time.
Please note that everyone must check in at the Finish by the course closing time, even if they have not completed their course.
Saturday – Middle Distance
- 9:00 AM – noon: Registration/Check-in at parking area
- 9:00–2:30 PM: Shuttle buses run
- 9:30–10:30 AM: Beginners’ clinics
- 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Starts (see the Note above)
- 2:30 PM: Courses close
- Make sure to allow about 45 minutes to get to the Start from the parking lot, and be at the Start a few minutes before your assigned start time.
- A-meet course time limit: 2 hours
Sunday – Long Distance
- 8:00–11:00 AM: Registration/Check-in at parking area
- 8:00–2:30 PM: Shuttle buses run
- 8:30–9:30 AM: Beginners’ clinics
- 9:00–11:30 AM: Starts (see the Note above)
- 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM: Pizzas! (see below)
- 1:00 PM: Awards ceremony
- 2:30 PM: Courses close
- Make sure to allow about 30 minutes to get to the Start from the parking lot, and be at the Start a few minutes before your assigned start time.
- A-meet course time limit: 3 hours
- Wood-fired pizzas will be served from about 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Wheeler Sheep Camp, which is near the Start/Finish and assembly area.
Registration for the A-meet courses is now closed. (The deadline for early registration was 8:00 PM PDT July 14.) You can see who has registered (and start times) here (
There will be day-of-event registration for competitive courses, with higher fees. (Early registration is not available for recreational courses. Registration will be at the event and standard event fees will apply.)
Note that there is a "Package Deal" for all the Summerfest events (but it requires early registration).
The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used to record controls. Each participant or team will need one E-stick. E-stick rentals are $3 per event. Compasses can also be rented at $1 each.
Saturday – Middle Distance
The statistics for the Middle courses are as follows:
Water Course Length Climb Controls Stops
White 1.7 km 15 m 12 0 Yellow 1.9 km 40 m 12 0 Orange 3.5 km 110 m 11 1 Brown 2.3 km 65 m 12 1 Green 3.0 km 90 m 14 2 Red 4.4 km 130 m 20 4 Blue 5.1 km 150 m 24 4
You should read the Saturday Course Setter's Notes for more information about the courses and the map.
Sunday – Long Distance
The statistics for the Long courses are as follows:
Water Course Length Climb Controls Stops
White 2.1 km 50 m 11 1 Yellow 2.4 km 50 m 10 1 Orange 5.3 km 165 m 14 2 Brown 5.0 km 95 m 13 2 Green 7.3 km 215 m 16 3 Red 9.7 km 305 m 16 6 Blue 14.2 km 465 m 24 8
You should read the Sunday Course Setter's Notes for more information about the courses and the map.
Request for Volunteers
As usual, this event will require many people doing many tasks. Everyone who helps will also be able to run their courses. Please take a look at our volunteer spreadsheet ( and sign up (for specific tasks or at the bottom as an unassigned volunteer), or contact , the Event Director.
Request for help with control pick-up:
- Penny and I are control pick-up coordinators for the two A-Meet days at Little Truckee Summit. We need several volunteers for control pickup. Easy job—after you run, you wander back on the map, and pick up a few controls in an unhurried hike in the woods, and perhaps look at a control that you may have had trouble with on your course. Please , and I'll add you to the spreadsheet.
- Thanks,
Request for early runners:
- Like to run in the cool early morning hours? Want to get away from the crowds? Got plans for a day in Tahoe after your run?
- Our thanks to the people who have agreed to run early. We still have an opportunity for an early runner for the Sunday (July 28) Red course at Little Truckee Summit. This is an important part of making sure we have a successful event. Plan to start about 2 hours before the first scheduled start (or plan to finish before the official start window).
- Note: This will still be an official run. On the remote chance that there is a major problem with the course, you will have the option of taking a Sporting Withdrawal. If a control doesn't beep, just punch and go, and report it to the course setter at the end.
- If you can help with this, please contact .
Driving Directions
From Interstate 80, take exit 188B (it's the eastern exit for Truckee). Go north on Highway 89 for about 17 miles to the Little Truckee Summit parking area on your left.
All participants must park there and take the shuttle bus from the paved lot to the bus turn-around, about 10 minutes away. From there it is a 15-minute walk (follow the streamers) to the Start area on Saturday, shorter on Sunday. The Finish will also be a short distance from the bus turn-around.