<em>O in the Oaks 2013</em>

O’ in the Oaks 2013

2013 U.S. Ultra Long Championships

Pacheco State Park

Date: Nov. 9 - 10, 2013
Location: Hollister, CA
Event Director: - 510.558.7484
Course Setters: François Léonard, Dennis Wilkinson
Type: A; Middle-distance courses on Saturday, the U.S. Ultra Long Championships (with a mass start) on Sunday (preregistration has closed, but registration will be possible at the event)

Please note that fees and time limits apply. Events are typically not canceled due to bad weather.

Latest Changes:

"Final Event Notes" added (11/6)
Note to all campers added (11/4)
Volunteers are still needed (11/4)
A-meet start times are posted (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66) (11/3)
Changes regarding parking pass (11/2)
Junior Team fundraiser announced (10/31)
Preregistration is closed (10/24)

Table of contents

Start times for the A-meet have been posted. (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66)

Please sign up to help at the event. As of Oct. 28 we still have openings! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkYuwMAxP4YGdFBxTjJxNklCTDVDdXA1a2Zjd3pvTWc#gid=0)

Thanks to those of you who are volunteering at Pacheco (and many of you have already put in many hours). We are still looking for some help with parking, first aid, help Erin with junior activities, control pick-up, and site set-up. Please email if you are available to help for a while on either day.

Be sure to read the Course Setters' Notes

Final Event Notes:

We're looking forward to seeing you at Pacheco State Park for some great fall orienteering. The forecast for the weekend is mostly sunny with highs in the mid 60s.
All of the information you need can be found throughout the page below and in the Course Setters' Notes.
Some additional reminders:
  • As parking space is limited, we encourage carpooling. A parking attendant will help you find a space.
  • There will be a parking pass in your packet. Please leave this on your dashboard, to show that you have paid for parking. If you are registering on the day, please pay for a pass at Registration and take it back to your car.
  • All participants should carry a whistle in case of a need to summon help.
  • Information for Saturday advanced (Brown, Green, Red, Blue) Start and Finish:
    • Start: 2 km (65 m climb) from the assembly area, marked by streamers​—​allow at least 30 minutes.
    • Please be on time for your assigned start time (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66).
    • Finish: 1 km (30 m descent) back to the assembly area, marked by streamers.
  • Sunday’s Courses
    • Start: 1 km (40 m climb) from the assembly area​—​allow 15–20 minutes.
    • Mass Start for the Blue, Red, Green, and Ultra Long Brown courses is at 9:00 AM. Competitors should be at the Start area by 8:45 AM.
    • All the other courses have timed starts (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66) from the same location.
    • Finish: At the assembly area.
Safe travels and see you soon.
Steve Harrison
Event Director

The Bay Area Orienteering Club invites you to participate in a fall A-meet in beautiful Pacheco State Park (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=560) near Gilroy, California. We are offering an A-meet with championship quality Middle courses and the 2013 U.S. Ultra Long Championships.

This event is for everyone: advanced, beginner, competitive, recreational, ..., you!

More information will be posted on this page periodically, so be sure to check back from time to time.

Embargo Notice

Pacheco State Park is embargoed to orienteers who plan to compete in the 2013 U.S. Ultra Long Championships, or the O in the Oaks 2013 A-meet. Anyone who visits Pacheco State Park during the embargo dates (July 14 – Nov. 10) will be allowed to enter and participate in the events at these locations, but will be excluded from the official results, will not receive awards, and will not earn OUSA ranking credit. The public parking areas of Pacheco State Park, and roads leading to those parking areas, are not part of the embargo.

Top-10 Reasons to Attend

The Event Director shares these Top-10 reasons to attend this unique event:

10 – Experience parts of Pacheco State Park that you didn't know existed. (I promise there are no marijuana fields deep in the back country!)
9 – See if you can really run a course that is 50% longer than a regular Long course
8 – Meet orienteers from all over the country, and some from the rest of the world (see who's signed up already here (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66)).
7 – We are very lucky that Erin Schirm, the U.S. Junior National Orienteering Coach, will be attending the Pacheco Pass A-meet. He will be hosting course reviews for juniors after each day's event (see the schedule), and he is planning other fun activities, so check this page for further information. More to come.
6 – Experience the delights of the rolling hills of Pacheco State Park, at a time when the predicted temperature is a mere 70 degrees (unlike the summer when it is over 90!).
5 – Get a chance to socialize with your fellow orienteers at BAOC's second A-meet this year.
4 – Try the fun of a mass start with orienteers on multiple courses, and try to resist the urge to follow them.
3 – Enjoy challenging route choices planned by our Ultra Long course setter, Dennis Wilkinson.
2 – Run some exciting and fast Middle courses designed by François Léonard in terrain not quite like anything else in the Bay Area.
1 – This is the first Ultra Long championship that BAOC has hosted in many years​—​you might get to be a U.S. champion!

Pacheco State Park panorama

Event Timetable

Note: Everyone must report to the Finish by the closing time each day, even if they have not completed their course.

Pacheco State Park windmills


Preregistration is now closed. Competitive and recreational registration will be available at the event.


963F La Mesa Terrace
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Note to All: You will find a parking pass in your registration packet, or receive one at on-site registration. Be sure to put that pass on the dash of your car both days (see below).

Note to "Recreational" Participants: Early registration is not available for recreational courses. Registration for those courses will be at the events.

The deadline for early registration is October 9. The deadline for preregistration is October 23.

You can use this link (https://www.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a31/reglist/?event_id=66) to see your start times and who is registered.

Note: If adjustments need to be made to the start times, please do that at the Start. There are plenty of empty spaces available.

Event Pricing

Except for the A-meet course fees, all the fees apply to everyone. However, as mentioned below, normal BAOC course fees apply to recreational courses.

Event/Item  Register by Oct. 9   Register by Oct. 23   Day of Event¹ 
Adult² Junior³ Adult² Junior³  Adult²   Junior³ 
Saturday Middle Course4 $31.00 $11.00 $36.00 $16.00 $41.00 $21.00
Sunday Ultra Long Course4  $31.00 $11.00 $36.00 $16.00 $41.00 $21.00
Camping (per night, see below) $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00
T-shirt (see below) $25.00 $18.00 $25.00 $18.00 $25.00 $18.00
Map of Pacheco State Park $5.00
1 After October 23, A-meet entrants must pay day-of-event prices, and may register at the event
2 Adult = age 21 and up (i.e., born before 1993)
3 Junior = age 20 and under (i.e., born after 1992)
4 OUSA/IOF discount applies to course fees ($4 Adult / $2 Junior per event)

There is a $3-per-day fee for e-punch rental if you don’t have your own e-stick.

Compasses can be rented for $1 per day.

Pacheco State Park map segment


The A-meet and Ultra Long Championships are sanctioned by Orienteering USA (http://orienteeringusa.org).

This will be the third use of BAOC’s large map of the area atop Pacheco Pass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacheco_Pass) in Pacheco State Park. The map (http://baoc.org/gadget/cgi/reitti.cgi?act=map&id=195&kieli=), which was field checked and drawn in 2008 by Vladimir Zherdev, is scaled at 1:10000.

There will be separate awards for each day.

E-punch will be used both days.

Registered A-meet competitors will receive pre-assigned start times. Teams will able to participate as recreational participants, but will not be official A-meet registrants and will not start in the Sunday mass start.

The Course Setters' Notes for both days are available here.

Day 1

François Léonard is planning Saturday's OUSA standard Middle-distance courses, which will count towards U.S. rankings (http://www.us.orienteering.org/orienteers/on-foot/rankings) (for A-meet entrants).

Pre-assigned A-meet starts, and walk-up recreational starts, will be at 2-minute intervals from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The course time limit is 2 hours. Awards will be presented on Sunday.

Pacheco State Park reservoir

Here are the preliminary course statistics:

   Course     Length     Climb   Controls
   White      2.2 km      40 m       8    
   Yellow     3.0 km      65 m      11
   Orange     2.9 km     160 m      10
   Brown      2.1 km     150 m       9
   Green      2.9 km     200 m      10
   Red        3.6 km     235 m      14
   Blue       4.3 km     250 m      18

Be sure to read the Course Setter's Notes for more information.

Day 2

Sunday's event will feature Ultra Long courses (with a mass start) for the Brown through Blue courses, and Long courses (not Ultra Long) for White, Yellow, and Orange. We will also have a Classic Brown course for those who do not have enough time for an Ultra Long advanced course (e.g., volunteers). Dennis Wilkinson is planning these courses.

This event will be the 2013 U.S. Ultra Long Championships for all the OUSA competition classes (including the White, Yellow, and Orange courses), and will count toward U.S. rankings (http://www.us.orienteering.org/orienteers/on-foot/rankings) (for A-meet entrants). The Classic Brown course will not be a U.S. Championship course, but it will count towards rankings.

The mass start for the Brown through Blue Ultra Long courses will be at 9:00 AM. For those courses, the time limit is 5 hours.

Pre-assigned A-meet starts, and walk-up recreational starts, for the White, Yellow, Orange, and Classic Brown courses will be at 2-minute intervals from 9:10 AM to 11:00 AM. For those courses, the time limit is 3 hours.

Pacheco State Park reentrant

Here are the preliminary course statistics:

   Course           Length     Climb
   White            2.7 km     110 m    
   Yellow           3.6 km     150 m
   Orange           6.0 km     400 m
   Classic Brown    4.3 km     200 m
   Brown            6.8 km     350 m
   Green            8.6 km     500 m
   Red             13.7 km     750 m
   Blue            18.1 km     950 m

Be sure to read the Course Setter's Notes for more information.

Recreational Courses

White, Yellow, Orange, and Brown recreational courses will be available on both A-meet days at regular BAOC fees. (The Sunday recreational Brown course will be Classic distance, not Ultra Long.) Advance registration is not available (or needed)​—​simply show up at the event, register, pay, and enjoy your course(s). Starts will be available throughout the time periods mentioned above​—​simply go to the Start and request a start time.


Pacheco is hilly, and the courses will have climbs typical of the Bay Area. However, previous experience suggests that the terrain is fast, and likely will produce some of the fastest (climb adjusted) minutes-per-kilometer times of any Bay Area venue. The terrain is a mixture of lightly wooded and open, with pockets of rock detail, almost no fight or poison oak, and filled-in reentrant bottoms that provide running corridors and add interesting new options to route choices not typical of Bay Area terrain. Some photographs of the terrain are included throughout this page (you can click on each photo for a larger image).

The Middle course on Saturday will provide a taste of the terrain and mapping conventions to be experienced during the Ultra Long event on Sunday.

Competitive Classes, Competitions, and Awards

We will offer the standard OUSA classes for the races. The A-meet races will count toward your OUSA ranking (http://www.us.orienteering.org/orienteers/on-foot/rankings).

Note: While anyone is eligible to participate and receive a ranking at this event, the title of U.S. Orienteering Champion will be limited to current members of Orienteering USA who are either a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States of America.

For your convenience, a summary of the competitive classes is below. (If there are errors here, the OUSA rules (http://www.us.orienteering.org/rules#A11) take precedence.)

Ages are determined by subtracting birth year from 2013. Age classes are indicated by a "–" and/or a "+". A "–" before the age means "and younger"; a "+" after the age means "and older". Gender classes start with "F" for female and "M" for male. Classes containing the course color are age neutral. Classes containing "Gr" or "M/F" are age and gender neutral. Classes containing "Gr" are for groups.

Pacheco State Park boulder

Competition Class Structure for A-Meet Courses
Course Competitive Classes
F–10, F–12
M–10, M–12
M/F-White, Gr-White
F–14, F-Yellow
M–14, M-Yellow
F–16, F-Orange
M–16, M-Orange
F–18, F55+, F60+, F65+, F70+, F75+, F80+, F85+, F90+, F-Brown
M65+, M70+, M75+, M80+, M85+, M90+, M-Brown
F–20, F35+, F40+, F45+, F50+, F-Green
M–18, M50+, M55+, M60+, M-Green
M–20, M35+, M40+, M45+, M-Red

Junior Training Opportunity

Erin Schirm, the U.S. Junior National Orienteering Coach, will be attending the Pacheco Pass A-meet. He will be hosting course reviews for juniors after each day's event, and he is planning a fast-decision orienteering maze.

The following events will be located near the registration area at the indicated times:

  • Course review: 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Training activities: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Course review: 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
  • Training activities: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Event T-shirt
(Click image for large view) (http://baoc.org/wiki/images/6/65/2013_Pacheco_Tshirt.jpg)

There will also be an evening dinner on Saturday, in Gilroy, at 6:00 PM​—​see below.


Technical fabric T-shirts with the event logo will be available in the following sizes: Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, and XX-Large. The T-shirt is shown at the right (click on the image for a large view).

If you will not be attending this event, but would like to buy a T-shirt, you can contact and place an order. Just let him know your size, and he will invoice you.

Junior Team Fundraiser

The junior team is having a sandwich-selling fundraiser on both days at the Ultra Long Champs. You can select turkey, ham, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, on two types of bread, with "extras". In order for us to properly gauge the amount of materials we should buy, if you are interested please fill out this form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZJi4J5R7QNuwfGQVjrR237E1E3qZaMM5nfbSYgw_Eds/viewform), and we will prepare a sandwich or two (or more) for you. The suggested donation is $5 for each sandwich (free for members of the Junior Development Team or Junior Standing Team).

Saturday Dinners

For those of you who would like to meet up with fellow orienteers on the Saturday evening after the Middle courses, there will two opportunities for group dinners (on either side of the pass):


It is the policy of Orienteering USA that babysitting services be made available at all Orienteering USA sanctioned A-meets. However, there have been no requests for babysitting at this event, so it will not be offered.


Pacheco State Park map segment

Please offer an hour of your time to help make this event successful. If you haven't already signed up to help, please ask at the event if there's anything you can do to help​—​there are often some last-minute things to be done.

The crews "work" in shifts, so everyone gets to run their course. So you can see all the positions that need to be filled, and to make it easy for you to sign up, we've created a sign-up document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkYuwMAxP4YGdFBxTjJxNklCTDVDdXA1a2Zjd3pvTWc#gid=0). Please sign up at your earliest convenience to fill the voids.

Since BAOC is hosting the A-meet and U.S. Ultra Long Champs, we are hoping that many people will sign up to help. Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far! We couldn't do all this without you.

To volunteer to help in any way, please Email . Please help the club have a successful A-meet.

Start Crew

Graham and I are requesting volunteers for Starts at Pacheco. On Saturday, we will need helpers for two locations (WYO and advanced) over three shifts. Please let know your preference for a start time, and we can figure out the best schedule. On Sunday, we will need one non-runner to help with the mass start at 9:00 AM, and a couple of non-runners or recreational runners for timed starts of the recreational and WYO courses beginning at 9:10 AM. Thank you for your help! – Chris Brew

Finish Crew

If you are attending the Pacheco event and are still thinking about helping, this is a great opportunity. Help is still needed for finishes on Saturday. Easy job: sit, relax, enjoy the scenery, cheer for finishers, and write their bib number and finish time. That simple! Please let know if you would like to join the Finish team. – Marie-Josée

Control Pick-up

We still need some more volunteers for control pickup for both days at Pacheco. Please email , and I'll add you to the spreadsheet list (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkYuwMAxP4YGdFBxTjJxNklCTDVDdXA1a2Zjd3pvTWc#gid=0) (or not if you prefer). I'll keep some volunteers in "reserve", for no-shows on the day, and they will be on my "secret list". – Harold DeMoss

Pacheco State Park trail runner

Hotel Accommodations

Some of these locations are on the east side of the pass in the Santa Nella/Los Banos area.

Orienteering USA has a discount program with Choice Hotels (http://choicesportstravel.com/%C2%A0) (CP 00228560). Anyone (members and non-members) can use this discount at any time, for any travel whatsoever​—​for orienteering and non-orienteering personal use, and on business. Choice Hotels include these chains: Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria Suites, Econo Lodge, and Rodeway Inn. (In addition to the discount you receive, there's a benefit to Orienteering USA.) The previous Motel 6 discount program is not in effect for 2013. [The Choice Hotels discount program ended March 31, 2015.]


Nancy Lindeman is arranging the camping reservations for this A-meet. We will be camping at San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=558), which is very close to Pacheco State Park. (The Recreation Area is on Highway 152, 7 miles West of I-5, or 33 miles East of Highway 101 in Gilroy.) It's nice there, and there are showers and flush toilets.

Note to all the campers:

We will be camping at the San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=558) in Group Campsite A on Friday and Saturday nights.
There are two group campsites, so I want to be sure that all the campers know that we are camping in Campsite A.
I'll put up a sign, but people might not see it if they are coming in after dark.
Turn off Highway 152 at N37.070843,W121.074013 (https://maps.google.com/maps?q=37.070833,-121.073998&hl=en&ll=37.070861,-121.073971&spn=0.055198,0.090466&sll=37.070833,-121.073998&sspn=0.000431,0.000707&t=h&z=14). The parking lot is at N37.093903,W121.062235 (https://maps.google.com/maps?q=37.093903,-121.062235&hl=en&sll=37.09267,-121.063285&sspn=0.027591,0.045233&t=h&z=14).
When arriving at or leaving the Recreation Area, be very careful when crossing the westbound lanes of Highway 152. There is a turning/merging lane on eastbound 152, but remember that traffic is approaching at highway speed.

Would you like to join us? We'll have a campfire.

Pacheco State Park scenery

Park Conditions and Weather

As of November 4, the weather forecast for Pacheco Park is:

Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 60.
Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 48.
Sunday: Partly sunny, with a high near 61.

You can see a 10-day forecast here (http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Pacheco+State+Park+CA+CASPPANCHE:13), and a 5-day forecast here (http://www.weather.com/weather/5-day/Pacheco+State+Park+CA+CASPPANCHE:13).

The official park site can be accessed here (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=560).

Driving Directions

The nearest airport to the event is San Jose (SJC). Oakland (OAK), San Francisco (SFO), Fresno (FAT), and Sacramento (SMF) are alternatives. Google maps and driving directions are available for the San Jose (61 miles) (https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=San+Jose+International+Airport,+San+Jose,+CA&daddr=Unknown+road&geocode=FXs1OgIdAIC7-CE-fvZtP0T6vCmbxbP6w8uPgDE-fvZtP0T6vA%3BFbmKNQIdxmnG-A&aq=0&oq=San+Jose+International+Airport,+San+Jose+CA&sll=37.346143,-121.712036&sspn=1.137575,2.469177&vpsrc=6&hl=en&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=37.17892,-121.529388&spn=0.570059,1.234589&t=m&z=10&dirflg=d), Oakland (92 miles) (https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Oakland+International+Airport,+Oakland,+CA&daddr=Unknown+road&hl=en&geocode=FXprPwId0ie3-CFgdAEDDwxjsClBpsACVISPgDFgdAEDDwxjsA%3BFbmKNQIdxmnG-A&aq=0&oq=Oakland+International+Airport,+Oakland,+CA&sll=37.289462,-121.803937&sspn=1.138435,2.469177&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=37.346143,-121.712036&spn=1.137575,2.469177&t=m&z=9&dirflg=d), and San Francisco (92 miles) (https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=San+Francisco+International+Airport,+San+Francisco,+CA&daddr=Unknown+road&hl=en&geocode=FRT7PQId3Ii0-CE_7c0aV1zypClVVVVVjHePgDE_7c0aV1zypA%3BFbmKNQIdxmnG-A&aq=1&oq=San+Francisco&sll=37.289462,-121.803937&sspn=1.138435,2.469177&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=9&dirflg=d) airports. (Another route from SFO is shown here (https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=San+Francisco+International+Airport,+San+Francisco,+CA&daddr=37.54555,-122.3710813+to:Unknown+road&hl=en&sll=37.28935,-121.802673&sspn=1.568912,2.532349&geocode=FRT7PQId3Ii0-CE_7c0aV1zypClVVVVVjHePgDE_7c0aV1zypA%3BFU7mPAId98O0-CmPmLoi73WPgDEcr0Ufn146iA%3BFbmKNQIdxmnG-A&mra=dvme&mrsp=1&sz=9&via=1&t=m&z=9). It could be better at commute time.)

Note that Orienteering USA has a discount program with Hertz Rent-a-Car (http://link.hertz.com/link.html?id=25721&LinkType=HZLK&TargetType=Offers_overview) (CDP 1916601). Anyone (members and non-members) can use this discount at any time, for any travel whatsoever​—​for orienteering and non-orienteering personal use, and on business. (In addition to the discount you receive, there's a benefit to Orienteering USA.)

Please note that parking at Pacheco State Park is restricted (the details are below), so plan to carpool.

From San Jose and the West: From US 101, take CA-152 (exit 356) 14 miles east to Pacheco Pass. Turn right into the park. Follow O' signs to registration.

From Sacramento and the North: From I-5, take CA-33 south (Santa Nella exit 407) 3 miles to CA-152. Turn right onto CA-152 and go 8 miles west to Pacheco Pass. Turn left into the park entrance​—​be careful crossing the east-bound traffic!. Follow O' signs to registration.

From Los Angeles and the South: From I-5, take CA-152 (exit 403B) west 12 miles to Pacheco Pass. Turn left into the park entrance​—​be careful crossing the east-bound traffic!. Follow O' signs to registration.


The primary parking will be at the event site, although space will be limited, so we encourage carpooling.

A BAOC volunteer will be available to help park cars. If space runs out, overflow parking areas will be available, but may require coordination with other participants, as no shuttle will be running and it might be not be easily walkable. It is absolutely prohibited to park along Highway 152​—​it’s way too dangerous! It is also prohibited to park in Pacheco Park on the roadside or anywhere except in the relatively confined designated parking area.

And for safety’s sake, please note that if you do drive to Pacheco Park, getting off and on Highway 152 is quite hazardous, so be very careful!

Use this at your NEXT event?

Event on Veterans' Day, Monday, November 11

On the Monday following the O in the Oaks weekend, Get Lost!! Running, Racing is offering a 90-minute and 3-hour Street Scramble event (http://getlostxx.com/Lands_End/Street_Scramble/2013) in the most picturesque northwestern corner of San Francisco. This event is limited to the first 50 entrants.