Boggs Mountain Weekend
Date: Sep. 21 - 22, 2013
Location: Cobb, CA
Event Director: - 925.516.7622
Course Setters: Bill Cusworth (NAV-X), Heidi Cusworth (NAV-X)
Type: B; Middle-distance courses on Saturday and a Wilderness Scramble on Sunday (the Saturday mountain bike event has been canceled due to park restrictions)
Course Setters' Notes
By Bill & Heidi Cusworth
It had been our intention to use mostly new (compared to the A-meet that we set last year) terrain in the east part of the map for this event. However, we decided to save the newer terrain for next year's A-meet to maintain a better sense of fairness for that event. So the courses will be primarily in the same area used by last year's courses, although the Green, Red, and Blue courses on Saturday, and Sunday's Scramble, will utilize the less-used terrain south of the main entrance road. The Scramble will also venture into the far northern reaches of the map. Introducing this newer terrain did add some climb to those courses. We also decided to stage the event in a new area, the group campground a few hundred meters northeast of the main campground where Boggs events are normally staged.
We hope you can all make it up to Boggs Mtn for a fun camping weekend!
The maps for both days will be printed at 1:10,000 with 5 m contour interval.
The map has held up pretty well, but some updates were made, in particular some trail and road changes. No new logging areas were noticed. The bushy vegetation shown by vertical green lines continues to grow in the clear areas, but there wasn't sufficient time to remap them.
It should also be noted that, for legibility reasons, the symbol sizes for all boulders are smaller than IOF standard.
There is some poison oak in the park, particularly in the far north section of the map used for the Scramble. Much of it is still green but avoidable. There isn't much at all on the Saturday Middle courses.
There are also many yellow jackets in the park, and as before, they are hanging out in the campground.
Saturday Middle-distance Courses
There is a 300 m walk to the Start along a dirt road. The Finish is in the assembly area.
The map scale is 1:10,000. The contour interval is 5 meters.
There is a lot of overlap among the four advanced courses, so there will be plenty of common legs to compare with other people.
Course Stats
Course Length Climb Controls
White 1.9 km 60 km 3.2% 12 Yellow 3.1 km 95 km 3.1% 11 Orange 3.3 km 100 km 3.0% 11 Brown 3.2 km 125 km 3.9% 12 Green 3.6 km 170 km 4.7% 13 Red 4.4 km 195 km 4.4% 14 Blue 4.8 km 220 km 4.6% 17
There will be one water stop on each of the four advanced courses, approximately halfway through each course.
Sunday Wilderness Scramble
The Start and Finish will be right in the assembly area.
There are two divisions: 3 hours and 90 minutes. You do not need to declare which division you are in until after your run, so you can change your mind while on the course.
We have decided to use the scoring system developed for the original Street Scramble series. Each of the 33 controls will be assigned a value of 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 points, for a grand total of 1000 points possible. The late penalty is 10 points per minute (or fraction) late.
The controls will be a combination of all technical difficulties, from very easy to advanced, in order to accommodate all abilities (i.e., the Scramble is suitable for beginners). In general, the controls closer to the Start are easier than the ones farther out. Control point values will be based on distance from the Start and/or technical difficulty.
The map will be printed at 1:10,000 on 11"x17" (double-size) paper. The contour interval is 5 meters.
Course Stats
It's impossible to give exact stats for a Score-O course, since everyone chooses their own route, but we picked what we thought would be the optimum route to get all the controls and came up with a straight-line distance of 16.7 km with 885 m of climb (5.3%). This would require a rate of 10.75 min/km to get all of the controls in 3 hours. While this is theoretically possible, we don't expect anyone will actually clear the course due to the large amount of climb.
There will be four water stations on the course. Three are at controls, and one is very near a control—at the (mapped) water tap near the ranger station. On the optimum route, the water stops come at 4.5 km, 8 km, 11.8 km, and 15 km.
It is highly advisable to take water with you on the course.
Sunday Green Course
The Start and Finish will be right in the assembly area.
The course, which is for advanced orienteers, will use controls that are on the Scramble. Here are the numbers:
- 4.6 km, 195 m climb (4.2%), 8 controls
The map scale is 1:10,000. The contour interval is 5 meters.