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2012 Golden Goat, Golden Kid, and Junior Goat

Coyote Lake–Harvey Bear Ranch County Park

Date: (Sun.) Nov. 4, 2012
Location: Gilroy, CA
Event Directors: - 408.599.9709, - 408.313.3753
Course Setters: Matej Šebo, Lubomir Šebo
Type: Extra long courses with a mass start -- sorry, no beginner courses at this special event, but experienced beginners are welcome on the Mini-Kid course

Please note that fees and time limits apply, unless otherwise mentioned below. Events are typically not canceled due to bad weather.

If you are coming to the Goat, please preregister ASAP by sending an e-mail, so that we know how many maps to print. So far (as of Oct. 25) only 12 people have signed up. Surely more of you plan to come!

Matej & Lubomir have done a great job on this new map, and the courses should prove to be fast and tactically interesting. The Course Setters' Notes are here.

The deadline for getting T-shirts was Friday, October 12.

Remember that Daylight Saving Time ends the night before this event.

The 2012 Golden Goat will be at Coyote Lake–Harvey Bear Ranch County Park in Gilroy.¹ Beautiful golden hills, lightly forested, not too steep, plenty of room to run around, and some good route choices. Great views. On the west side of Coyote Lake. Some photos of the park are available here (

Note: BAOC events normally include beginner ("White" and "Yellow") courses for people with no, or limited, orienteering experience. Because of the special nature of this event, beginner courses will not be available. However, the "Junior Goat" course is suitable for beginners with some experience. See the Course Setters' Notes for more information. If that course does not appeal to you, please come to one of the upcoming "regular" events — for example, Annadel State Park on Nov. 11 or Joaquin Miller Park on Nov. 17.

Matej & Lubomir Sebo have done a nice job creating the map, and they say the terrain is very scenic (see the photos on this page and here ( with fairly fast running including a fair amount of route options on trails. Thus, the length will be on the longer side — about 13 km for the Goat, about 8 km for the Kid, and shorter for the Juniors course.

There will be options for forked controls and skipped controls — you will receive the details just before the mass start at 10 AM. If you are unsure whether to do the Goat or the Kid, it will be possible to bail out of the Goat about half the way through and finish on the Kid instead. The details are in the Course Setters' Notes.

Normal "advanced course" event fees will apply: $10 for member adult, $15 for non-member adult, $5 for junior; with lower fees for additional team members. Note that there is also a $6 park entrance fee.


Here is the schedule for the Golden Goat and Golden Kid:

Here is the schedule for the Junior Goat:

Due to the length and difficulty of the Golden Goat course, the overtime limit has been extended to 4.5 hours.

The course setter strongly recommends that all Goat competitors who arrive at control #12 after 12:00 take the shortcut and continue on the Kid.

Remember: Please check in at the Finish by 2:30 PM, even if you do not finish your course. Otherwise, we will assume that you are injured, and we will initiate search and rescue.

Photo gallery image (click to enlarge)


   Course         Distance   Climb   Controls
   Golden Goat    13.2 km    785 m      24
   Golden Kid      8.2 km    395 m      15
   Junior Goat     4.1 km    165 m      18

No, that is not a misprint! The Golden Goat this year is indeed 13.2 km long, making it the second longest Goat in club history. Please note that these statistics are for the entire course, without skipping any controls! Choosing the two "correct" Goat controls to skip may save climb, distance, or both. There will be three water stops on the Goat and two on the Kid. However, carrying water is strongly encouraged. Important hint: Remember that not all controls will be on your course, so read the map and control descriptions carefully, and check each control number before punching!

Runners on the Golden Kid may not skip any controls. Keep that in mind if you start with the intention of doing the Goat, but possibly switching to the Kid.

The Start and Finish are about 500 meters up the hill from the Marina parking lot.

Be sure to read the Course Setters' Notes for more information.


The following awards will be given:

Open Gold Goat, Silver Goat, Bronze Goat
Women Gold/Silver Goat/Kid
Gold Kid
Old Goat/Kid
Junior Goat, Boys
Junior Goat, Girls

The awards indicated with "/" will be determined by a formula known only to the Event Director.

"Old" is defined as over 50.


Please preregister by sending an e-mail of your intent to come, and the type and size of shirt(s) you want (see below).

Event T-Shirt

Two styles of T-shirt are available:

$8 T-Shirt — Maroon shirt with black goat logo and event name
$15 T-Shirt — Maroon shirt ( with full-color goat picture ( and black event name

Sizes: Youth, S, M, L, XL, XXL

There are no minimum orders, so you can get a T-shirt even if you are the only one to order.

Orders will be accepted through October 12. That's the deadline for Werner receiving payment, or for begging him to pay for you because "the check is in the mail".

T-Shirt Payment

Please send a check made out to BAOC to:

4629 Park Arcadia Dr.
San Jose, CA 95136-2504

If you decide in the last minute you want a shirt, and its too late to send a check, contact and he'll see if he can do anything.


Photo gallery image (click to enlarge)

As usual we could use some help setting up, running the refreshment stand, and picking up controls. Drop a line if you can help with any of these. Thanks!

Lifetime Points Competition

For those planning to run the Golden Goat, you might want to look at the current Lifetime Points standings (90KB/PDF) to determine who you should "aim for".

Driving Directions

Meet headquarters will be at the boat launch accessed from the Coyote Lake entrance to the park. Do not go to the Harvey Bear entrance to the park.

From San Jose, go south on highway 101. Allow at least 50 minutes from the junction of 101-280-680. Take exit 357, Leavesley Road/CA-152W (which is before the CA-152E exit), and go east on Leavesley Road 1.8 miles. Turn left onto New Avenue, and go 0.6 miles to Roop Road. Turn right onto Roop Rd, and go 3.2 miles to Coyote Lake Road and the park entrance. Pay the $6 park fee at the entrance kiosk, and head north on the main road to the boat launch parking area.

You can save about 2 miles by exiting 101 at San Martin Avenue, heading east, following it around the bends until it turns into New Avenue, and going south to the Roop Road junction, but this may not save much time.

There's a map here that shows the location of the event.


¹ The park website is here ( A map of the park is available here (545KB/PDF) (