Bon Tempe Reservoir
Date: Dec. 12 - 13, 2009
Location: Fairfax, CA
Event Director: - 510.658.4327
Course Setter: Penny DeMoss
Type: C; Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event; LIMITED ATTENDANCE; RESERVATIONS REQUIRED
Note: You must make a reservation in advance for this event. Do not simply show up.
The Bon Tempe Volunteer Appreciation Event will be held on December 12th and 13th at Marin Muncipal Water District (MMWD) BonTempe Reservoir in Fairfax (Marin County). In hosting this event, Penny and I wish to recognize the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who have given of their time (and money) during the year to further BAOC's goal of providing quality orienteering events.
The term "volunteers" would cover members of the BOD, event directors, course setters, Web site, RouteGadget, course vetting, mapping new areas, and other "behind the scenes" activities. The three A-meets this year required many volunteers — set up, starts and finishes, breakdown, cleanup, and my personal favorite, control pickup!
To thank those folks, the Bon Tempe event is free (except for the $7 park entrance fee).
(Note, however, that the MMWD limits the number of participants in organized events at Bon Tempe. In the past this has generally not been a problem, since we have always held the event over two days.)
Bon Tempe is probably our favorite venue of all our club maps. It has grassland, mature (sometimes dense) woods, rock features, water features, wildlife galore (believe it or not, only a few years ago there was a confirmed sighting of a black bear near our Start and Finish shelter), turtles sunning themselves on floating logs...oh yeah, and rain. It can really, really rain there! There have been some epic storms during our yearly year Dan Green and Penny both got airborn!! But we've had beautiful weather as well, so you never know. It's always a great place to run (no cows to chew up the ground), and the map has been much improved over the years. Don't miss out on the fun, you deserve it.
We will be using e-punch with the GeBe printer, so everybody will need to use an e-stick, and everyone will need to preregister for e-punch. If you do not own an e-stick, you can pick one up at Bon Tempe before you run if you tell us in advance (i.e., during the e-punch preregistration process).
There will be no registration on the day at Bon Tempe (but you will be required to sign a release). Everybody must preregister in advance. There is a two-step registration process:
- First, send the following information, so that I can limit the attendance to satisfy the MMWD requirements, and balance the attendance between the two days:
- Your name
- Which day you want to run
- I would like to somewhat equalize the number of runners for each day — right now I have twice as many requests for Sunday as Saturday, so if anyone indicates that either day is satisfactory, that would help.
- Which course you want to run (so we can have the proper number of maps printed)
- Second, after you receive an approval reply, you will need to preregister for e-punch by visiting a Web page at a link provided in the reply. That will allow us to enter you in the computer in advance of the event (no e-punch gurus will be staffing the event).
The final course stats are as follows:
Course Length Climb Controls
Short 3.7 km 170 m 10 Medium 5.4 km 219 m 13 Long 7.4 km 305 m 19
The controls will be the same for both days, and the results will be combined.
See the Course Setter's Notes for more information.
Starts will be from 10:00 AM to 12 noon each day, with course closure at 2:30 PM. On Sunday, I would appreciate it if 3 or 4 people would help pick up controls.
Over the years that Penny and I have been doing Bon Tempe, we considered that the event was also a "social" gathering of club members. We have reserved the shelter by the rear parking lot (there is always a good chance of rain in December). Bring dry clothes and plan to stick around. We will have a propane heater that hopefully will provide some warmth. We will also be providing some Christmas Treats for you after you finish, with hot chocolate, tea, and coffee.
Driving Directions
Carpooling is encouraged.
From Highway 101 in Greenbrae, take the Sir Francis Drake Blvd exit, and go west for 5.5 miles to the town of Fairfax. Turn left at Claus Dr (Rino gas station on the right), and then immediately take another left onto Broadway.
Turn right at the next corner, which is Bolinas Rd (coffee shops on both corners, homeless and 60's hippies on the left). Stay on Bolinas Rd for 1.5 miles. Turn left at the large, brown wooden sign with white lettering that says "Lake Lagunitas".
Stay on this road until you reach the ranger kiosk. Pay the entrance fee ($7) at the pay-and-display machine. Proceed on the road to the parking lot at the very end. (Do not turn right on the gravel road to Bon Tempe Dam.)
Note: There will not be any orienteering signs posted, since the Water District requests that we keep a low profile.