Lake Elizabeth (Fremont Central Park)
Date: (Sat.) Dec. 20, 2008
Location: Fremont, CA
Event Director: - 925.872.3935
Course Setters: Daniel Kopisch, Philipp Kopisch, Werner Haag
Type: Junior; We'll use the Lake Elizabeth map for our fourth league event.
Related Information
Simultaneous public event COOL Series schedule Current team standings Current individual standings
Information about the BAOC Interscholastic League is available here:
This is the place to be this Saturday!
This event will be held at Fremont Central Park (also known as Lake Elizabeth), near picnic area C. There will be no water put out on the course, although there are drinking fountains at various locations in the park.
We have reserved picnic area C, north of the Start and Finish, next to the lake.
Alternative Registration
Since we aren't allowed to take money on city property, we will extend credit to all, and give you an envelope to send in your fees after the fact.
Picnic Lunch?
We plan to light some charcoal in the Bar-B-Que pit and have it ready for cooking at noon, so feel free to bring something to cook and share the fire.
Preliminary Course Statistics
Course Length Climb Controls
White 1.8 km 5 m 15 Yellow 3.1 km 5 m 12 Orange 3.9 km 12 m 13 Green 5.5 km 20 m 15
Course Notes
There are some out-of-bounds areas marked on the map, which you will need to respect. Additionally, you are to stay off of private property if you choose to run through the home subdivision. Streets and sidewalks are just fine. There is no known poison oak. The lake is closed and is out-of-bounds (i.e., no swimming to your controls).
Girl Scout Juniors
Come and earn your "Finding Your Way" badge. The program is from 9:45 AM to 1:30 PM. The cost is $11 to run the COOL course. Please notify the event director if you are coming, so that we have enough materials and can provide you with more information.
Comments From the Course Setters
Lake Elizabeth is our first attempt on course setting. We hope everyone will enjoy our courses. As a special holiday surprise we will give a book to every COOL participant on course #1 who on Saturday has participated in at least half the COOL events this year (2 or more out of 4).
So come to run our course and read afterward about Jamie-the-Brainy, who likes computer games; Tina, the fast runner; her twin Emma, who notices birds, animals and even yucky stuff, 'Mars-Bar' Mario, who loves to find facts; as well as Kate, the youngest who tries the hardest. The twins are really good with a compass (Disclosure: We are twins!). They all belong to the Bunyip Orienteering Club and meet every weekend at different locations. They are great runners who solve "thought" sport mysteries on and off the map.
"Gang-O Kids" by Hazel Edwards is an illustrated young-readers book depicting the escapades of the adventurous "Gang-O Kids", intrepid Orienteers and mystery solvers! This is definitely a title for the school library or your young children as its focus is on humorous stories involving the outdoors, Orienteering, looking for clues, and solving mysteries. Join Jamie-the-Brainy, Kate, Twins Tina and Emma, and 'Mars Bar' Mario as they make their way through four O adventures.
See you all on Saturday at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont!
Your course setters for courses #1, #2 and #3 – aka White, Yellow, Orange,
Philipp & Daniel Kopisch
Driving Directions
From I-880, exit at Stevenson Blvd and head East (toward the hills). Turn right on Paseo Padre Pkwy, and immediately get in the left-hand lane. Turn left into the first park entrance on Sailway Dr. Park in the first lot on the left.
From the Peninsula, cross the bay on the San Mateo or Dumbarton bridge, and head south on I-880. Then follow the directions above.
From I-680, exit at Washington Blvd and turn left onto Washington. Turn left onto Paseo Padre Pkwy, and stay on it until you see the park on your right. Turn right onto Sailway Dr, and park in the first lot on the left.
Public Transit
Walking from the Fremont BART station: Turn left onto Civic Center Drive and walk to Stevenson Blvd. Cross Stevenson, turn right, and walk along Stevenson towards Paseo Padre Pkwy. Turn left onto Paseo Padre, and left onto Sailway Dr. Registration is near the parking lot on the left.
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