Briones – Golden Goat & Golden Kid
Date: (Sun.) Mar. 26, 2006
Location: Lafayette, CA
Event Director: - 510.658.4327
Course Setter: Penny DeMoss
Type: Extra long and strenuous courses; NO BEGINNER COURSES due to park restrictions on the number of participants at this assembly area due to limited parking
By Penny DeMoss, Course Setter
[Webmaster's Note: This preliminary information was posted several weeks prior to the event. It was superceded by the complete announcement a month before the event.]
Harold and I have finished vetting the 2006 Golden Goat and Golden Kid courses, and I've got to say, if you like this sort of O'ing you won't want to miss this one. Although it's what I would call a "true" Goat, it's not a killer. The Kid is 6 km, 360 m climb, and 13 controls; the Golden Goat is 10.3 km, a mere 650 m climb (no kidding), and 24 controls. But here's the best part: the last 1.8 km on both courses is virtually all downhill! It can't be ... oh, yes it be.
The hills are turning green, but the grass will still be short. The ground is soft, and there's no star thistle at this time of the year. Briones is not an overly technical area, so most of the controls are Orange level. There will be some trail running, much running across open "fells", and some lovely running in open woods that I've never even been in before. So plan on joining Brad Wetmore for a fun day out.(*)
The event will be on Sunday, March 26, with a Mass Start at 10:20 am (more about that odd start time later). Because of limited parking, there will not be any other courses offered — no White, Yellow, or Orange. Sorry.
The entry fee is $20 for either race distance, and this includes a T-shirt. So that Bob Cooley knows how many maps to print, and so I know how many T-shirts to order, we would appreciate hearing from you if you intend to run. Please pre-enter by E-mailing us by March 19 with your name, age, sex, T-Shirt size, and E-Punch number. This is not an entry, or a firm commitment on your part, we just need to have some idea of the numbers expected. (Do not send us the entry fee.)
You will enter at the event, using self registration — fill out the envelope, include $20 (cash or check), and up-load your e-stick at the e-punch tent. (If you do not own an E-Punch stick, you can rent one on the day.) Runners who haven't previously e-mailed their information might not get a shirt, but the entry fee will still be $20. So let us know if you think you'll be attending — it's better for all involved.
Again ... I emphasize that there will be no beginners courses — that is, no White, Yellow, or Orange. This event is for experienced, advanced runners only!
You do not have to decide in advance between the Kid and the Goat. Everyone will get the same map with the entire course, and you can decide while running which course to do.
I will, of course, be providing much more info concerning this year's rules, etc.
That's all for now,
P.S. We could clearly see the snowcapped Sierra from Briones yesterday ... gorgeous.
Driving Directions
Directions will be posted closer to the event.
(*) Brad e-mailed us months ago, and said he was so "excited" about our upcoming GG that he wanted to be the first to register! Way to Go, Brad!