Board of Directors Meeting
Date: (Mon.) Apr. 3, 2006
Event Director: - 415.681.7075
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 pm; pizza will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
The next BAOC board meeting will be April 3 at the Alta Bates Imaging Center in Oakland. This is your chance to get involved with BAOC and help shape the club. Among other topics, we will be discussing the annual meeting, officer elections, and bylaws changes at this meeting.
As usual, pizza at 6:30 pm, meeting 7-10 pm. All club members are welcome.
Location: Imaging Center of Alta Bates Medical Center, 5730 Telegraph Avenue (corner of 58th Street), Oakland. Note: This is not at the main hospital of Alta Bates Medical Center in Berkeley.
A combination is needed to open the inner door; you may get the combination from by email, or wait at the door until a Board member arrives.
Note From Ian Tidswell
Below is the agenda of the BAOC board meeting tomorrow (Monday) in Oakland. The meeting starts at 7pm, and we'll have pizza at 6:30p. You can find directions below.
I'd also like to announce that my job is taking me to London for a couple of years, so I will be stepping down as President, effective soon. Along with the resignations of long standing board members Evan (Event Coordination), George (Treasurer), and others, we have quite a few open slots in the club leadership. If you care about orienteering in the Bay Area, think about standing for one of these positions or other ways you can make a strong contribution to the club.
I'll say a few more words about my thoughts on the wonderful club that we have in a later note, but I will definitely miss my orienteering friends here, and will look forward to returning in a couple of years.
Meeting Agenda
- Approval of last meeting minutes – Ian Tidswell
- President's report – Ian Tidswell
- Event Coordinator's report – Evan Custer
- Treasurer's report and 2006 budget – George Minarik
- Mapping report – Bob Cooley
- Officer nominating committee update – Scott Aster
- Using Epunch for White and Yellow courses – Trinka Gillis
- BAOC participation/relationship with SF Night and Day event – Terry Farrah
- Links to orienteering vendors on BAOC website – Van Boughner
- Sierra Ski-O event – Tony Pinkham
- Tahoe A event update – Steve Gregg
- Working with AR Organizations/3rd parties – Mark Prior
- Directors' reports
- Membership – Steve Beuerman
- Registration – Ev & Jean Beuerman
- Equipment – Mark Blair
- E-punch – Trinka Gillis
- Event Quality – Dan Greene
- Juniors – Nick Corsano
- Permits – Rosemary Johnson
- Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
- Bulletin – Jeff Lanam
- Website – Van Boughner
- Adventure Race Coordination – Mark Prior
- Outreach – Scott Aster
- Social – Rex Winterbottom
- USOF – Gary Kraght
- New business (including date of next meeting) – Ian Tidswell
- Adjournment
Driving Directions
Here's a link to a map (
From the west or south, take Route 24 and exit at 51st Street in Oakland. Turn right onto 51st Street at the end of the exit ramp. At the second signal, turn left onto Telegraph Avenue. Continue about 0.5 miles and the Imaging Center is on your right.
From the east, take Route 24 and exit at Telegraph Avenue, and go 3 blocks. The Imaging Center is on your right.
From the north, take I-80 and exit at Ashby Avenue. Go for about 4 miles, and turn right onto Telegraph. Go for about 1 mile, and the Imaging Center is on your left. Tell the guard you are there for the orienteering meeting in the conference room.