Willow Glen Holiday Lights "Light-O" & Potluck Social
Date: (Sat.) Dec. 21, 2024
Location: San Jose, CA
Event Director: - 650.302.4835
Course Setters: Brad Wetmore, Jeff Lanam
Type: C; Evening Score-O course to enjoy the neighborhood holiday lights, followed by a potluck social & awarding of the 2024 BAOC Service Award
Event Write-Up
By Nancy Lindeman and Brad Wetmore
Despite the very light mist that continued for most of the event, that didn't keep anyone away. Over 110 maps were handed out to about 130 participants.
Congratulations to Johanna & Tapio Karras for coming out on top of the 60-minute category and to Jason Reed in the 90-minute category.
Many people stayed to socialize and enjoy the hot apple cider and potluck after the courses closed.
Also, our heartfelt congratulations to Graham Brew for winning the 2024 BAOC Service Award. Thanks for all you have done for the club.
And many thanks to all those who helped put on this year's Willow Glen Holiday Lights event:
- Brad Wetmore & Jeff Lanam – Courses setters
- Brad Wetmore – Map printing
- Sarah Williams – Online registration
- Steve Haas & Chuck Spalding – In-person registration
- Graham Brew – Event Coordinator (got the event on the schedule)
- Stephanie Maclean – Presentation of the BAOC Service Award
- Chuck Spalding – Website
- Gavin Wyatt-Mair – Insurance
- Jeff Lanam – Tech help to get the facility permit
Thanks to all who came out and joined us for our 14th annual event. Hope to see you next year!
The full results are below.
Nancy, Brad, & Jeff
Willow Glen Holiday Lights "Light-O" & Potluck Social
San Jose, CA
Saturday, December 21, 2024
60-Minute Category 90-Minute Category
Thanks for your patience, everyone. The results of the Holiday Light-O are below. Thanks to Brad Wetmore for course setting with me, and for doing the printing. Thanks to Nancy Lindeman for organizing the event. Thanks to all the helpers and everyone for coming. We had something like 130 participants in 46 groups.
A few groups planned to do 60 minutes, but returned late enough that they would have lost a lot of points, so they were moved to the 90-minute category. One "90-minute" group got in early, so I put them in the 60-minute category.
We had a couple of issues. The big one was number 25, where the subjects of the decorations were missing. There was supposed to be a pair of flamingos in holiday attire on the sides of the gate. They were there when Brad vetted the controls I set (see the image below). You got credit if you visited and marked anything on the sheet. The second problem was number 5, where you had to count the candy canes lining the walkway. The house at 1137 Settle had 6 candy canes, which was the expected answer. However, next door at 1157, there were more than 12 candy canes and they were lit up. The house number on the curb was damaged, and the 5 looked like a 3. So, if you marked 12, I gave you credit.
Let me know if there are any questions (or errors 🙁).
(Note: When there was a tie on Scores, the Times determined the order.)
Jeff Lanam ()
60-Minute Category Error Late Pl Name(s) Score Time Points Penalty Penalty 1 Johanna & Tapio Karras 300 59:10 300 2 Rex 270 58:40 270 3 Kat 160 58:41 160 4 Team Wedig 150 56:32 150 5 Harry & Thomas 140 59:09 140 6 Strike Force 130 60:15 140 -10 7 David & Sophia 120 52:10 120 8 The Fake Christmas Trees 120 58:50 120 9 Avery Chen, Callie Rosenzweig 120 61:04 140 -20 10 Team Dum Dum 100 59:57 100 11 Dancers 90 57:15 90 12 Michele, Dan, & Ben Conway 80 60:18 90 13 Maclea & Lee 80 60:50 90 -10 14 Koopa Collective 50 45:22 50
90-Minute Category Error Late Pl Name(s) Score Time Points Penalty Penalty 1 Jason Reed 550 88:05 550 2 Jason Lee 490 78:05 490 3 Quincy & Alastair 460 88:10 460 4 Wayne Staats 440 92:26 500 -30 -30 5 Erika Reed 380 88:59 380 6 The Skipidies 360 87:10 360 7 Eric Rosenzweig 360 89:30 390 -30 8 Julie Merg, Sufi Kaur 330 78:11 330 9 Weichun & Yunyhe 310 89:09 310 10 Ilaria Belova, Vishal Keshav 280 84:36 280 11 Purple Cupcake With Sprinkles 260 88:17 260 12 Joanne & Blake Johnson 240 84:40 240 13 Double G 240 88:01 270 -30 14 Team Shazam 240 93:05 290 -40 15 Mark, Janet, & Katie 230 90:35 240 -10 16 Jeff, Alaine, & Tara 190 85:33 190 17 Sorti's 190 85:55 190 18 Dan, Diane, & Jim 180 81:40 180 19 Cole, Nate, Micheal, & Rohan 170 88:49 170 20 Unknown 170 88:50 170 21 Kamala Schift 170 89:53 170 22 Josh Munic 160 72:40 160 23 The Lolo Locos 150 70:50 150 24 Moy Team 150 83:18 150 25 Term Zerm 150 85:45 150 26 Nick Corsano, Esther Heller 140 84:13 140 27 Anne-Lise Lebreton 130 71:04 130 28 Rishi & Tharu 130 88:10 130 29 Swaminathan & Maitreyi 130 88:34 130 30 Red 90 65:53 90 31 Santa Clause's Hat 40 05:08 200 -160 32 Panda 0 96:43 100 -30 -70