Bedwell Bayfront Park
Event #6 of 6 in the BAOC 2023 Summer Series
Date: (Sun.) Aug. 27, 2023
Location: Menlo Park, CA
Event Director: - 650.281.5280
Course Setter: Matthias Kohler
Type: C; This is the final event of the 2023 Summer Series. Beginners are welcome!
Related Event Information
WinSplits Results ( RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event ( 2023 Summer Series Event Announcement
Event Write-Up
By , Event Director
We had a very good turnout for the final event of the 2023 Summer Series, with 210–215 people taking advantage of the excellent courses from Matthias Kohler.
The winners on all three courses had great times in this flat, fast park. Erika Reed won the Beginner course (2.2 km) in 18:37. Steve Gregg beat Tapio Karras by 23 seconds with a time of 25:18 on the Short Advanced course (3.1 km). Carl Hoel edged out François Léonard by a mere 4 seconds on the Long Advanced course (4.9 km) in 27:59. All of the results are below, as well as the final Standings for the Summer Series.
As always, the event depended heavily on the efforts of multiple volunteers:
- Course setting: Matthias Kohler
- Map production: Dan Greene
- Website: Chuck Spalding
- Registration: Sarah Williams, Dan Greene, Dennis Wildfogel
- E-punch: Jeff Lanam, Rosemary Johnson
- Beginner clinics: Chuck Spalding, Jeff Goodwin
- Emergency map printing: Rex Winterbottom
- Control pick-up: Rex Winterbottom, Tapio Karras, Chuck Spalding, Matthias Kohler
A big thanks to all of the volunteers, and my apologies to anyone I've left off the list.
Bayfront Park — Summer Series Event #6
Menlo Park, CA
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Summer Series:
Just a reminder: Under OUSA rules, an incomplete course is a DNF unless there is a missing punch and an incorrect punch around time that the correct punch would have been made (that situation is considered MSP). So, some people got "MP" when they downloaded, but are now changed to "DNF".
Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results ( Note that the Long course splits have been "unrolled" so that everyone appears to have run the butterfly loops in the same order.
You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)
Please tell Jeff Lanam () and the Webmasters () if anything needs to be changed.
From Graham Brew, the BAOC Summer Series Coordinator ():
- Fantastic to see such a big turnout at Bedwell Bayfront! Thanks to all the volunteers who made this happen, and to all those who attended.
- The final Summer Series results are below. Note that there are a quite a few folks who participated in the Summer Series for the first time at Bayfront Park. If you are one of those people, or you believe I might not already have your correct year-of-birth recorded in the scoring system, then please reach out to me with your year of birth. It will very likely improve your Summer Series score.
- Thanks again for all the athletes and volunteers across the entire Summer Series. Six fun and successful events.
Beginner Course (2.2 km, 50 m climb, 16 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind 1 Erika Reed BAOC 18:57 2 Team DDD 20:22 1:25 3 Thor Sundstrom BAOC 20:35 1:38 4 Derrick Kondo 21:24 2:27 5 Jenner La Fave BAOC 21:56 2:59 6 Olivier Kondo 23:59 5:02 7 Henry Shen 24:33 5:36 8 Knack 28:08 9:11 9 Vibhu & Rathi 29:30 10:33 10 Herman family 31:54 12:57 11 Three People 34:27 15:30 12 John Carroll 35:12 16:15 12 Reed Frye 35:12 16:15 14 Lev Sundstrom BAOC 37:10 18:13 15 Simcox 38:16 19:19 16 Marsha Jacobs GCO 38:39 19:42 17 Team Artemis 38:43 19:46 18 Team Lee 39:26 20:29 19 Will Nguyen, Anne Brinkman 39:44 20:47 20 Family Soland 41:57 23:00 21 Family KosKela Tampereen Pyrintö 50:12 31:15 22 Clara Staats BAOC 54:43 35:46 23 Hao Wu 1:15:58 57:01 Hilary Gams BAOC DNF
Short Course (3.1 km, 75 m climb, 16 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind 1 Steve Gregg BAOC 25:18 2 Tapio Karras BAOC 25:41 0:23 3 Astrid Sansor Heming Orientering 26:02 0:44 4 Eric Rosenzweig BAOC 26:14 0:56 5 Zander Rosenzweig BAOC 27:11 1:53 6 John Richardson BAOC 27:52 2:34 (2nd course) 7 Derek Maclean BAOC 28:22 3:04 8 Matias Koskela 28:28 3:10 9 Banth Gustavsson 29:07 3:49 10 Alfredo Fernandez 29:10 3:52 11 Stephanie Maclean BAOC 29:31 4:13 12 Chuck Spalding BAOC 29:52 4:34 13 Dennis Wildfogel BAOC 30:38 5:20 14 Gary Kraght BAOC 32:31 7:13 15 Werner Haag BAOC 34:22 9:04 16 James Arthurton 35:08 9:50 17 Sheila Cotter BAOC 37:45 12:27 18 Nick Corsano BAOC 39:15 13:57 19 Jenner La Fave 40:55 15:37 (2nd course) 20 Jason Reed BAOC 43:18 18:00 21 George Minarik BAOC 44:33 19:15 22 Harry Shen BAOC 45:25 20:07 23 Neville Fernandes BAOC 46:44 21:26 24 Sarah Williams BAOC 47:27 22:09 25 Brian Ritchken BAOC 48:54 23:36 26 Jeff Lanam BAOC 49:38 24:20 27 Erika Reed BAOC 51:03 25:45 (2nd course) 28 Madme Johansen Vang OL 56:28 31:10 29 Nathan Curtis BAOC 57:27 32:09 30 Anna Staats BAOC 59:18 34:00 31 Kesavan 59:38 34:20 32 Leslie Minarik BAOC 59:40 34:22 33 I Like Bunnies 1:00:04 34:46 34 Evan Custer BAOC 1:01:48 36:30 35 Stella Dai BAOC 1:03:01 37:43 36 Bertschson BAOC 1:03:52 38:34 37 Jay Hann BAOC 1:06:05 40:47 38 Jy BAOC 1:06:55 41:37 39 Kriz Martinez Tulock NJROTC 1:08:37 43:19 40 Katy Robinson BAOC 1:08:42 43:24 41 Rosemary Johnson BAOC 1:10:24 45:06 42 Herman family 1:13:59 48:41 (2nd course) 43 Hohum family 1:14:12 48:54 44 Andre Montenez Tulock NJROTC 1:19:13 53:55 45 Teddy Buchanan 1:19:38 54:20 46 Natalie Pulido Tulock NJROTC 1:22:34 57:16 47 Imogen Robinson BAOC 1:25:50 60:32 48 Emily Mendoza Tulock NJROTC 1:27:33 62:15 49 Deb Glazer BAOC 1:29:36 64:18 50 Edward Torres Tulock NJROTC 1:30:05 64:47 51 Manuricio Madrigal Tulock NJROTC 1:32:30 67:12 52 Stephanie Rojas Tulock NJROTC 1:44:23 79:05 53 Jackie Carozza 1:53:04 87:46 54 Scott & Madelyn Sampson BAOC 1:54:17 88:59 55 Ezrael Marquez Tulock NJROTC 2:08:33 103:15 56 Dan Buzatoiu, Jane Christol 2:22:41 117:23 Camila Mendoza Tulock NJROTC MSP Phillip Enslow Tulock NJROTC MSP Vibhu & Rathi MSP (2nd course) Aaron Alvarado Tulock NJROTC DNF Brooke Staats BAOC DNF Cody Halliday Tulock NJROTC DNF David Sodaro BAOC DNF Hilary Gans DNF (2nd course) Team Lee DNF (2nd course) Steve Beuerman BAOC DNS Timon Sloane DNS
Long Course (4.9 km, 100 m climb, 23 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind 1 Carl Hoel 27:59 2 François Léonard BAOC 28:03 0:04 3 Jeffrey Goodwin BAOC 30:36 2:37 4 Daniel Šebo BAOC 30:59 3:00 5 Graham Brew BAOC 31:42 3:43 6 Wayne Staats BAOC 34:29 6:30 7 Lubomir Šebo BAOC 35:27 7:28 8 Rex Winterbottom BAOC 35:48 7:49 9 Misha Kreslavsky BAOC 36:58 8:59 10 Tac Sugiyama BAOC 39:29 11:30 11 Petra Sundstrom BAOC 39:43 11:44 12 Andrej Masalkov BAOC 41:03 13:04 13 Tom De Vre BAOC 41:31 13:32 14 John Richardson BAOC 42:24 14:25 15 Knapp 44:14 16:15 16 Marie-Josée Parayre BAOC 46:31 18:32 17 Weichun Fong BAOC 47:49 19:50 18 Olga Boiarynova BAOC 47:54 19:55 19 Sean Robinson BAOC 48:05 20:06 20 Chun Wu 48:29 20:30 21 Patrick Carvalho BAOC 49:22 21:23 22 Edgar Rojas Tulock NJROTC 50:47 22:48 23 Jamie Maclean BAOC 50:57 22:58 24 Kai Douglas 51:11 23:12 25 Fillan Swift BAOC 51:13 23:14 26 Patrick Ye 53:09 25:10 27 Damian Swift BAOC 55:02 27:03 28 Parag Gupta BAOC 59:27 31:28 29 Yuxuan (Billy) Bao 1:03:03 35:04 30 Michael Robinson BAOC 1:03:42 35:43 31 Tristan Millard Troop 50 1:11:11 43:12 32 Scarlot Hanson Tulock NJROTC 1:12:29 44:30 33 Kaiyun Ding Troop 50 1:13:03 45:04 34 Brian Gumm Tulock NJROTC 1:13:52 45:53 35 Josh Munic 1:15:42 47:43 36 Luke Hanson Tulock NJROTC 1:18:18 50:19 37 Thanh Nguyen 1:21:46 53:47 38 Phillip Hoare NAVX 1:23:05 55:06 39 Li Ding Troop 50 1:25:50 57:51 40 John Barbegallo Tulock NJROTC 1:27:11 59:12 41 Ian Millard Troop 50 1:28:39 60:40 42 Joerg Rathenberg BAOC 1:28:58 60:59 43 Ellen Mouchawar BAOC 1:28:59 61:00 43 Miroslav Trubelja BAOC 1:28:59 61:00 43 Rhonda Stieber BAOC 1:28:59 61:00 46 Sophia Higgins Tulock NJROTC 1:29:19 61:20 47 Randy Robinson GCO 1:36:14 68:15 48 Kian Gupta 1:37:08 69:09 49 Rebecca Dun 1:45:40 77:41 50 Andre & Nina 2:05:56 97:57 51 Cavey BAOC 2:06:37 98:38 52 Herb Fockler 2:12:12 104:13 Ana Beltran Tulock NJROTC DNF Axel Madrigal Tulock NJROTC DNF Deven Flores Tulock NJROTC DNF Geysha Esparza-Mendoza Tulock NJROTC DNF Isaac Moseli Tulock NJROTC DNF Jacob Toews Tulock NJROTC DNF Jason Lee BAOC DNF Jennie Quinn Kilian, Ella Koepsell DNF Kathleen Lan BAOC DNF Keysha Esparza-Mendoza Tulock NJROTC DNF Landen Elliott Tulock NJROTC DNF Marchello & Lorena Tulock NJROTC DNF Raina Moths Tulock NJROTC DNF Roopa McNealis BAOC DNF Siddhant Mopkar Troop 50 DNF William Barbegallo Tulock NJROTC DNF Mirjana Spasojevic DNS Olga Kraght BAOC DNS Stephen Haas BAOC DNS
Summer Series Results
The final Summer Series standings after our sixth and final event are listed below. In a nail-biting finale to the Series, the contests were very tight at the top of both tables.
In the Short contest, Dennis Wildfogel held off Steve Gregg by just 18 points, with Chuck Spalding in third. Dennis and Steve both got impressively close to perfect scores of 4000.
In the Long contest, Jeff Goodwin finished 49 points clear of Tac Sugiyama, with Rex Winterbottom in third just 25 points behind.
Congratulations to all the athletes for their participation. And a huge thank-you to all our course setters, event directors, and countless other volunteers who are critical to making these events happen. If you were not able to volunteer this year, but are interested in helping at BAOC events going forward, please contact me or anyone on the BAOC Board and we will happily point you in the right direction.
Initial planning for the 2024 Summer Series will start shortly. If you have any feedback on the running of the Series, the locations used, or any input on changes you would like to see next year, please let me know.
In the near-term BAOC will return to our usual calendar of longer-format events for the fall and spring. Precise dates are still being worked out for many of the fall events, so please keep an eye on the Schedule webpage and the BayONet ( email list. I look forward to seeing you all out there soon!
Graham Brew ()
BAOC Summer Series Coordinator
- Notes:
- Event Directors ("ed" below) and Course Setters ("cs" below) receive credits as described on the main Summer Series webpage.
Summer Series points are earned only for the first course of the day. Thus, some course finishers have been excluded below.
Some points for previous events might have changed because the entrants' ages and genders have become known.
Summer Series Points at Event #6, Bayfront Park
Short-Course Points Rank Name Points 1 Steve Gregg 1000 2 Chuck Spalding 990 3 Tapio Karras 947 4 Dennis Wildfogel 931 5 Stephanie Maclean 901 6 Eric Rosenzweig 894 7 Bernth Gustavsson 852 8 Astrid Sansor 840 9 Derek Maclean 820 10 Gary Kraght 801 10 Sheila Cotter 801 12 Werner Haag 750 13 Zander Rosenzweig 715 14 Nick Corsano 714 15 Alfredo Fernandez 688 16 Matias Koskela 683 17 George Minarik 640 18 Sarah Williams 560 19 James Arthurton 553 20 Leslie Minarik 552 21 Evan Custer 523 22 Jeff Lanam 514 23 Rosemary Johnson 468 24 Jason Reed 449 25 Harry Shen 428 26 Neville Fernandes 416 27 Brian Ritchken 397 28 Madme Johansen 387 29 Jay Hann 382 30 Katy Robinson 365 31 Stella Dai 347 32 Nathan Curtis 338 33 Anna Staats 327 34 Kriz Martinez 283 35 Natalie Pulido 265 36 Emily Mendoza 249 37 Andre Montenez 245 38 Deb Glazer 244 38 Teddy Buchanan 244 40 Imogen Robinson 226 41 Edward Torres 215 42 Manuricio Madrigal 210 43 Stephanie Rojas 209 44 Jackie Carozza 171 45 Ezrael Marquez 151
Long-Course Points Rank Name Points 1 François Léonard 1000 2 Carl Hoel 899 3 Graham Brew 870 4 Misha Kreslavsky 836 5 Takashi Sugiyama 830 6 Jeff Goodwin 818 7 Daniel Šebo 797 7 Lubomir Šebo 797 9 Rex Winterbottom 770 10 Wayne Staats 743 11 Andrej Masalkov 733 12 Petra Sundstrom 700 13 Olga Boiarynova 697 14 Steve Haas 687 ed 15 Marie-Josée Parayre 670 16 Tom deVre 653 17 John Richardson 584 18 Sean Robinson 540 19 Weichun Fong 529 20 Chun Wu 510 21 Patrick Carvalho 500 22 Edgar Rojas 486 23 Jamie Maclean 485 24 Fillan Swift 482 24 Kai Douglas 482 26 Parag Gupta 467 27 Patrick Ye 464 28 Michael Robinson 451 29 Damian Swift 449 30 Phillip Hoare 417 31 Yuxuan (Billy) Bao 391 32 Scarlot Hanson 383 33 Randy Robinson 355 34 Tristan Millard 347 35 Kaiyun Ding 338 36 Brian Gumm 334 37 Josh Munic 326 38 Luke Hanson 315 39 Sophia Higgins 311 40 Thanh Nguyen 302 41 Li Ding 287 42 John Barbegallo 283 43 Ian Millard 278 44 Ellen Mouchawar 277 44 Joerg Rathenberg 277 44 Miroslav Trubelja 277 44 Rhonda Stieber 277 48 Kian Gupta 274 49 Rebecca Dun 263 50 Herb Fockler 186 Matthias Kohler 0 cs
Final Summer Series Standings After All Events
- As noted above, Event Directors and Course Setters receive credit for their service. Points earned by those credits are annotated below with "ed" or "cs", respectively.
- Event Abbreviations:
- SLO = San Louis Obispo; Mills = Mills College; VLP = Vasona Lake County Park; UCB = U.C. Berkeley; DVC = Diablo Valley College; BBP = Bedwell Bayfront Park
Final "Short Series" Standings Rank Name SLO Mills VLP UCB DVC BBP Total # Best 4 1 Dennis Wildfogel 958 1000 976 1000 931 4865 5 3934 2 Steve Gregg 940 976 558 1000 1000 4474 5 3916 3 Chuck Spalding 827 850 845 883 990 4395 5 3568 4 Tapio Karras 888 908 695 947 3438 4 3438 5 Sheila Cotter 939 1000 512 801 3252 4 3252 6 George Minarik 588 663cs 663 640 2554 4 2554 7 Sarah Williams 544 624 602 501 654 560 3485 6 2440 8 Stephanie Maclean 715 797 901 2413 3 2413 9 Leslie Minarik 609 609 516 552 2286 4 2286 10 Derek Maclean 696 710 820 2226 3 2226 11 Gary Kraght 526 662 801 1989 3 1989 12 Jeff Lanam 508 459 450 362 498 514 2791 6 1979 13 Evan Custer 505 421 514 523 1963 4 1963 14 Bernth Gustavsson 889 852 1741 2 1741 15 Alfredo Fernandez 871 688 1559 2 1559 16 Matias Koskela 830 683 1513 2 1513 17 Werner Haag 561 750 1311 2 1311 18 Katy Robinson 392 547 365 1304 3 1304 19 Nick Corsano 588 714 1302 2 1302 20 Haoming Yu 765 522 1287 2 1287 21 James Roney 606 606cs 1212 2 1212 22 Steve Beuerman 378 303 447 1128 3 1128 23 Scott Aster 489 629 1118 2 1118 24 Timon Sloane 522 507 1029 2 1029 25 Takashi Sugiyama 1000 1000 1 1000 26 Rosemary Johnson 531 468 999 2 999 27 Imogen Robinson 350 350 226 926 3 926 28 Siqing Yi 539 377 916 2 916 29 Eric Rosenzweig 894 894 1 894 30 Marie-Josée Parayre 875 875 1 875 31 Astrid Sansor 840 840 1 840 32 Emily Ellsworth 829 829 1 829 33 Jay Hann 445 382 827 2 827 34 Mikhail Biryukov 826 826 1 826 35 Roland Hansson 798 798 1 798 36 Stella Dai 424 347 771 2 771 37 Anna Staats 436 327 763 2 763 38 Annika Mihata 736 736 1 736 39 Zander Rosenzweig 715 715 1 715 40 Kathleen Lan 702 702 1 702 41 Nikita Phillips 667 667 1 667 42 Hana Olhava 663 663 1 663 43 Fillan Swift 636 636 1 636 44 Olga Kraght 591 591 1 591 45 Kai Douglas 581 581 1 581 46 Terry Gleason 576 576 1 576 47 James Arthurton 553 553 1 553 48 Christian Whitmyre 550 550 1 550 48 Le Shed 550 550 1 550 50 Andrew Mau 236 311 547 2 547 51 Cooper Lindberg 542 542 1 542 52 Ken Herman 523 523 1 523 53 Damian Swift 508 508 1 508 54 Bruce Corning 486 486 1 486 55 Kevin Mihata 477 477 1 477 56 Eugene Kipermann 453 453 1 453 57 Jason Reed 449 449 1 449 58 Bruce Garbaccio 441 441 1 441 59 Jackie Carozza 258 171 429 2 429 60 Harry Shen 428 428 1 428 61 Brooke Staats 417 417 1 417 62 Neville Fernandes 416 416 1 416 63 Sarah Naughten 414 414 1 414 64 Brian Ritchken 397 397 1 397 65 Susan Hann 396 396 1 396 66 Madme Johansen 387 387 1 387 67 John Phillips 370 370 1 370 68 J Y 361 361 1 361 69 Mande Keita 355 355 1 355 70 Scott Drumm 341 341 1 341 71 Nathan Curtis 338 338 1 338 72 Aloise Hann 336 336 1 336 73 Zara Stewart 327 327 1 327 74 Patrick Ye 319 319 1 319 75 Cindy Qian 284 284 1 284 76 Kriz Martinez 283 283 1 283 77 Rosalid Grace 279 279 1 279 78 Scott Lemons 273 273 1 273 79 Natalie Pulido 265 265 1 265 80 James Qian 252 252 1 252 80 Yutong Cai 252 252 1 252 80 Ruizi Tang 252 252 1 252 83 Emily Mendoza 249 249 1 249 84 Andre Montenez 245 245 1 245 85 Teddy Buchanan 244 244 1 244 85 Deb Glazer 244 244 1 244 87 Irene Lin 228 228 1 228 88 Edward Torres 215 215 1 215 89 Manuricio Madrigal 210 210 1 210 90 Stephanie Rojas 209 209 1 209 91 Sri Rao 155 155 1 155 92 Ezrael Marquez 151 151 1 151 93 Mark Jennings 140 140 1 140
Final "Long Series" Standings Rank Name SLO Mills VLP UCB DVC BBP Total # Best 4 1 Jeff Goodwin 1000 851 1000ed 818 3669 4 3669 2 Takashi Sugiyama 933 933ed 924 830 3620 4 3620 3 Rex Winterbottom 942ed 942 941 770 3595 4 3595 4 Graham Brew 882 814 865 876 870 4307 5 3493 5 Wayne Staats 825 942 935 743 3445 4 3445 6 Daniel Šebo 1000ed 1000 797 2797 3 2797 7 John Richardson 694 746 685 584 2709 4 2709 8 Steve Haas 650 589 598 687 687ed 3211 5 2622 9 Lubomir Šebo 861 806 797 2464 3 2464 10 Marie-Josée Parayre 801 933 670 2404 3 2404 11 Andrej Masalkov 648 844 733 2225 3 2225 12 Michael Robinson 526 535 624 451 2136 4 2136 13 Sean Robinson 468 413 672 540 2093 4 2093 14 Jason Lee 684 658 679 2021 3 2021 15 Julia Doubson 1000 1000 2000 2 2000 15 François Léonard 1000cs 1000 2000 2 2000 17 Olga Boiarynova 676 582 697 1955 3 1955 18 Patrick Carvalho 736 632 500 1868 3 1868 19 Weichun Fong 595 733 529 1857 3 1857 20 Carl Hoel 879 899 1778 2 1778 21 Vicki Woolworth 633ed 633 510 1776 3 1776 22 Patrick Ye 641 650 464 1755 3 1755 23 Kai Douglas 597 635 482 1714 3 1714 24 Eric Rosenzweig 815 815 1630 2 1630 25 Chun Wu 615 461 510 1586 3 1586 26 Evgeny Kachanovsky 778 743 1521 2 1521 27 Yuxuan (Billy) Bao 467 633 391 1491 3 1491 28 Taylor Pospisil 736 736cs 1472 2 1472 29 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 620 730 1350 2 1350 30 Deron van Hoff 831 467 1298 2 1298 31 Kian Gupta 533 454 274 1261 3 1261 32 Jan Wignall 618 618 1236 2 1236 33 Josh Munic 452 452 326 1230 3 1230 34 Zach Lyons 650 562 1212 2 1212 35 Kathleen Lan 492 608 1100 2 1100 36 Rastislav Olhava 1000 1000 1 1000 37 Brian Alford 448 511 959 2 959 38 Misha Kreslavsky 836 836 1 836 39 Jason Reed 369 453 822 2 822 40 Sergey Biryukov 795 795 1 795 41 Thomas Burt 786 786 1 786 42 Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill 778 778 1 778 43 Emily Ellsworth 772 772 1 772 44 Zander Rosenzweig 771 771 1 771 45 Brian Ritchken 767 767 1 767 45 Erika Reed 767 767 1 767 47 Matias Koskela 714 714 1 714 48 Ouri Karni 711 711 1 711 49 Petra Sundstrom 700 700 1 700 50 Davy Williams 696 696 1 696 50 Patrick Karion 696 696 1 696 52 Quincy Rosenzweig 674 674 1 674 53 Tom de Vre 653 653 1 653 54 Eva Hagwall 620 620 1 620 55 Miroslav Trubelja 335 277 612 2 612 56 Ellen Mouchawar 334 277 611 2 611 57 Nathan Curtis 308 285 593 2 593 58 Alan Glendinning 534 534 1 534 59 Jan Jergus 513 513 1 513 60 Olga Kraght 501 501 1 501 61 Brooke Staats 490 490 1 490 62 Edgar Rojas 486 486 1 486 63 Jamie Maclean 485 485 1 485 64 Fillan Swift 482 482 1 482 65 Parag Gupta 467 467 1 467 66 Damian Swift 449 449 1 449 67 Kaushik Komndur 426 426 1 426 68 Phillip Hoare 417 417 1 417 69 Shane White 392 392 1 392 70 Scarlot Hanson 383 383 1 383 71 Randy Robinson 355 355 1 355 72 Sheila Baker 353 353 1 353 73 Tristan Millard 347 347 1 347 74 Reed Mouldz 341 341 1 341 75 Kaiyun Ding 338 338 1 338 76 Slow Racer 336 336 1 336 77 Brian Gumm 334 334 1 334 78 Luke Hanson 315 315 1 315 79 Sophia Higgins 311 311 1 311 80 Thanh Nguyen 302 302 1 302 81 Li Ding 287 287 1 287 82 John Barbegallo 283 283 1 283 83 Ian Millard 278 278 1 278 84 Joerg Rathenberg 277 277 1 277 84 Rhonda Stieber 277 277 1 277 86 Vin Noah 275 275 1 275 87 Rebecca Dun 263 263 1 263 88 Alexander van Hoff 243 243 1 243 89 Herb Fockler 186 186 1 186 90 Matej Šebo 0cs 0 1 0 90 Matthias Kohler 0cs 0 1 0
DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
DNS = Did not start
MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)