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Tilden Regional Park

Date: (Sun.) Oct. 30, 2022
Location: Berkeley, CA
Event Director:
Course Setter: George Minarik
Type: B; Five-course event for beginner, intermediate, and advanced orienteers; this event will be particularly good for beginners

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Event Write-Up

By , Event Director

First and foremost, a huge thanks to all to the folks who lent a hand to make this event happen.

Taking advantage of a quiet and very green Lake Anza, approximately 100 orienteers joined in for some quintessential Tilden orienteering: hilly terrain, perfect weather, and a smattering of poison oak. At the finish line I heard only positive course feedback between the deep breaths, so I think it’s safe to say George and Leslie did a lovely job of creating challenging advanced courses without forcing too much climbing.

To the early orienteers on the White course, thanks for bearing with us as we dealt with a couple of swapped controls. Luckily Jay was able to make quick work of the E-punch system, and make sure no one was getting called for a mispunch due to our error.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all out at Tilden again next year.


Tilden Regional Park

Berkeley, CA
Sunday, October 30, 2022

White Course   Yellow Course   Orange Course   Brown Course   Green Course

Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results ( and on Attackpoint (

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)

Please tell and the if anything needs to be changed in the results.

White Course    (1.2 km, 65 m climb, 10 controls)  
                                                       Time      Time   
   Pl  Name                         Club      Time    Behind     Lost
    1  Grant Menon                            15:06              1:00  
    2  Annie Halliday                         19:18     4:12     3:10
    3  Mandy Andree                           28:46    13:40     3:57
    4  Monica Slakey                          29:51    14:45     8:47
    5  Hungry Bears                           30:44    15:38     6:57
    6  Salkar family             Troop 126    32:28    17:22     5:58
    7  Barbara Goldstein                      35:38    20:32     7:38
    8  Reya Ng                                49:46    34:40     8:33
    9  Madhav Masur Sirish        Pack 805    55:42    40:36    26:30
   10  Emmett Johnson             Pack 805  1:06:44    51:38    26:15
   11  Westyn Peck                Pack 805  1:06:50    51:44    26:19
   12  Theo Charley               Pack 805  1:06:52    51:46    26:41

Yellow Course   (1.4 km, 80 m climb, 10 controls)  
                                                       Time      Time   
   Pl  Name                         Club      Time    Behind     Lost
    1  Aiden Golden             Troop 1630    13:46              0:32  (3rd course)  
    2  Cody Johnson             Troop 1630    13:55     0:09     0:32  (3rd course)
    3  Aiden Golden             Troop 1630    17:38     3:52     0:52  (2nd course)
    4  Cody Johnson             Troop 1630    17:39     3:53     0:48  (2nd course)
    5  Annie Halliday               BAOC      26:43    12:57     7:22  (2nd course)
    6  Myles Hom                Troop 1630    27:54    14:08     3:05
    7  Brody Winsor             Troop 1630    28:02    14:16     3:31
    8  Ivon Jimenez         Turlock NJROTC    38:09    24:23     7:43
    9  Roney family                           38:19    24:33     6:13
   10  Trinka & Nils Gillis         BAOC      40:36    26:50     5:08
   11  Monica Slakey                          40:52    27:06    11:40  (2nd course)
   12  Jan Cisar                    BAOC      49:41    35:55    14:58  (2nd course)
   13  Madelyn & Scott              BAOC      57:04    43:18    11:12
   14  Bjorn & Linnea Widerstrom    BAOC      58:35    44:49    20:42
   15  Anushka Ladha                        1:02:21    48:35    25:34
   16  Aiden Golden             Troop 1630  1:15:29    61:43    41:35
   17  Cody Johnson             Troop 1630  1:15:31    61:45    41:52
   18  NAIK                                 1:40:32    86:46    54:02
       Analucia Beltran     Turlock NJROTC    MSP                      
       Kelsey Wright        Turlock NJROTC    MSP
       Nick Corsano                 BAOC      MSP
       Justin Cheema            Troop 1630    DNF                      
       Ravi Cheema              Troop 1630    DNF

Orange Course   (3.5 km, 155 m climb, 11 controls)  
                                                       Time      Time   
   Pl  Name                         Club      Time    Behind     Lost
    1  Emily Ellsworth                      1:04:06             12:47  
    2  Josh Goldstein                       1:04:57     0:51     5:58
    3  Henrique Miranda, Linda Tam          1:26:34    22:28     4:12
    4  Erica Reed                   BAOC    1:30:37    26:31     8:59
    5  Alex & Cali                  BAOC    1:48:51    44:45    21:21
    6  Rhonda Stieber               BAOC    1:49:28    45:22    11:44
    7  Roopa McNealis               BAOC    1:49:41    45:35    10:59
    8  Miroslav Trubelja                    1:49:51    45:45    13:18
    9  Zhenghan Lin                         1:53:16    49:10    17:11
   10  Shengye Wang                         1:55:13    51:07    19:48
   11  Julie van Hoff               BAOC    2:02:09    58:03    22:05
   12  Jeffrey Kabel                BAOC    2:08:23    64:17    21:01
   13  Ren Ng                               2:10:58    66:52    15:31
   14  John Barbagallo      Turlock NJROTC  2:55:17   111:11    38:06
   15  Landen Elliott       Turlock NJROTC  3:03:28   119:22    45:45
       Linda Folkman                          DNF                      
       Mirjana Spasojevic                     DNF
       William Barbagallo   Turlock NJROTC    DNF
       Hanxian Huang                          DNS                      

Brown Course    (2.5 km, 120 m climb, 91 controls)  
                                                       Time      Time   
   Pl  Name                         Club      Time    Behind     Lost
    1  Greg Khanlarov               BAOC      20:25              0:00  (2nd course)  
    2  Wayne Staats                 BAOC      22:16     1:51     0:41  (2nd course)
    3  Jan Cisar                    BAOC      27:21     6:56     2:03
    4  Jason Reed                   BAOC      36:14    15:49     4:54
    5  Brad Jacobs                  BAOC      43:04    22:39     8:35
    6  Jeff Lanam                   BAOC      57:11    36:46     9:22
    7  Evan Custer                  BAOC    1:20:26    60:01     9:29
    8  Edgar Rojas          Turlock NJROTC  1:21:32    61:07    39:08
    9  Julie McGinnis       Turlock NJROTC  1:35:57    75:32    47:20
   10  Rosemary Johnson             BAOC    1:41:03    80:38    24:35

Green Course    (3.6 km, 170 m climb, 14 controls)  
                                                       Time      Time   
   Pl  Name                         Club      Time    Behind     Lost
    1  Anthony Riley                DVOA      30:52              1:13  
    2  Erin Schirm                  BAOC      32:37     1:45     1:28
    3  Mikkel Conradi               BAOC      35:23     4:31     1:14
    4  François Léonard             BAOC      35:32     4:40     2:10
    5  Wayne Staats                 BAOC      39:21     8:29     2:01
    6  Graham Brew                  BAOC      39:25     8:33     2:19
    7  Julia Doubson                BAOC      39:26     8:34     1:58
    8  Greg Khanlarov               BAOC      39:30     8:38     2:09
    9  Rex Winterbottom             BAOC      43:18    12:26     2:27
   10  Briana Steven                BAOC      44:03    13:11     2:12
   11  Steve Gregg                  BAOC      45:59    15:07     2:47
   12  Tapio Karras                 BAOC      46:21    15:29     5:27
   13  Mark Sinks                   BAOC      46:55    16:03     1:57
   14  Grant Menon                            46:59    16:07     1:45  (2nd course)
   15  Nicoay Chukanov              BAOC      48:17    17:25     5:14
   16  James Roney                  BAOC      49:53    19:01     4:14
   17  Adrian & Thomas Martin                 50:13    19:21     6:36
   18  Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill      BAOC      50:16    19:24     6:22
   19  Marie-Josée Parayre          BAOC      52:41    21:49     6:15
   20  John Richardson              BAOC      55:15    24:23     8:53
   21  Weichun Fong                 BAOC      55:45    24:53     4:09
   22  Derek Maclean                BAOC      56:14    25:22     5:30
   23  Manfred Kopisch              BAOC      57:27    26:35    11:53
   24  Emily Ellsworth                        58:52    28:00    10:11  (2nd course)
   25  Deron van Hoff               BAOC      59:15    28:23     9:17
   26  Eric Rosenzweig              BAOC    1:00:08    29:16     8:24
   27  Joe Maffei                   BAOC    1:01:15    30:23     7:29
   28  Gavin Wyatt-Mair             BAOC    1:03:20    32:28     7:18
   29  Johanna Merriss              BAOC    1:09:17    38:25     4:50
   30  Stephanie Maclean            BAOC    1:10:01    39:09     6:42
   31  Chuck Spalding               BAOC    1:12:44    41:52    10:24
   32  Jan Wignall                          1:18:55    48:03    25:32
   33  Siqing Yi                    BAOC    1:51:14    80:22    20:50


DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
DNS = Did not start
MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)