Presidio of San Francisco
Date: (Sat.) Jun. 2, 2018
Location: San Francisco, CA
Event Director: - 415.456.8118
Course Setter: Greg Khanlarov
Type: C; Beginner and advanced courses; part of the BAOC 2018 Summer Series
Related Event Information
Event Announcement WinSplits Results ( RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event ( 2018 Summer Series
Event Write-Up
Over 150 participants came out on Saturday, to tour the most scenic urban National Park in the country. While the rest of the Bay Area roasted in the early summer heat, we enjoyed sunshine, light ocean breezes, and temps in the mid 60's.
Course setter Greg Khanlarov set four courses, which explored not only the less developed upper reaches, but also more technical areas east of the cemetery, with some controls all the way to the easternmost reaches of the Presidio. Starting our course from Ft. Scott allows us to design even the beginner courses to wend their way through the less crowded, more open, western half of the park. The courses were very well received, the finishing times were in the expected range, and we had very few DNFs!
One of the more unusual challenges of orienteering in the Presidio involves avoiding the many out-of-bounds areas, which are usually, though not exclusively, housing tracts. While we can run along sidewalks and streets through most of the housing areas, participants are prohibited from cutting across private lawns, yards, and garden areas. Greg did a good job of designing courses to keep people away from such areas, but some competitors were tempted to cut through such areas anyway. In the future, we need to emphasize to all participants not to enter any such areas, even if the map seems to indicate such a route is viable. Following these rules is part of our agreement with the Presidio, and we don't want to jeopardize our ability to hold events here in the future!
Our events couldn't happen without the help of many club members. Course setter Greg spent many hours planning the courses, hung all the bags the morning of the event, and picked up a fair number at the end of the day. Jay Hann as Western Race Services ran E-punch and results, and his large results screen was a big hit with all the participants.
Mary Fairchild, with her wonderful dog Maddy, Sharon Evans, and Matthias Kohler handled starts throughout the day. The finish was just steps away from the E-punch tent, so no staffing was necessary there. Gary Kraght handled registration single handedly. Brian Cilker and Trevor Pering helped with setup, while Trevor and Jeff Goodwin both gave beginner clinics. Olga Kraght and Gavin Wyatt-Mair helped out with take-down at the end of the day, and finally, Greg Khanlarov, Mark Blair, and Julia Doubsen went out and picked up controls at the end of the day, helping us to clean up and clear out by 3:30 PM.
Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed a day of fun, very scenic, orienteering.
Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, June 2, 2018
White Course Yellow Course Middle Course Long Course Summer Series Points
Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results (
You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)
White Course (2.1 km, 55 m climb, 8 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 Carlo Giovannetti 58:45 3:31 2 Digby Curtis 1:04:28 +5:43 8:41 3 David Harrison BAOC 1:04:39 +5:54 10:04 4 Pasta Batman 1:06:17 +7:32 15:04 5 Dagan 1:47:23 +48:38 39:05 Winston DNF
Yellow Course (3.0 km, 110 m climb, 10 controls) Time Pl Name(s) Club Time Behind Lost 1 Gary Kraght BAOC 35:56 2:20 2 Peter Hsia 40:09 +4:13 8:52 3 Emily Booth (2) 40:55 +4:59 3:24 4 Emily & Joy 44:59 +9:03 7:13 5 We're OK 1:15:05 +39:09 13:09 6 Michael Occiano Fairfield JROTC 1:17:58 +42:02 16:56 7 Razzle Dazzle (2) 1:23:30 +47:34 16:00 8 Monika Pitchford BAOC 1:31:46 +55:50 20:13 9 Danny Noonan 1:41:19 +65:23 21:32 10 Troop 59 Greenbrae 1:41:38 +65:42 23:12 11 Judy Koehler BAOC 2:40:31 +124:35 47:55 Colaci MSP Brooke Staats DNF Troop 59 Greenbrae DNF
Middle Course (5.0 km, 160 m climb, 16 controls) Time Pl Name(s) Club Time Behind Lost 1 Daniel Å ebo BAOC 45:30 2:28 2 Ann Marie Cody BAOC 51:47 +6:17 3:35 3 Derek Maclean BAOC 58:34 +13:04 7:40 4 Amalie Ertmann BAOC 1:00:45 +15:15 5:54 5 Carlo Giacometti BAOC 1:02:20 +16:50 5:26 6 Dennis Wildfogel BAOC 1:03:17 +17:47 7:34 7 Chuck Spalding BAOC 1:05:19 +19:49 7:29 8 Christine Brew BAOC 1:07:59 +22:29 6:49 9 Joe Sophia & Julien 1:08:56 +23:26 3:17 10 Keane Beans 1:10:22 +24:52 5:12 11 Linda Horcickova SOB 1:14:45 +29:15 14:13 12 George Minarik BAOC 1:24:34 +39:04 8:49 13 Johanna Merriss BAOC 1:24:40 +39:10 7:41 14 Matthias Kohler BAOC 1:25:11 +39:41 12:27 15 Stephanie Maclean BAOC 1:25:17 +39:47 14:37 16 Bruiser BAOC 1:25:43 +40:13 27:21 17 Teply-Kunz BAOC 1:26:44 +41:14 7:53 18 Zach Elian 1:27:04 +41:34 16:18 19 Ken Considine 1:28:34 +43:04 13:24 20 Siqing Yi, Xin Peng, Ruxin Yan BAOC 1:32:25 +46:55 8:14 21 Mark Blair BAOC 1:34:03 +48:33 6:57 22 Doug Caviness BAOC 1:41:49 +56:19 19:57 23 Team Ferguson BAOC 1:44:31 +59:01 11:51 24 Luke Gordon 1:44:43 +59:13 12:13 25 Susan Kim BAOC 1:45:09 +59:39 18:53 26 Leslie Minarik BAOC 1:53:34 +68:04 17:32 27 Hilary Hardcastle 1:54:53 +69:23 34:22 28 Smurfees 1:57:31 +72:01 30:50 29 Robert Peters BAOC 1:57:37 +72:07 18:44 30 Jamie Maclean, Ben Randall 2:03:36 +78:06 18:24 31 Steve Beuerman BAOC 2:04:35 +79:05 11:23 32 Rosemary Johnson BAOC 2:08:43 +83:13 15:07 33 Nancy Lindeman BAOC 3:20:29 +154:59 32:29 Turtle Bus BAOC MSP Brian Cilker BAOC DNF Greg Favor BAOC DNF Richard Kos DNF
Long Course (7.9 km, 270 m climb, 21 controls) Time Pl Name(s) Club Time Behind Lost 1 Riley Culberg BAOC 1:02:20 0:00 2 Tori Borish BAOC 1:10:59 +8:39 2:15 3 François Léonard BAOC 1:11:24 +9:04 8:17 4 Huon Wilson BAOC 1:13:41 +11:21 3:20 5 Jeff Goodwin BAOC 1:14:14 +11:54 5:36 6 Anastasiya Gordeeva BAOC 1:16:49 +14:29 4:07 7 Tapio Karras BAOC 1:16:53 +14:33 3:12 8 Rex Winterbottom BAOC 1:18:04 +15:44 5:20 9 Wayne Staats BAOC 1:18:51 +16:31 9:41 10 Stephen Harrison BAOC 1:20:48 +18:28 8:27 11 Takashi Sugiyama BAOC 1:23:26 +21:06 4:04 12 Zach Lyons ROC 1:26:17 +23:57 6:40 13 Petr Horcicka SOB 1:27:22 +25:02 4:41 14 Samuel Coradetti BAOC 1:29:06 +26:46 6:58 15 Lori Huberman BAOC 1:31:35 +29:15 4:11 16 Julia Doubson BAOC 1:35:26 +33:06 16:20 17 Natalie Kim BAOC 1:36:21 +34:01 7:04 18 Steve Haas BAOC 1:38:33 +36:13 6:37 19 Galen Maly 1:38:36 +36:16 20:14 20 Gavin Wyatt-Mair BAOC 1:40:31 +38:11 6:30 21 Werner Haag BAOC 1:44:30 +42:10 9:03 22 Joe Tarnow, Jonathan Wagenet BAOC 1:54:07 +51:47 7:37 23 Aviad Fuchs AOC 1:54:35 +52:15 10:12 24 Girts Linde 1:56:19 +53:59 13:20 25 Laurel Larsen BAOC 1:59:40 +57:20 31:18 26 Noah Vin 2:21:31 +79:11 8:57 27 Rob Prestezog BAOC 2:22:02 +79:42 30:36 28 Olga Kraght BAOC 2:26:08 +83:48 12:09 29 Brad & Veronica BAOC 2:26:33 +84:13 12:56 30 Grade AA BAOC 2:29:58 +87:38 41:12 31 Diyang Tang, Leah Alpert BAOC 2:31:38 +89:18 16:37 32 JP Frasca 2:41:40 +99:20 11:09 33 John Radle 2:42:19 +99:59 18:29 Brennan Smith DNF Fyodor Konkov BAOC DNF Geoffrey Sears BAOC DNF Marie-Josée Parayre BAOC DNF
Summer Series Points
The methodology of determining Summer Series points is explained here. In particular, note that group/team entries do not earn points, and 21-year-old male is assumed if we don't have your birth year ("M21" below). (Also keep in mind that BAOC membership is required [by the final event] for the Series cumulative awards [but not to earn points].)
Points for This Event
Pl Name Points 1 Riley Culberg 1000 2 Tori Borish 995 3 Tapio Karras 971 4 Francois Leonard 951 5 Takashi Sugiyama 943 6 Anastasiya Gordeeva 921 7 Daniel Sebo 899 7 Stephen Harrison 899 9 Ann Marie Cody 877 10 Steve Haas 866 11 Rex Winterbottom 856 12 Chuck Spalding 852 12 Dennis Wildfogel 852 14 Huon Wilson 847 15 Jeff Goodwin 841 16 Wayne Staats 798 17 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 790 17 Petr Horcicka 790 19 Lori Huberman 774 20 Derek Maclean 772 21 Susan Kim 761 22 Joanna Merriss 760 23 Werner Haag 754 24 Julia Doubson 749 25 Natalie Kim 737 26 Zach Lyons 723 27 Christine Brew 719 28 Sam Coradetti 717 29 Amalie Eartman 649 30 George Minarik 638 31 Carlo Giacometti 633 32 Stephanie Maclean 602 33 Matthias Kohler 580 34 Leslie Minarik 558 35 Mark Blair 540 36 Rosemary Johnson 493 37 Scott Aster 458 Event Director credit 38 Steve Beuerman 385 39 Laurel Larsen 378 40 Nancy Lindeman 371 41 Olga Kraght 358 42 Aviad Fuchs 348
Summer Series Standings
- Event abbreviations:
- DVC = Diablo Valley College, SFP = San Francisco Presidio, GGP = Golden Gate Park, JMP = Joaquin Miller Park, UCB = U.C. Berkeley, BBP = Bedwell Bayfront Park, cr = Credit for Event Director or Course Setter
Pl Name DVC SFP GGP JMP UCB BBP Total 1 Tori Borish 1000 995 1995 2 Riley Culberg 970 1000 1970 3 Tapio Karras 900 971 1871 4 Takashi Sugiyama 891 943 1834 5 Chuck Spalding 908 852 1760 6 Dennis Wildfogel 891 852 1743 7 Rex Winterbottom 876 856 1732 8 Anastasiya Gordeeva 806 921 1727 9 Daniel Šebo 818 899 1717 10 Steve Haas 707 866 1573 11 Julia Doubson 792 749 1541 12 Wayne Staats 707 798 1505 13 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 682 790 1472 14 Petr Horcicka 651 790 1441 15 Carlo Giacometti 750 633 1383 16 George Minarik 655 638 1293 17 Natalie Kim 540 737 1277 18 Mark Blair 441 540 981 19 François Léonard 0 951 951 20 Scott Aster 458 458cr 916 21 Stephen Harrison 899 899 22 Ann Marie Cody 877 877 23 Huon Wilson 847 847 24 Jeff Goodwin 841 841 25 Marie-Josée Parayre 838 0 838 25 Olga Kraght 480 358 838 27 Graham Brew 818 818 28 Lori Huberman 774 774 29 Derek Maclean 772 772 30 Susan Kim 761 761 31 Joanna Merriss 760 760 32 Eric Rosenzweig 755 755 33 Werner Haag 754 754 34 Deron van Hoff 738 738 35 Zach Lyons 723 723 36 Christine Brew 719 719 37 Bob Cooley 717 717 37 Sam Coradetti 717 717 39 Gary Kraght 678 678 40 Abdullah Mourad 634 634 41 Stephanie Maclean 602 602 42 Dan Greene 589 589 43 Matthias Kohler 580 580 44 Quincy Rosenzweig 578 578 45 Leslie Minarik 0 558 558 46 Carl Williams 556 556 47 Erika Reed 546 546 48 Davy Williams 543 543 49 Zach Elian 529 529 50 Rosemary Johnson 493 493 51 Denis Kourakin 480 480 52 Laura McKeegan 471 471 53 Emmett Howard 447 447 54 Linda Horcickova 432 432 ("M21") 55 Steve Beuerman 385 385 56 Laurel Larsen 378 378 57 Lisa Davis 372 372 58 Nancy Lindeman 371 371 59 Aviad Fuchs 348 348 60 Konkov Fyodor 0 0 0 60 Favor Greg 0 0
DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)