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Golden Gate Park

Date: (Sun.) Jun. 17, 2018
Location: San Francisco, CA
Event Director: - 510.779.8808
Course Setter: Petr Horcicka
Type: C; Beginner and advanced courses; part of the BAOC 2018 Summer Series

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Event Write-Up


Thanks to Deron van Hoff’s yeoman's effort to obtain the park permit, the Golden Gate Park summer series event was able to take place this year. And it featured quite the international lineup. Among the names at the top of the results list were a current member of the Israeli national team, a former member of the Canadian national team, and a Swede participating in his very first orienteering event in the U.S. However, since none of these folks are members of BAOC or likely to become so, the winner in the age-graded Summer Series results was François Léonard, followed closely by Dennis Wildfogel, and Takashi Sugiyama. With three events still to come, Takashi is the current leader in the Summer Series competition.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the event, in spite of the strange saga of Control #28 on the Orange course. Here is the timeline of events that transpired, to the best of my knowledge:

  1. The control was originally positioned at approximately 8:45 AM. I did this myself, and I am 100% certain it was in the correct location.
  2. After all the controls were in place, Petr Horčička (the Course Setter) unofficially ran the Orange course.
  3. Not long after the first few runners had officially started, Petr returned to the Start to inform us that control #28 was not there. Jay Hann hastily programed a replacement control.
  4. Petr went out in the field to replace the control. However, due to some suspicious characters hanging out near the somewhat secluded control location, Petr decided to replace the control about 20 meters from the correct location, in a much more open area, which all the runners would pass by on their way to the center of the circle on the map. My apologies to the confident navigators who ignored that bag because they knew it was in the wrong spot, only to find no bag at the correct location.
  5. After finishing his course, François went out to look for the missing control unit. Surprisingly enough, he found it upright, on its stand, in a location not far removed from the correct location. Did the thief have second thoughts, and put the unit back? Or was it just a random act of vandalism? Who knows?
  6. François replaced the original unit at the correct location, and for the rest of the event there were two #28 controls in the field. Runners got credit for punching either one.

I agreed to direct this event at the last minute, but it ran quite smoothly, due to the usual fine efforts of our volunteer corps. Bob Cooley printed the maps. Petr, Scott Aster, Trevor Pering, and I placed all the controls in the field early Sunday morning. Gary Kraght ran registration, with help from Vicki Woolworth at the end of the day. George Minarik ran beginner's clinics. Jay Hann took care of E-punch and results (with emergency help from Jeff Lanam​—​ask Jeff for the details!). Tapio Karras, Steve Haas, and Diyang Tang helped with control pickup. Finally, my apologies to anyone else who helped out at the event in any capacity, and whom I have failed to mention.


Golden Gate Park

San Francisco, CA
Sunday, June 17, 2018

White Course   Yellow Course   Orange Course   Summer Series Points

Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results ( (Note that the notorious control with ID 34 [#28 on Orange] yielded some odd results, since the original was pilfered and the replacement was hastily programmed and took the clock time from the laptop, whose time was about 59 seconds behind the rest of the controls.)

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)

White Course       (2.1 km, 9 controls)  
   Pl  Name(s)                     Club      Time    Behind    Lost
    1  Ida Toernqvist              BAOC      23:51             4:58  
    2  Elias Samuelsson         OK Vivill    24:19    +0:28    4:54
    3  Garrett Elise                         28:41    +4:50    5:38
    4  Maeghan (2)               Pack 453    28:43    +4:52    2:40
    5  Emily Tornqvist             BAOC      33:38    +9:47    5:16
    6  Orien Toldyaso                        36:16   +12:25    4:44
    7  Stephen & Susan Gould                 37:38   +13:47   10:41
    8  Eric Honer                            44:38   +20:47    6:11
    9  Michael Dubois                        45:50   +21:59   11:06
   10  Dagan Bar-on                          49:13   +25:22    6:29
   11  Maya & Heber                          58:30   +34:39   17:24
Yellow Course      (2.9 km, 13 controls)  
   Pl  Name(s)                     Club      Time    Behind    Lost
    1  Jason Reed                  BAOC      22:18             1:39  
    2  Emily & Sean                          25:11    +2:53    4:32
    3  Joe Sophia & Julien                   27:42    +5:24    2:50
    4  Ellen Ahlstrand          OK Vivill    34:13   +11:55    2:07
    5  Johanna Merriss             BAOC      35:09   +12:51    1:47
    6  Ola Samuelsson           OK Vivill    36:10   +13:52    3:41
    7  Camembert                             44:03   +21:45    4:28
    8  Maeghan                   Pack 453    47:37   +25:19    8:39
    9  Roy Wainshal                          47:58   +25:40    5:55
   10  Sarah Hoffman                         51:59   +29:41   11:09
   11  Maggie Chen                           55:47   +33:29   11:10
   12  Inbal Avner                Galilee  1:03:01   +40:43   19:39
   13  Digby Curtis                        1:09:17   +46:59   15:01
   14  Michael's Big Adventure             1:12:01   +49:43   15:26
   15  Seema Lindskog                      1:12:24   +50:06    9:00
   16  Yuriko Chiaki-Robb          BAOC    1:13:10   +50:52   13:06
   17  William Abela             Troop 92  1:19:41   +57:23   16:17
   18  Blumer                              1:27:30   +65:12   19:30
Orange Course      (5.3 km, 31 controls)  
   Pl  Name(s)                     Club      Time    Behind    Lost
    1  Asaf Avner                 Galilee    35:40             0:25  
    2  Frederik Persson         Domnarvets   36:20    +0:40    1:54
    3  Mike Waddington          DontGetLost  39:15    +3:35    0:00
    4  Alma Holmqvist-Johansson              40:20    +4:40    1:59
    5  François Léonard            BAOC      40:46    +5:06    2:27
    6  Hakan Johansson             IKHP      40:48    +5:08    1:31
    7  Frieda Brogen               BAOC      41:41    +6:01    2:38
    8  Andrew Petersen             BAOC      47:36   +11:56    5:56
    9  Marie-Josée Parayre         BAOC      52:31   +16:51    1:11
   10  Clara Samualsson         OK Vivill    53:30   +17:50    8:24
   11  Tapio Karras                BAOC      54:31   +18:51    9:28
   12  Takashi Sugiyama            BAOC      54:33   +18:53    2:44
   13  Dennis Wildfogel            BAOC      54:50   +19:10    3:48
   14  Uzi Avner                  Galilee    57:49   +22:09   10:29
   15  Werner Haag                 BAOC    1:01:12   +25:32    8:08
   16  Matthew Blain               BAOC    1:02:40   +27:00    5:05
   17  Albin Samualsson         OK Vivill  1:04:27   +28:47   14:24
   18  Steve Haas                  BAOC    1:05:02   +29:22    8:13
   19  Matthias Kohler             BAOC    1:06:49   +31:09    1:54
   20  Colin Casler                        1:07:06   +31:26   12:16
   21  Gavin Wyatt-Mair            BAOC    1:07:37   +31:57   43:12
   22  Chuck Spalding              BAOC    1:08:11   +32:31    7:34
   23  Siqing, Ruxin, & Xuqi       BAOC    1:10:06   +34:26    8:39
   24  Gary Kraght                 BAOC    1:13:28   +37:48    6:30
   25  Vicki Woolworth             BAOC    1:19:13   +43:33   10:04
   26  Rich Parker                 BAOC    1:20:10   +44:30    7:44
   27  Daniel Tarnnow                      1:22:08   +46:28    5:55
   28  Peter Hsia                          1:24:15   +48:35   18:44
   29  Laurel Larsen               BAOC    1:25:15   +49:35   16:43
   30  Roy Want                    BAOC    1:26:50   +51:10   13:37
   31  Evan Custer                 BAOC    1:27:38   +51:58    5:44
   32  Scott Aster                 BAOC    1:27:54   +52:14    4:24
   33  Nicholas Corsano            BAOC    1:28:00   +52:20   15:48
   34  George Minarik              BAOC    1:32:06   +56:26    4:35
   35  Olga Kraght                 BAOC    1:34:04   +58:24   26:00
   36  Diyang Tang                 BAOC    1:48:52   +73:12   24:21
   37  Emily English, Joe Tarnow   BAOC    1:52:05   +76:25   14:21
   38  Erika Reed                  BAOC    2:08:16   +92:36   52:59
   39  Spartan family                      2:22:04  +106:24   40:55
   40  Nancy Lindeman              BAOC    3:15:48  +160:08   32:30
       Brian Ho                    BAOC      DNF  
       Hilda Holmqvist-Johansson   IKHP      DNF
       Jeff Goodwin                BAOC      DNF
       Linda Horčičkova            SOB       DNF
Summer Series Points   

The methodology of determining Summer Series points is explained here. In particular, note that group/team entries do not earn points, and 21-year-old male is assumed if we don't have your birth year ("M21" below). (Also keep in mind that BAOC membership is required [by the final event] for the Series cumulative awards [but not to earn points].)

Points for This Event
  Pl  Name                 Points
   1  François Léonard      1000  
   2  Dennis Wildfogel       939
   3  Takashi Sugiyama       869
   4  Marie-Josée Parayre    858
   5  Tapio Karras           823
   6  Petr Horčička          790  Course Setter credit
   6  Steve Haas             790
   8  Werner Haag            773
   8  Chuck Spalding         773
  10  Rich Parker            714
  11  Gavin Wyatt-Mair       707
  12  Matthias Kohler        703
  13  Vicky Woolworth        679
  14  Gary Kraght            651
  15  Evan Custer            645
  16  Nick Corsano           576
  17  George Minarik         557
  18  Olga Kraght            530
  19  Laurel Larsen          503
  20  Scott Aster            500
  21  Nancy Lindeman         360
  22  Erika Reed             341
  23  Jeff Goodwin             0
  23  Linda Horčičkova         0
Summer Series Standings  
Event abbreviations: 
DVC = Diablo Valley College, SFP = San Francisco Presidio, GGP = Golden Gate Park, JMP = Joaquin Miller Park, UCB = U.C. Berkeley, BBP = Bedwell Bayfront Park, cr = Credit for Event Director or Course Setter
  Pl  Name                   DVC    SFP    GGP    JMP    UCB    BBP    Total
   1  Takashi Sugiyama       891    943    869                          2703  
   2  Tapio Karras           900    971    823                          2694
   3  Dennis Wildfogel       891    852    939                          2682
   4  Chuck Spalding         908    852    773                          2533
   5  Steve Haas             707    866    790                          2363
   6  Petr Horčička          651    790    790cr                        2231
   7  Gavin Wyatt-Mair       682    790    707                          2179
   8  Tori Borish           1000    995                                 1995
   9  Riley Culberg          970   1000                                 1970
  10  François Léonard         0    951   1000                          1951
  11  George Minarik         655    638    557                          1850
  12  Rex Winterbottom       876    856                                 1732
  13  Anastasiya Gordeeva    806    921                                 1727
  14  Daniel Å ebo            818    899                                 1717
  15  Marie-Josée Parayre    838      0    858                          1696
  16  Julia Doubson          792    749                                 1541
  17  Werner Haag                   754    773                          1527
  18  Wayne Staats           707    798                                 1505
  19  Scott Aster            458    500cr  500                          1458
  20  Carlo Giacometti       750    633                                 1383
  21  Olga Kraght            480    358    530                          1368
  22  Gary Kraght            678           651                          1329
  23  Matthias Kohler               580    703                          1283
  24  Natalie Kim            540    737                                 1277
  25  Mark Blair             441    540                                  981
  26  Stephen Harrison              899                                  899
  27  Erika Reed             546           341                           887
  28  Laurel Larsen                 378    503                           881
  29  Ann Marie Cody                877                                  877
  30  Huon Wilson                   847                                  847
  31  Jeff Goodwin                  841      0                           841
  32  Graham Brew            818                                         818
  33  Lori Huberman                 774                                  774
  34  Derek Maclean                 772                                  772
  35  Susan Kim                     761                                  761
  36  Joanna Merriss                760                                  760
  37  Eric Rosenzweig        755                                         755
  38  Deron van Hoff         738                                         738
  39  Nancy Lindeman                371    360                           731
  40  Zach Lyons                    723                                  723
  41  Christine Brew                719                                  719
  42  Bob Cooley             717                                         717
  42  Sam Coradetti                 717                                  717
  44  Rich Parker                          714                           714
  45  Vicky Woolworth                      679                           679
  46  Amalie Eartman                649                                  649 ("M21")
  47  Evan Custer                          645                           645
  48  Abdullah Mourad        634                                         634
  49  Stephanie Maclean             602                                  602
  50  Dan Greene             589                                         589
  51  Quincy Rosenzweig      578                                         578
  52  Nick Corsano                         576                           576
  53  Leslie Minarik                558                                  558
  54  Carl Williams          556                                         556
  55  Davy Williams          543                                         543
  56  Zach Elian             529                                         529
  57  Rosemary Johnson              493                                  493
  58  Denis Kourakin         480                                         480
  59  Laura McKeegan         471                                         471
  60  Emmett Howard          447                                         447
  61  Linda Horčičkova       432             0                           432 ("M21")
  62  Steve Beuerman                385                                  385
  63  Lisa Davis             372                                         372
  64  Aviad Fuchs                   348                                  348
  65  Konkov Fyodor            0      0                                    0
  65  Favor Greg                      0                                    0


DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)