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Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline

Date: (Sun.) Jan. 25, 2015
Location: San Leandro, CA
Event Director: - 510.407.1876
Course Setter: Steve Beuerman
Type: C; Beginner courses and Prologue-Chase Sprint

Skip to the Results

Event Write-Up


Ideal weather and a great group of people made for a fun event at Oyster Bay. Over 120 people showed up for White, Yellow, and Prologue and Chase Sprint courses set by Steve Beuerman.

While the original intent was to base the start times of the Chase on the results of the Prologue, a glitch in the Check control made this list difficult for the E-punch crew to set up. So we opted for a modified Chase start at 15-second intervals based on the Prologue times from control #1 to the Finish. Many thanks to all who took part in brainstorming and opinionating, as well as for waiting for the executive decision. Thanks to the E-punch crew for doing their best to troubleshoot the problem, and also to Stephan Granger Bevan for coming up with the ordering system and implementing it. I truly hope our solution preserved the spirit of the format, if not the details. I'd also like to thank those who gave up their Prologue maps when we found my attendance estimate was a bit low.

Once the Sprint results were totaled up, Erin Schirm came in first, almost caught by Matej Šebo, followed closely by François Léonard and Rex Winterbottom. The top female finishers were Marcy Beard, Julia Doubson, and Marie-Josée Parayre in close succession. It was good to see more than a few juniors participating in the Sprint, and entering respectable times. We also saw strong junior participation on the White and Yellow courses, as well as in the Junior Clinic.

Many thanks go to a diligent crew (my apologies to anybody I've missed):

Lost & Found

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Here are some photos from the Chase (click on each photo to see it full size).

Chase explained
Chase explained

Chase explained
Chase explained

Chase starters
Chase starters

Chase finishers
Chase finishers


Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline

San Leandro, CA
Sunday, January 25, 2015

White Course   Yellow Course   Prologue Course   Chase Course   Prologue + Chase

Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results for the White, Yellow, and Prologue courses ( and for the Chase course (

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget. (Use of RouteGadget is explained here. RouteGadget for the White, Yellow, and Prologue courses is here ( and for the Chase course is here (

Note that the RouteGadget animation shows the Chase ( as an independent race by default. To run the Chase as it really happened, with competitors starting at 15-second intervals based on their Prologue result, you need to click off the "Mass start" checkbox next to the "View animation" button.

White Course    (1.7 km, 20 m climb, 14 controls)
  Pl  Name(s)                       Time
   1  Tamara McBride                18:00   
   2  Adrienne Bowden               19:55
   3  Greg Mandler                  21:51
   4  Barbara Robbins               25:16
   5  Charlet Gilbert               27:19
   6  Familly Kelso                 30:58
   7  Cayden, Torin O'Brien         35:51
   8  Melly & Toren Duffin          39:44
   9  Aditya Melkote                56:21
      Natalia Lukomski              DNF

Yellow Course   (2.1 km, 30 m climb, 11 controls)
  Pl  Name(s)                       Time
   1  Cornelia Coolen               15:47   
   2  Tatiana Fedyk                 27:51
   3  Leander Coolen                29:47
   4  Hannah Kopisch                31:48
   5  Sasha Barish                  33:31
   6  Alexandria & Stephen          34:19
   7  Zach Subin                    35:24
   8  Olga & Misha Kolomensky       38:38
   9  Terry & Steve Englehart       39:49
  10  Family Karpelevitch           39:57
  11  Greg Mandler                  40:44
  12  Jamie Maclean                 42:02
  13  Vaughn Gunkelman              43:51
  14  Judith Barish                 45:00
  15  Raphael Walker                46:25
  16  Natalie & Cass Pelayo         46:46
  17  Karoline Blendstrup           48:18
  18  Bea & Matthew Casson          49:12
  19  Courtemanche                  54:01
  20  Thomas & Lucas Leonard        57:26
  21  Alex & Philip Solomatakov   1:02:34
  22  Maggie Chen                 1:02:43
  23  Peter McDonald              1:04:57
  24  Nathan & Maria Tisdale      1:08:14
  25  Barbara Robbins             1:10:16
  26  Isabel Souto                1:10:54
  27  Huiyun Sun                  1:15:33
      JR Mintz                      MSP

Prologue Course   (2.6 km, 40 m climb, 10 controls)
  Pl  Name(s)                       Time
   1  Erin Schirm                   15:15   
   2  Mark Prior                    15:26
   3  Stephen Granger-Bevan         15:39
   4  Francois Leonard              16:02
   5  Matej Å ebo                    16:07
   6  Zoltan Sziladi                16:18
   7  Rex Winterbottom              17:05
   8  John Beard                    18:53
   9  Kenneth Olsson                19:20
  10  Steve Gregg                   19:29
  11  Tapio Karras                  20:00
  12  Graham Brew                   20:38
  13  Cornelia Coolen               20:39
  14  Russell Porter                21:10
  15  Sandra Karnagel               21:15
  16  Stephen Harrison              21:16
  17  Julia Doubsen                 21:25
  18  David Harrison                21:53
  19  Joseph & Benjamin             21:55
  20  Marcy Beard                   22:52
  21  Lubomir Å ebo                  23:11
  22  Marie-Josee Parayre           23:17
  23  Damian Swift                  23:26
  24  Andy Cretcher                 23:42
  25  Greg Ehrensing                23:59
  26  Christine Brew                24:36
  27  Gian Coolen                   24:39
  28  Gary Kraght                   24:44
  29  Daniel Å ebo                   24:51
  30  Jason Reed                    24:55
  30  Steve Haas                    24:55
  32  Ann Marie Cody                25:40
  33  Shura Krechetov               25:50
  34  Kim Vanberkel                 25:56
  35  Fillan Swift                  26:15
  36  Rory Maclean                  26:21
  37  Kipley Fiebig                 26:24
  38  Gavin Wyatt-Mair              26:27
  39  Johanna Karras                26:51
  40  Olga Kraght                   26:52
  41  Maile Thompson                26:53
  42  Evan Custer                   28:07
  43  Tony Pinkham                  28:45
  44  Stephanie Maclean             28:53
  45  Derek Maclean                 28:55
  46  Katie Petersen                28:59
  47  Bob Cooley                    29:26
  48  Fyodor Konkov                 30:37
  49  Johanna Merriss               31:25
  50  Janet Petersen                31:55
  51  Ryan Wu, Ashwin Vaidyanathan  34:34
  52  Davy Williams                 35:24
  53  Jay Hann                      37:01
  54  Manfred Kopisch               37:10
  55  Jonathan, Arnaud, & Zi        38:18
  56  Sara Wegner                   39:58
  57  Stan Barrett                  41:05
  58  Leslie Rogers                 41:53
  59  Justin Bakal                  43:38
  60  Leslie Minarik                44:01
  61  Tobias & Tristan Sunshine     46:19
  62  John Marold                   48:25
  63  Jeff Lanam                    48:35
  64  Susan Kim                     48:44
  65  Greg Mandler                  51:14
  66  Masha Konkov                  51:22
  67  Leta Eydelberg                56:57
  68  Nancy Lindeman                59:59
  69  Team Bradley                1:19:26
  70  Matias & Isaac              1:19:27
  71  Judy Koehler                1:38:59
  72  Peter Graube & Cathy        1:53:27
      George Minarik                DNF

Chase Course   (3.8 km, 50 m climb, 14 controls)
  Pl  Name                          Time
   1  Matej Å ebo                    20:58   
   2  Rex Winterbottom              21:26
   3  Erin Schirm                   21:33
   4  Francois Leonard              22:08
   5  Tapio Karras                  23:08
   6  Mark Prior                    23:28
   7  Graham Brew                   23:38
   8  Zoltan Sziladi                23:50
   9  Stephen Granger-Bevan         23:55
  10  John Beard                    24:24
  11  Stephen Harrison              26:06
  12  Fillan Swift                  26:15
  13  Lubomir Å ebo                  26:37
  14  Marcy Beard                   27:06
  15  David Harrison                27:51
  16  Steve Gregg                   27:55
  17  Kim Vanberkel                 28:22
  18  Marie-Josee Parayre           29:16
  19  Jason Reed                    29:21
  20  Kipley Fiebig                 29:55
  21  Damian Swift                  30:11
  22  Julia Doubsen                 30:23
  23  Ann Marie Cody                30:57
  24  Derek Maclean                 31:00
  25  Steve Haas                    31:08
  26  Katie Petersen                32:09
  27  Stephanie Maclean             32:38
  28  Gavin Wyatt-Mair              33:05
  29  Daniel Å ebo                   33:07
  30  Tony Pinkham                  33:22
  31  Christine Brew                33:56
  32  Andy Cretcher                 34:47
  33  Greg Ehrensing                35:13
  34  Gian Coolen                   35:18
  35  Leslie Rogers                 38:08
  36  Fyodor Konkov                 40:31
  37  Davy Williams                 41:12
  38  Manfred Kopisch               41:33
  39  Justin Bakal                  48:59
  40  George Minarik                57:18
  41  Leslie Minarik              1:03:32

Prologue and Chase
  Pl  Name                    Prologue    Chase      Total
   1  Erin Schirm              15:15      21:33      36:48   
   2  Matej Å ebo               16:07      20:58      37:05
   3  François Léonard         16:02      22:08      38:10
   4  Rex Winterbottom         17:05      21:26      38:31
   5  Mark Prior               15:26      23:28      38:54
   6  Stephen Granger-Bevan    15:39      23:55      39:34
   7  Zoltan Sziladi           16:18      23:50      40:08
   8  Tapio Karras             20:00      23:08      43:08
   9  John Beard               18:53      24:24      43:17
  10  Graham Brew              20:38      23:38      44:16
  11  Stephen Harrison         21:16      26:06      47:22
  12  Steve Gregg              19:29      27:55      47:24
  13  David Harrison           21:53      27:51      49:44
  14  Lubomir Å ebo             23:11      26:37      49:48
  15  Marcy Beard              22:52      27:06      49:58
  16  Julia Doubsen            21:25      30:23      51:48
  17  Fillan Swift             26:15      26:15      52:30
  18  Marie-Josée Parayre      23:17      29:16      52:33
  19  Damian Swift             23:26      30:11      53:37
  20  Jason Reed               24:55      29:21      54:16
  21  Kim Vanberkel            25:56      28:22      54:18
  22  Steve Haas               24:55      31:08      56:03
  23  Kipley Fiebig            26:24      29:55      56:19
  24  Ann Marie Cody           25:40      30:57      56:37
  25  Daniel Å ebo              24:51      33:07      57:58
  26  Andy Cretcher            23:42      34:47      58:29
  27  Christine Brew           24:36      33:56      58:32
  28  Greg Ehrensing           23:59      35:13      59:12
  29  Gavin Wyatt-Mair         26:27      33:05      59:32
  30  Derek Maclean            28:55      31:00      59:55
  31  Gian Coolen              24:39      35:18      59:57
  32  Katie Petersen           28:59      32:09    1:01:08
  33  Stephanie Maclean        28:53      32:38    1:01:31
  34  Tony Pinkham             28:45      33:22    1:02:07
  35  Fyodor Konkov            30:37      40:31    1:11:08
  36  Davy Williams            35:24      41:12    1:16:36
  37  Manfred Kopisch          37:10      41:33    1:18:43
  38  Leslie Rogers            41:53      38:08    1:20:01
  39  Justin Bakal             43:38      48:59    1:32:37
  40  Leslie Minarik           44:01    1:03:32    1:47:33
      George Minarik            DNF       57:18


DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)