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Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park

Date: (Sun.) May. 4, 2014
Location: Gilroy, CA
Event Director: - 831.439.9822
Course Setters: Lubomir Šebo, Matej Šebo
Type: B; Standard 7-course event, with courses for beginners through advanced — Note: Do not go to the "Harvey Bear Park" entrance!

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Event Write-Up


Over 120 participants came to run on "the best map I've been on!" as exclaimed by Christine Brew after her run. Matej Å ebo set seven excellent courses, plus offered a free Line-O course for extra training. The weather was lovely for running​—​not too hot, with a strong breeze/gusts of wind. Great views of the lake, valley, and surrounding hillsides were witnessed by many. We had visitors from as far away as Sweden, and newcomers who vow that they are now "hooked!"

On the White course, Anastasia Kurakina and Velvet Klee vied closely for the first-place honor. Will and John Fitch, a father and son team brand new to the sport, took first place on the Yellow course, just edging out the team of Julia Doubson and Santana Solorzano. Junior Daniel Å ebo handily won the Orange course, almost five minutes ahead of Jason Reed.

Dennis Wildfogel was in top form, taking first place on Brown by almost eight minutes over Chuck Spalding. Tapio Karras handily won the Green course by 15 minutes ahead of a fierce competition for second among Werner Haag, Travis Parker, Derek Maclean, and Matthias Kohler​—​all within 2½ minutes of each other. Junior Gavin Williams placed first on the Red course, followed by Greg Khanlarov. First and second on the Blue course were Mark Prior and Zoltan Foley-Fisher.

This event would not have been the success it was without the generous help from the following people:

Matej and Lubomir Å ebo – for creation of the map, the courses, setting and pickup up controls!
Monika and Daniel Å ebo – starts, epunch, and pitching in wherever and whenever needed!
Steve Haas – registration, set-up, take down, control pickup​—​a little bit of everything!
Werner Haag and Dan Greene – Beginner Clinics and setting a great tone for the event!
Jeff Lanam, Matthias Kohler, Rosemary Johnson, and Evan Custer – ePunch​—​seemless, as usual!
Chico Hernandez – setup, W/Y/O starts, and a can-do attitude!
Graham and Christine Brew, Wesley Erck, Peter Graube, Theo Verhoeven, Misha Kreslavsky, and Steve Haas – control pickup!
Daniel Engovatov – course vetting!
Vladimir Gusiatnikov – walkie talkie loan, including getting them to me!
Greg Ehrensing – equipment hand-off (driving to Redwood City to meet me)!
Rex Winterbottom – for finding this park, and always being available to answer questions!
Bob Cooley – printing maps, providing map cases, printing and cutting the control descriptions, and mailing everything to the Å ebo's!
Werner Haag and Trinka Gillis – cleaning the Fremont storage locker, and labeling everything!
Ranger Doug Allen, Carrie Grisenti, and all the Park Staff – who made this such an easy and friendly place to hold an event!
Dan Vannatter – shuttle driver, and best husband, ever!!
Brian Kimball, Nick Corsano, and Werner Haag – lucky horseshoes!

Lost and Found

A pair of binoculars was left on one of the picnic tables at the event. Please contact if they are yours, or if you know whose they might be. Thanks!


Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park

Gilroy, CA
Sunday, May 4, 2014

White Course   Yellow Course   Orange Course   Brown Course   Green Course   Red Course   Blue Course
Line-O Course

Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results (

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget. (Use of RouteGadget is explained here. RouteGadget for this event is here (

White Course    (2.6 km, 75 m climb, 12 controls)
  Pl  Name(s)                             Time
   1  Anastasia Kurakina                1:06:06
   2  Velvet Klee                       1:07:28
   3  Katie Wilson, Litzy Partida       1:09:14
   4  Michelle  &  Jenny                1:14:35
   5  Diane Hall                        1:15:45
   6  Hung-Tam Yie                      1:23:20  (estimated Finish)
   7  Candice Masters                   1:32:42

Yellow Course   (3.6 km, 115 m climb, 15 controls)
  Pl  Name(s) (Club)                      Time
   1  Will & John Fitch                 1:05:53
   2  Julia Doubson, Santana Solorzano  1:07:55
   3  Ed Wirth, Jen Grafe               1:08:50
   4  David Galbreath                   1:16:53
   5  Aivo Krilovs                      1:24:07
   6  Adriana Jergusova                 1:24:12
   7  Francoise Foley-Fisher            1:30:50
   8  Misha Iakovlev                    1:34:36
   9  Michele Conway, Ben, & Dan        1:41:40
  10  Callejas                          1:47:53
  11  Kevin Chang                       2:01:21
  12  Yalei, Amy, Aden, & Gordy Sun     2:04:23
      Jamie Maclean (COOL)                DNF
      pvd                                 DNF
      Svetlana Gurenkova                  DNF
      Min Zhang, Jue Qian                 DNF

Orange Course   (4.4 km, 195 m climb, 16 controls)
  Pl  Name(s) (Club)                      Time
   1  Daniel Å ebo                         54:55
   2  Jason Reed                          59:14
   3  Denis Kourakin                      59:27
   4  Henrique Miranda, Sarah Syed,
       Susanna Wise                     1:09:59
   5  Rory Maclean                      1:14:30
   6  Simon Sanchez                     1:28:07
   7  Masha Konkov (COOL)               1:47:00
   8  Sarah Petersen                    1:49:18
   9  Bill Murphy                       1:51:24
  10  Sarah Wegner                      2:02:28
  11  Sasha Iakovlev                    2:02:51
  12  Kevin Walker                      2:19:09
  13  Jim & Priscilla Fish              2:25:13

Brown Course    (4.6 km, 170 m climb, 18 controls)
  Pl  Name(s) (Club)                      Time
   1  Dennis Wildfogel                    53:56
   2  Chuck Spalding                    1:01:40
   3  Kjell Holmberg                    1:02:23
   4  Vladimir Gusiatnikov, Beatrice
       Schreibstein                     1:02:59
   5  Dan Greene                        1:11:02
   6  Steve Haas                        1:11:43
   7  Katie Petersen                    1:13:21
   8  Evan Custer                       1:15:02
   9  Rich Parker (SDO)                 1:16:42
  10  Janet Petersen                    1:20:01
  11  Krists Krilovs                    1:23:33
  12  Dace Krilova                      1:29:40
  13  Jeff Lanam                        1:33:09
  14  Shura Kretchetov                  1:43:54
  15  Alan Glendinning, Meg Gerstner    1:45:15
  16  Wes Erck                          1:45:34
  17  Rosemary Johnson                  2:27:12
  18  Lena Eydelberg                    2:36:59

Green Course    (6.1 km, 290 m climb, 20 controls)
  Pl  Name                                Time
   1  Tapio Karras                        56:20
   2  Werner Haag                       1:11:32
   3  Travis Parker                     1:12:54
   4  Derek Maclean                     1:13:01
   5  Matthias Kohler                   1:13:52
   6  Kent Ohlund                       1:16:21
   7  Greg Ehrensing                    1:21:35
   8  Alexander Brunette                1:22:27
   9  Marie-Josée Parayre               1:22:31
  10  Christine Brew                    1:34:17
  11  Mark Petersen                     1:37:02
  12  Stefan Petersson                  1:40:32
  13  Virginia DeBons                   1:45:36
  14  Phillip Hoare                     1:46:01
  15  Frederick Lee                     1:58:57
  16  Johanna Merriss                   2:19:24
  17  Judy & Tom Cronin                 3:17:38
      Cornelia Coolen                     DNF
      Lori Huberman                       DNF

Red Course      (7.8 km, 375 m climb, 22 controls)
  Pl  Name                                Time
   1  Gavin Williams                    1:22:46
   2  Greg Khanlarov                    1:34:35
   3  Graham Brew                       1:38:28
   4  Stephen Harrison                  1:38:55
   5  Theo Verhoeven                    2:04:51
   6  Fyodor Konkov                     2:11:53
      Steven Granger-Bevan                DNF

Blue Course     (9.5 km, 450 m climb, 28 controls)
  Pl  Name                                Time
   1  Mark Prior                        1:29:14
   2  Zoltan Foley-Fisher               1:39:03
   3  Misha Krislavsky                  1:46:25
   4  Rex Winterbottom                  1:59:33
   5  Greg Favor                        2:11:07
   6  Peter Graube                      2:32:35

Line-O Course   (~2.2 km, 90 m climb, 6 controls)

The following people successfully completed the mission and found all six Line-O controls (listed in approximate order of start time):

   Julia Doubson & Santana Solorzano
   Daniel Å ebo
   Fyodor Konkov
   Janet Petersen
   Theo Verhoeven
   Chuck Spalding
   Mark Petersen
   Katie Petersen
   Werner Haag
   Misha Kreslavsky
   Virginia DeBons


DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)